{- | Tests in plain comments in both single line or multi line format, both forward and backward. Tests are ignored if: * do not start on the first column (in Ordinary Haskell) * do not start on the first or second column (in Literate Haskell) -} module THaddock () where {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} -- | Single line comment -- >>> "a"++"b" {- | Multi line comment >>> "b"++"c" -} double :: Num a => a -> a double a = a + a -- ^ Single line backward comments -- >>> double 11 twice :: [a] -> [a] twice a = a ++ a {- ^ Multi-line backward comments >>> twice "ABC" -} {- | >>> 2+five ^-- This works, as it starts at the first column after the header. >>> IGNORED as it does not start on the first column -} five :: Integer five = 5