{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, PatternGuards #-} {- Improve the structure of code yes x y = if a then b else if c then d else e -- yes x y ; | a = b ; | c = d ; | otherwise = e no x y = if a then b else c yes x = case x of {True -> a ; False -> b} -- if x then a else b yes x = case x of {False -> a ; _ -> b} -- if x then b else a foo b | c <- f b = c -- foo (f -> c) = c foo x y b z | c:cs <- f g b = c -- foo x y (f g -> c:cs) z = c foo b | c <- f b = c + b foo b | c <- f b = c where f = here foo b | c <- f b = c where foo = b foo b | c <- f b = c \ | c <- f b = c -} module Hint.Structure where import HSE.All import Type import Util import Data.List import Data.Maybe structureHint :: DeclHint structureHint _ _ x = concat [concatMap useGuards xs | FunBind xs <- [x]] ++ concatMap useIf (universeExp nullSrcLoc x) useGuards :: Match -> [Idea] useGuards x@(Match a b c d (UnGuardedRhs bod) e) | length guards > 2 = [warn "Use guards" a x x2] where guards = asGuards bod x2 = Match a b c d (GuardedRhss guards) e useGuards o@(Match sl b pats d (GuardedRhss [GuardedRhs _ [Generator _ pat (App op (Var (UnQual p)))] bod]) (BDecls decs)) | Just i <- findIndex (== PVar p) pats , p `notElem` (vr bod ++ vr decs) , vr op `disjoint` decsBind, pvr pats `disjoint` vr op, pvr pat `disjoint` pvr pats = [warn "Use view patterns" sl o $ Match sl b (take i pats ++ [PParen $ PViewPat op pat] ++ drop (i+1) pats) d (UnGuardedRhs bod) (BDecls decs)] where decsBind = nub $ concatMap declBind decs vr x = [y | Var (UnQual y) <- universeBi x] pvr x = [y | PVar y <- universeBi x] useGuards _ = [] asGuards :: Exp -> [GuardedRhs] asGuards (Paren x) = asGuards x asGuards (If a b c) = GuardedRhs nullSrcLoc [Qualifier a] b : asGuards c asGuards x = [GuardedRhs nullSrcLoc [Qualifier $ toNamed "otherwise"] x] useIf :: (SrcLoc,Exp) -> [Idea] useIf (loc,x@(Case on [simpAlt -> Just (as,av), simpAlt -> Just (bs,bv)])) | as == "True" && bs `elem` ["False","_"] = iff av bv | as == "False" && bs `elem` ["True" ,"_"] = iff bv av where iff t f = [warn "Use if" loc x (If on t f)] useIf _ = [] simpAlt (Alt _ p (UnGuardedAlt x) (BDecls [])) = Just (prettyPrint p, x) simpAlt _ = Nothing