{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields -fno-cse -O0 #-}

module CmdLine(Cmd(..), cmdCpp, CppFlags(..), getCmd, cmdExtensions, cmdHintFiles, cmdUseColour, exitWithHelp, resolveFile) where

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Console.ANSI(hSupportsANSI)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit(helpText, HelpFormat(..))
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs
import Language.Haskell.Exts(defaultParseMode, baseLanguage)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension
import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
import qualified System.Info.Extra as Info

import Util
import Paths_hlint
import Data.Version

getCmd :: [String] -> IO Cmd
getCmd args = withArgs (map f args) $ automatic =<< cmdArgsRun mode
    where f x = if x == "-?" || x == "--help" then "--help=all" else x

automatic :: Cmd -> IO Cmd
automatic CmdMain{..} = do
    cmdDataDir <- if cmdDataDir == "" then getDataDir else return cmdDataDir
    cmdPath <- return $ if null cmdPath then ["."] else cmdPath
    cmdExtension <- return $ if null cmdExtension then ["hs", "lhs"] else cmdExtension
    return CmdMain{..}
automatic CmdGrep{..} = do
    cmdPath <- return $ if null cmdPath then ["."] else cmdPath
    cmdExtension <- return $ if null cmdExtension then ["hs", "lhs"] else cmdExtension
    return CmdGrep{..}
automatic CmdTest{..} = do
    cmdDataDir <- if cmdDataDir == "" then getDataDir else return cmdDataDir
    return CmdTest{..}
automatic x = return x

exitWithHelp :: IO a
exitWithHelp = do
    putStr $ show $ helpText [] HelpFormatAll mode

-- | What C pre processor should be used.
data CppFlags
    = NoCpp -- ^ No pre processing is done.
    | CppSimple -- ^ Lines prefixed with @#@ are stripped.
    | Cpphs CpphsOptions -- ^ The @cpphs@ library is used.

-- | When to colour terminal output.
data ColorMode
    = Never  -- ^ Terminal output will never be coloured.
    | Always -- ^ Terminal output will always be coloured.
    | Auto   -- ^ Terminal output will be coloured if $TERM and stdout appear to support it.
      deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

instance Default ColorMode where
  def = if Info.isWindows then Never else Auto

data Cmd
    = CmdMain
        {cmdFiles :: [FilePath]    -- ^ which files to run it on, nothing = none given
        ,cmdReports :: [FilePath]        -- ^ where to generate reports
        ,cmdGivenHints :: [FilePath]     -- ^ which settignsfiles were explicitly given
        ,cmdWithHints :: [String]        -- ^ hints that are given on the command line
        ,cmdColor :: ColorMode           -- ^ color the result
        ,cmdThreads :: Int              -- ^ Numbmer of threads to use, 0 = whatever GHC has
        ,cmdIgnore :: [String]           -- ^ the hints to ignore
        ,cmdShowAll :: Bool              -- ^ display all skipped items
        ,cmdExtension :: [String]        -- ^ extensions
        ,cmdLanguage :: [String]      -- ^ the extensions (may be prefixed by "No")
        ,cmdUtf8 :: Bool
        ,cmdEncoding :: String         -- ^ the text encoding
        ,cmdCross :: Bool                -- ^ work between source files, applies to hints such as duplicate code between modules
        ,cmdFindHints :: [FilePath]      -- ^ source files to look for hints in
        ,cmdDataDir :: FilePath          -- ^ the data directory
        ,cmdPath :: [String]
        ,cmdCppDefine :: [String]
        ,cmdCppInclude :: [FilePath]
        ,cmdCppFile :: [FilePath]
        ,cmdCppSimple :: Bool
        ,cmdCppAnsi :: Bool
        ,cmdJson :: Bool                -- ^ display hint data as JSON
        ,cmdNoSummary :: Bool           -- ^ do not show the summary info
        ,cmdOnly :: [String]            -- ^ specify which hints explicitly
        ,cmdNoExitCode :: Bool
        ,cmdSerialise :: Bool           -- ^ Display hints in serialisation format
        ,cmdRefactor :: Bool            -- ^ Run the `refactor` executable to automatically perform hints
        ,cmdRefactorOptions :: String   -- ^ Options to pass to the `refactor` executable.
        ,cmdWithRefactor :: FilePath    -- ^ Path to refactor tool
    | CmdGrep
        {cmdFiles :: [FilePath]    -- ^ which files to run it on, nothing = none given
        ,cmdPattern :: String
        ,cmdExtension :: [String]        -- ^ extensions
        ,cmdLanguage :: [String]      -- ^ the extensions (may be prefixed by "No")
        ,cmdUtf8 :: Bool
        ,cmdEncoding :: String         -- ^ the text encoding
        ,cmdPath :: [String]
        ,cmdCppDefine :: [String]
        ,cmdCppInclude :: [FilePath]
        ,cmdCppFile :: [FilePath]
        ,cmdCppSimple :: Bool
        ,cmdCppAnsi :: Bool
    | CmdTest
        {cmdProof :: [FilePath]          -- ^ a proof script to check against
        ,cmdGivenHints :: [FilePath]     -- ^ which settings files were explicitly given
        ,cmdDataDir :: FilePath          -- ^ the data directory
        ,cmdReports :: [FilePath]        -- ^ where to generate reports
        ,cmdWithHints :: [String]        -- ^ hints that are given on the command line
        ,cmdTempDir :: FilePath          -- ^ temporary directory to put the files in
        ,cmdQuickCheck :: Bool
        ,cmdTypeCheck :: Bool
    | CmdHSE
        {cmdFiles :: [FilePath]
        ,cmdLanguage :: [String]      -- ^ the extensions (may be prefixed by "No")
    deriving (Data,Typeable,Show)

mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes
        {cmdFiles = def &= args &= typ "FILE/DIR"
        ,cmdReports = nam "report" &= opt "report.html" &= typFile &= help "Generate a report in HTML"
        ,cmdGivenHints = nam "hint" &= typFile &= help "Hint/ignore file to use"
        ,cmdWithHints = nam "with" &= typ "HINT" &= help "Extra hints to use"
        ,cmdColor = nam "colour" &= name "color" &= opt Always &= typ "always/never/auto" &= help "Color output (requires ANSI terminal; auto means on when $TERM is supported; by itself, selects always)"
        ,cmdThreads = 1 &= name "threads" &= name "j" &= opt (0 :: Int) &= help "Number of threads to use (-j for all)"
        ,cmdIgnore = nam "ignore" &= typ "HINT" &= help "Ignore a particular hint"
        ,cmdShowAll = nam "show" &= help "Show all ignored ideas"
        ,cmdExtension = nam "extension" &= typ "EXT" &= help "File extensions to search (default hs/lhs)"
        ,cmdLanguage = nam_ "language" &= name "X" &= typ "EXTENSION" &= help "Language extensions (Arrows, NoCPP)"
        ,cmdUtf8 = nam "utf8" &= help "Use UTF-8 text encoding"
        ,cmdEncoding = nam_ "encoding" &= typ "ENCODING" &= help "Choose the text encoding"
        ,cmdCross = nam_ "cross" &= help "Work between modules"
        ,cmdFindHints = nam "find" &= typFile &= help "Find hints in a Haskell file"
        ,cmdDataDir = nam "datadir" &= typDir &= help "Override the data directory"
        ,cmdPath = nam "path" &= help "Directory in which to search for files"
        ,cmdCppDefine = nam_ "cpp-define" &= typ "NAME[=VALUE]" &= help "CPP #define"
        ,cmdCppInclude = nam_ "cpp-include" &= typDir &= help "CPP include path"
        ,cmdCppFile = nam_ "cpp-file" &= typFile &= help "CPP pre-include file"
        ,cmdCppSimple = nam_ "cpp-simple" &= help "Use a simple CPP (strip # lines)"
        ,cmdCppAnsi = nam_ "cpp-ansi" &= help "Use CPP in ANSI compatibility mode"
        ,cmdJson = nam_ "json" &= help "Display hint data as JSON"
        ,cmdNoSummary = nam_ "no-summary" &= help "Do not show summary information"
        ,cmdOnly = nam "only" &= typ "HINT" &= help "Specify which hints explicitly"
        ,cmdNoExitCode = nam_ "no-exit-code" &= help "Do not give a negative exit if hints"
        ,cmdSerialise = nam_ "serialise" &= help "Serialise hint data for consumption by apply-refact"
        ,cmdRefactor = nam_ "refactor" &= help "Automatically invoke `refactor` to apply hints"
        ,cmdRefactorOptions = nam_ "refactor-options" &= typ "OPTIONS" &= help "Options to pass to the `refactor` executable"
        , cmdWithRefactor = nam_ "with-refactor" &= help "Give the path to refactor"
        } &= auto &= explicit &= name "lint"
        {cmdFiles = def &= args &= typ "FILE/DIR"
        ,cmdPattern = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "PATTERN"
        } &= explicit &= name "grep"
        {cmdProof = nam_ "proof" &= typFile &= help "Isabelle/HOLCF theory file"
        ,cmdTypeCheck = nam_ "typecheck" &= help "Use GHC to type check the hints"
        ,cmdQuickCheck = nam_ "quickcheck" &= help "Use QuickCheck to check the hints"
        ,cmdTempDir = nam_ "tempdir" &= help "Where to put temporary files (not cleaned up)"
        } &= explicit &= name "test"
        &= details ["HLint gives hints on how to improve Haskell code."
                 ,"To check all Haskell files in 'src' and generate a report type:"
                 ,"  hlint src --report"]
        {} &= explicit &= name "hse"
    ] &= program "hlint" &= verbosity
    &=  summary ("HLint v" ++ showVersion version ++ ", (C) Neil Mitchell 2006-2016")
        nam xs = nam_ xs &= name [head xs]
        nam_ xs = def &= explicit &= name xs

cmdHintFiles :: Cmd -> IO [FilePath]
cmdHintFiles cmd = mapM (getHintFile $ cmdDataDir cmd) $ cmdGivenHints cmd ++ ["HLint" | null (cmdGivenHints cmd) && null (cmdWithHints cmd)]

cmdExtensions :: Cmd -> (Language, [Extension])
cmdExtensions = getExtensions . cmdLanguage

cmdCpp :: Cmd -> CppFlags
cmdCpp cmd
    | cmdCppSimple cmd = CppSimple
    | EnableExtension CPP `elem` snd (cmdExtensions cmd) = Cpphs defaultCpphsOptions
        {boolopts=defaultBoolOptions{hashline=False, stripC89=True, ansi=cmdCppAnsi cmd}
        ,includes = cmdCppInclude cmd
        ,preInclude = cmdCppFile cmd
        ,defines = [(a,drop 1 b) | x <- cmdCppDefine cmd, let (a,b) = break (== '=') x]
    | otherwise = NoCpp

-- | Determines whether to use colour or not.
cmdUseColour :: Cmd -> IO Bool
cmdUseColour cmd = case cmdColor cmd of
  Always -> return True
  Never  -> return False
  Auto   -> hSupportsANSI stdout

"." <\> x = x
x <\> y = x </> y

resolveFile :: Cmd -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
resolveFile cmd = getFile (cmdPath cmd) (cmdExtension cmd)

getFile :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getFile path _ (Just tmpfile) "-" =
  getContents >>= writeFile tmpfile >> return [tmpfile]
getFile path _ Nothing "-" = return ["-"]
getFile [] exts _ file = error $ "Couldn't find file: " ++ file
getFile (p:ath) exts t file = do
    isDir <- doesDirectoryExist $ p <\> file
    if isDir then do
        let avoidDir x = let y = takeFileName x in "_" `isPrefixOf` y || ("." `isPrefixOf` y && not (all (== '.') y))
            avoidFile x = let y = takeFileName x in "." `isPrefixOf` y
        xs <- listFilesInside (return . not . avoidDir) $ p <\> file
        return [x | x <- xs, drop 1 (takeExtension x) `elem` exts, not $ avoidFile x]
     else do
        isFil <- doesFileExist $ p <\> file
        if isFil then return [p <\> file]
         else do
            res <- getModule p exts file
            case res of
                Just x -> return [x]
                Nothing -> getFile ath exts t file

getModule :: FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getModule path exts x | not (any isSpace x) && all isMod xs = f exts
        xs = words $ map (\x -> if x == '.' then ' ' else x) x
        isMod (x:xs) = isUpper x && all (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_') xs
        isMod _ = False
        pre = path <\> joinPath xs

        f [] = return Nothing
        f (x:xs) = do
            let s = pre <.> x
            b <- doesFileExist s
            if b then return $ Just s else f xs
getModule _ _ _ = return Nothing

getHintFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
getHintFile _ "-" = return "-"
getHintFile dataDir x = do
        let poss = nub $ concat [x : [x <.> "hs" | takeExtension x /= ".hs"] | x <- [x,dataDir </> x]]
        f poss poss
        f o [] = error $ unlines $ [
            "Couldn't find file: " ++ x,
            "Tried with:"] ++ map ("  "++) o
        f o (x:xs) = do
            b <- doesFileExist x
            if b then return x else f o xs

getExtensions :: [String] -> (Language, [Extension])
getExtensions args = (lang, foldl f (if null langs then defaultExtensions else []) exts)
        lang = if null langs then baseLanguage defaultParseMode else fromJust $ lookup (last langs) ls
        (langs, exts) = partition (isJust . flip lookup ls) args
        ls = [(show x, x) | x <- knownLanguages]

        f a "Haskell98" = []
        f a ('N':'o':x) | Just x <- readExtension x = delete x a
        f a x | Just x <- readExtension x = x : delete x a
        f a x = error $ "Unknown extension: " ++ x

readExtension :: String -> Maybe Extension
readExtension x = case classifyExtension x of
    UnknownExtension _ -> Nothing
    x -> Just x