{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-} module Config.Haskell( readPragma, readComment, readSetting, readFileConfigHaskell ) where import HSE.All import Data.Char import Data.List.Extra import Text.Read.Extra(readMaybe) import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.Maybe import Config.Type import Util import Prelude addInfix = parseFlagsAddFixities $ infix_ (-1) ["==>"] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- READ A SETTINGS FILE readFileConfigHaskell :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO [Setting] readFileConfigHaskell file contents = do let flags = addInfix defaultParseFlags res <- parseModuleExInternal flags file contents case res of Left (ParseError sl msg err) -> error $ "Config parse failure at " ++ showSrcLoc sl ++ ": " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ err Right (ParsedModuleResults (m, cs) _) -> return $ readSettings m ++ map SettingClassify (concatMap readComment cs) -- | Given a module containing HLint settings information return the 'Classify' rules and the 'HintRule' expressions. -- Any fixity declarations will be discarded, but any other unrecognised elements will result in an exception. readSettings :: Module_ -> [Setting] readSettings m = concatMap (readSetting $ scopeCreate m) $ concatMap getEquations $ [AnnPragma l x | AnnModulePragma l x <- modulePragmas m] ++ moduleDecls m readSetting :: Scope -> Decl_ -> [Setting] readSetting s (FunBind _ [Match _ (Ident _ (getSeverity -> Just severity)) pats (UnGuardedRhs _ bod) bind]) | InfixApp _ lhs op rhs <- bod, opExp op ~= "==>" = let (a,b) = readSide $ childrenBi bind in [SettingMatchExp $ HintRule severity (head $ snoc names defaultHintName) s (fromParen lhs) (fromParen rhs) a b] | otherwise = [SettingClassify $ Classify severity n a b | n <- names2, (a,b) <- readFuncs bod] where names = filter (not . null) $ getNames pats bod names2 = ["" | null names] ++ names readSetting s x | "test" `isPrefixOf` map toLower (fromNamed x) = [] readSetting s (AnnPragma _ x) | Just y <- readPragma x = [SettingClassify y] readSetting s (PatBind an (PVar _ name) bod bind) = readSetting s $ FunBind an [Match an name [] bod bind] readSetting s (FunBind an xs) | length xs /= 1 = concatMap (readSetting s . FunBind an . return) xs readSetting s (SpliceDecl an (App _ (Var _ x) (Lit _ y))) = readSetting s $ FunBind an [Match an (toNamed $ fromNamed x) [PLit an (Signless an) y] (UnGuardedRhs an $ Lit an $ String an "" "") Nothing] readSetting s x@InfixDecl{} = map Infix $ getFixity x readSetting s x = errorOn x "bad hint" -- | Read an {-# ANN #-} pragma and determine if it is intended for HLint. -- Return Nothing if it is not an HLint pragma, otherwise what it means. readPragma :: Annotation S -> Maybe Classify readPragma o = case o of Ann _ name x -> f (fromNamed name) x TypeAnn _ name x -> f (fromNamed name) x ModuleAnn _ x -> f "" x where f name (Lit _ (String _ s _)) | "hlint:" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s = case getSeverity a of Nothing -> errorOn o "bad classify pragma" Just severity -> Just $ Classify severity (trimStart b) "" name where (a,b) = break isSpace $ trimStart $ drop 6 s f name (Paren _ x) = f name x f name (ExpTypeSig _ x _) = f name x f _ _ = Nothing readComment :: Comment -> [Classify] readComment o@(Comment True _ x) | (hash, x) <- maybe (False, x) (True,) $ stripPrefix "#" x , x <- trim x , (hlint, x) <- word1 x , lower hlint `elem` ["lint","hlint"] = f hash x where f hash x | Just x <- if hash then stripSuffix "#" x else Just x , (sev, x) <- word1 x , Just sev <- getSeverity sev , (things, x) <- g x , Just (hint :: String) <- if x == "" then Just "" else readMaybe x = map (Classify sev hint "") $ ["" | null things] ++ things f hash _ = errorOnComment o $ "bad HLINT pragma, expected:\n {-" ++ h ++ " HLINT \"Hint name\" " ++ h ++ "-}" where h = ['#' | hash] g x | (s, x) <- word1 x , s /= "" , not $ "\"" `isPrefixOf` s = first ((if s == "module" then "" else s):) $ g x g x = ([], x) readComment _ = [] readSide :: [Decl_] -> (Maybe Exp_, [Note]) readSide = foldl f (Nothing,[]) where f (Nothing,notes) (PatBind _ PWildCard{} (UnGuardedRhs _ side) Nothing) = (Just side, notes) f (Nothing,notes) (PatBind _ (fromNamed -> "side") (UnGuardedRhs _ side) Nothing) = (Just side, notes) f (side,[]) (PatBind _ (fromNamed -> "note") (UnGuardedRhs _ note) Nothing) = (side,g note) f _ x = errorOn x "bad side condition" g (Lit _ (String _ x _)) = [Note x] g (List _ xs) = concatMap g xs g x = case fromApps x of [con -> Just "IncreasesLaziness"] -> [IncreasesLaziness] [con -> Just "DecreasesLaziness"] -> [DecreasesLaziness] [con -> Just "RemovesError",fromString -> Just a] -> [RemovesError a] [con -> Just "ValidInstance",fromString -> Just a,var -> Just b] -> [ValidInstance a b] [con -> Just "RequiresExtension",con -> Just a] -> [RequiresExtension a] _ -> errorOn x "bad note" con :: Exp_ -> Maybe String con c@Con{} = Just $ prettyPrint c; con _ = Nothing var c@Var{} = Just $ prettyPrint c; var _ = Nothing -- Note: Foo may be ("","Foo") or ("Foo",""), return both readFuncs :: Exp_ -> [(String, String)] readFuncs (App _ x y) = readFuncs x ++ readFuncs y readFuncs (Lit _ (String _ "" _)) = [("","")] readFuncs (Var _ (UnQual _ name)) = [("",fromNamed name)] readFuncs (Var _ (Qual _ (ModuleName _ mod) name)) = [(mod, fromNamed name)] readFuncs (Con _ (UnQual _ name)) = [(fromNamed name,""),("",fromNamed name)] readFuncs (Con _ (Qual _ (ModuleName _ mod) name)) = [(mod ++ "." ++ fromNamed name,""),(mod,fromNamed name)] readFuncs x = errorOn x "bad classification rule" getNames :: [Pat_] -> Exp_ -> [String] getNames ps _ | ps /= [], Just ps <- mapM fromPString ps = ps getNames [] (InfixApp _ lhs op rhs) | opExp op ~= "==>" = map ("Use "++) names where lnames = map f $ childrenS lhs rnames = map f $ childrenS rhs names = filter (not . isUnifyVar) $ (rnames \\ lnames) ++ rnames f (Ident _ x) = x f (Symbol _ x) = x getNames _ _ = [] errorOn :: (Annotated ast, Pretty (ast S)) => ast S -> String -> b errorOn val msg = exitMessageImpure $ showSrcLoc (getPointLoc $ ann val) ++ ": Error while reading hint file, " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ prettyPrint val errorOnComment :: Comment -> String -> b errorOnComment (Comment b ann x) msg = exitMessageImpure $ showSrcLoc (getPointLoc ann) ++ ": Error while reading hint file, " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ (if b then "{-" else "--") ++ x ++ (if b then "-}" else "")