/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "common.h" #include "git2/zlib.h" #include "git2/object.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "hash.h" #include "odb.h" #include "delta-apply.h" #include "git2/odb_backend.h" #define GIT_ALTERNATES_FILE "info/alternates" /* TODO: is this correct? */ #define GIT_LOOSE_PRIORITY 2 #define GIT_PACKED_PRIORITY 1 typedef struct { git_odb_backend *backend; int priority; int is_alternate; } backend_internal; static int format_object_header(char *hdr, size_t n, git_rawobj *obj) { const char *type_str = git_object_type2string(obj->type); int len = snprintf(hdr, n, "%s %"PRIuZ, type_str, obj->len); assert(len > 0); /* otherwise snprintf() is broken */ assert(((size_t) len) < n); /* otherwise the caller is broken! */ if (len < 0 || ((size_t) len) >= n) return GIT_ERROR; return len+1; } int git_odb__hash_obj(git_oid *id, char *hdr, size_t n, int *len, git_rawobj *obj) { git_buf_vec vec[2]; int hdrlen; assert(id && hdr && len && obj); if (!git_object_typeisloose(obj->type)) return GIT_ERROR; if (!obj->data && obj->len != 0) return GIT_ERROR; if ((hdrlen = format_object_header(hdr, n, obj)) < 0) return GIT_ERROR; *len = hdrlen; vec[0].data = hdr; vec[0].len = hdrlen; vec[1].data = obj->data; vec[1].len = obj->len; git_hash_vec(id, vec, 2); return GIT_SUCCESS; } void git_rawobj_close(git_rawobj *obj) { free(obj->data); obj->data = NULL; } int git_rawobj_hash(git_oid *id, git_rawobj *obj) { char hdr[64]; int hdrlen; assert(id && obj); return git_odb__hash_obj(id, hdr, sizeof(hdr), &hdrlen, obj); } int git_odb__inflate_buffer(void *in, size_t inlen, void *out, size_t outlen) { z_stream zs; int status = Z_OK; memset(&zs, 0x0, sizeof(zs)); zs.next_out = out; zs.avail_out = outlen; zs.next_in = in; zs.avail_in = inlen; if (inflateInit(&zs) < Z_OK) return GIT_ERROR; while (status == Z_OK) status = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(&zs); if ((status != Z_STREAM_END) /*|| (zs.avail_in != 0) */) return GIT_ERROR; if (zs.total_out != outlen) return GIT_ERROR; return GIT_SUCCESS; } /*********************************************************** * * OBJECT DATABASE PUBLIC API * * Public calls for the ODB functionality * ***********************************************************/ int backend_sort_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const backend_internal *backend_a = *(const backend_internal **)(a); const backend_internal *backend_b = *(const backend_internal **)(b); if (backend_a->is_alternate == backend_b->is_alternate) return (backend_b->priority - backend_a->priority); return backend_a->is_alternate ? 1 : -1; } int git_odb_new(git_odb **out) { git_odb *db = git__calloc(1, sizeof(*db)); if (!db) return GIT_ENOMEM; if (git_vector_init(&db->backends, 4, backend_sort_cmp) < 0) { free(db); return GIT_ENOMEM; } *out = db; return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int add_backend_internal(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority, int is_alternate) { backend_internal *internal; assert(odb && backend); if (backend->odb != NULL && backend->odb != odb) return GIT_EBUSY; internal = git__malloc(sizeof(backend_internal)); if (internal == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; internal->backend = backend; internal->priority = priority; internal->is_alternate = is_alternate; if (git_vector_insert(&odb->backends, internal) < 0) { free(internal); return GIT_ENOMEM; } git_vector_sort(&odb->backends); internal->backend->odb = odb; return GIT_SUCCESS; } int git_odb_add_backend(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority) { return add_backend_internal(odb, backend, priority, 0); } int git_odb_add_alternate(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority) { return add_backend_internal(odb, backend, priority, 1); } static int add_default_backends(git_odb *db, const char *objects_dir, int as_alternates) { git_odb_backend *loose, *packed; int error; /* add the loose object backend */ error = git_odb_backend_loose(&loose, objects_dir); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; error = add_backend_internal(db, loose, GIT_LOOSE_PRIORITY, as_alternates); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; /* add the packed file backend */ error = git_odb_backend_pack(&packed, objects_dir); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; error = add_backend_internal(db, packed, GIT_PACKED_PRIORITY, as_alternates); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int load_alternates(git_odb *odb, const char *objects_dir) { char alternates_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; char alternate[GIT_PATH_MAX]; char *buffer; gitfo_buf alternates_buf = GITFO_BUF_INIT; int error; git__joinpath(alternates_path, objects_dir, GIT_ALTERNATES_FILE); if (gitfo_exists(alternates_path) < GIT_SUCCESS) return GIT_SUCCESS; if (gitfo_read_file(&alternates_buf, alternates_path) < GIT_SUCCESS) return GIT_EOSERR; buffer = (char *)alternates_buf.data; error = GIT_SUCCESS; /* add each alternate as a new backend; one alternate per line */ while ((error == GIT_SUCCESS) && (buffer = git__strtok(alternate, buffer, "\r\n")) != NULL) error = add_default_backends(odb, alternate, 1); gitfo_free_buf(&alternates_buf); return error; } int git_odb_open(git_odb **out, const char *objects_dir) { git_odb *db; int error; assert(out && objects_dir); *out = NULL; if ((error = git_odb_new(&db)) < 0) return error; if ((error = add_default_backends(db, objects_dir, 0)) < GIT_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; if ((error = load_alternates(db, objects_dir)) < GIT_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; *out = db; return GIT_SUCCESS; cleanup: git_odb_close(db); return error; } void git_odb_close(git_odb *db) { unsigned int i; if (db == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *backend = internal->backend; if (backend->free) backend->free(backend); else free(backend); free(internal); } git_vector_free(&db->backends); free(db); } int git_odb_exists(git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { unsigned int i; int found = 0; assert(db && id); for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && !found; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (b->exists != NULL) found = b->exists(b, id); } return found; } int git_odb_read_header(git_rawobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { unsigned int i; int error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; assert(out && db && id); for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (b->read_header != NULL) error = b->read_header(out, b, id); } /* * no backend could read only the header. * try reading the whole object and freeing the contents */ if (error < 0) { error = git_odb_read(out, db, id); git_rawobj_close(out); } return error; } int git_odb_read(git_rawobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { unsigned int i; int error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; assert(out && db && id); for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (b->read != NULL) error = b->read(out, b, id); } return error; } int git_odb_write(git_oid *id, git_odb *db, git_rawobj *obj) { unsigned int i; int error = GIT_ERROR; assert(obj && db && id); for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; /* we don't write in alternates! */ if (internal->is_alternate) continue; if (b->write != NULL) error = b->write(id, b, obj); } return error; }