{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Ide.TypesTests ( tests ) where import Control.Lens ((?~), (^?)) import Data.Default (Default (def)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Ide.Types (PluginRequestMethod (combineResponses)) import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message (MessageParams, MessageResult, SMethod (..)) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (ClientCapabilities, Definition (Definition), DefinitionClientCapabilities (DefinitionClientCapabilities, _dynamicRegistration, _linkSupport), DefinitionLink (DefinitionLink), DefinitionParams (DefinitionParams, _partialResultToken, _position, _textDocument, _workDoneToken), Location (Location), LocationLink (LocationLink), Null (Null), Position (Position), Range (Range), TextDocumentClientCapabilities, TextDocumentIdentifier (TextDocumentIdentifier), TypeDefinitionClientCapabilities (TypeDefinitionClientCapabilities, _dynamicRegistration, _linkSupport), TypeDefinitionParams (..), Uri (Uri), _L, _R, _definition, _typeDefinition, filePathToUri, type (|?) (..)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@=?)) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (ASCIIString (ASCIIString), Arbitrary (arbitrary), Gen, arbitraryBoundedEnum, cover, listOf1, oneof, testProperty, (===)) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "PluginTypes" [ combineResponsesTests ] combineResponsesTests :: TestTree combineResponsesTests = testGroup "combineResponses" [ combineResponsesTextDocumentDefinitionTests , combineResponsesTextDocumentTypeDefinitionTests ] combineResponsesTextDocumentDefinitionTests :: TestTree combineResponsesTextDocumentDefinitionTests = testGroup "TextDocumentDefinition" $ defAndTypeDefSharedTests SMethod_TextDocumentDefinition definitionParams combineResponsesTextDocumentTypeDefinitionTests :: TestTree combineResponsesTextDocumentTypeDefinitionTests = testGroup "TextDocumentTypeDefinition" $ defAndTypeDefSharedTests SMethod_TextDocumentTypeDefinition typeDefinitionParams defAndTypeDefSharedTests :: ( MessageResult m ~ (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) , PluginRequestMethod m ) => SMethod m -> MessageParams m -> [TestTree] defAndTypeDefSharedTests message params = [ testCase "merges all single location responses into one response with all locations (without upgrading to links)" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range1) :| [ InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range2 , InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range3 ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InL . Definition . InR $ [ Location testFileUri range1 , Location testFileUri range2 , Location testFileUri range3 ] expectedResult @=? result , testCase "merges all location link responses into one with all links (with link support)" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InR . InL $ [DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range1 range1]) :| [ InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range2 range2 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range3 range3 ] ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range1 range1 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range2 range2 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range3 range3 ] expectedResult @=? result , testCase "merges location responses with link responses into link responses (with link support)" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range1) :| [ InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range2 range2 ] , InL . Definition . InR $ [Location testFileUri range3] ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range1 range1 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range2 range2 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range3 range3 ] expectedResult @=? result , testCase "preserves link-specific data when merging link and location responses (with link support)" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range1) :| [ InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink (Just range1) testFileUri range2 range3 ] ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range1 range1 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink (Just range1) testFileUri range2 range3 ] expectedResult @=? result , testCase "ignores Null responses when other responses are available" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InL . Definition . InL . Location testFileUri $ range1) :| [ InR . InR $ Null , InR . InL $ [DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range3 range3] ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InR . InL $ [ DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range1 range1 , DefinitionLink $ LocationLink Nothing testFileUri range3 range3 ] expectedResult @=? result , testCase "returns Null when all responses are Null" $ do let pluginResponses :: NonEmpty (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) pluginResponses = (InR . InR $ Null) :| [ InR . InR $ Null , InR . InR $ Null ] result = combineResponses message def supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps params pluginResponses expectedResult :: Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null) expectedResult = InR . InR $ Null expectedResult @=? result , testProperty "downgrades all locationLinks to locations when missing link support in capabilities" $ \(MkGeneratedNonEmpty responses) -> do let pluginResponses = fmap (\(MkGeneratedDefinition definition) -> definition) responses result = combineResponses message def def params pluginResponses cover 70 (any (isJust . (>>= (^? _L)) . (^? _R)) pluginResponses) "Has at least one response with links" $ cover 10 (any (isJust . (^? _L)) pluginResponses) "Has at least one response with locations" $ cover 10 (any (isJust . (>>= (^? _R)) . (^? _R)) pluginResponses) "Has at least one response with Null" $ (isJust (result ^? _L) || isJust (result ^? _R >>= (^? _R))) === True ] range1, range2, range3 :: Range range1 = Range (Position 3 0) $ Position 3 5 range2 = Range (Position 5 7) $ Position 5 13 range3 = Range (Position 24 30) $ Position 24 40 supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps :: ClientCapabilities supportsLinkInAllDefinitionCaps = def & L.textDocument ?~ textDocumentCaps where textDocumentCaps :: TextDocumentClientCapabilities textDocumentCaps = def { _definition = Just DefinitionClientCapabilities { _linkSupport = Just True, _dynamicRegistration = Nothing } , _typeDefinition = Just TypeDefinitionClientCapabilities { _linkSupport = Just True, _dynamicRegistration = Nothing } } definitionParams :: DefinitionParams definitionParams = DefinitionParams { _textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier testFileUri , _position = Position 5 4 , _workDoneToken = Nothing , _partialResultToken = Nothing } typeDefinitionParams :: TypeDefinitionParams typeDefinitionParams = TypeDefinitionParams { _textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier testFileUri , _position = Position 5 4 , _workDoneToken = Nothing , _partialResultToken = Nothing } testFileUri :: Uri testFileUri = filePathToUri "file://tester/Test.hs" newtype GeneratedDefinition = MkGeneratedDefinition (Definition |? ([DefinitionLink] |? Null)) deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary GeneratedDefinition where arbitrary = MkGeneratedDefinition <$> oneof [ InL . Definition . InL <$> generateLocation , InL . Definition . InR <$> listOf1 generateLocation , InR . InL . map DefinitionLink <$> listOf1 generateLocationLink , pure . InR . InR $ Null ] where generateLocation :: Gen Location generateLocation = do (LocationLink _ uri range _) <- generateLocationLink pure $ Location uri range generateLocationLink :: Gen LocationLink generateLocationLink = LocationLink <$> generateMaybe generateRange <*> generateUri <*> generateRange <*> generateRange generateMaybe :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a) generateMaybe gen = oneof [Just <$> gen, pure Nothing] generateUri :: Gen Uri generateUri = do (ASCIIString str) <- arbitrary pure . Uri . Text.pack $ str generateRange :: Gen Range generateRange = Range <$> generatePosition <*> generatePosition generatePosition :: Gen Position generatePosition = Position <$> arbitraryBoundedEnum <*> arbitraryBoundedEnum newtype GeneratedNonEmpty a = MkGeneratedNonEmpty (NonEmpty a) deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (GeneratedNonEmpty a) where arbitrary = MkGeneratedNonEmpty <$> ((:|) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)