Name: hmatrix Version: x-revision: 2 License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Author: Alberto Ruiz Maintainer: Alberto Ruiz Stability: provisional Homepage: Synopsis: Linear algebra and numerical computation Description: Purely functional interface to basic linear algebra and other numerical computations, internally implemented using GSL, BLAS and LAPACK. . The Linear Algebra API is organized as follows: . - "Data.Packed": structure manipulation . - "Numeric.Container": simple numeric functions . - "Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms": matrix computations . - "Numeric.LinearAlgebra": everything + instances of standard Haskell numeric classes Category: Math tested-with: GHC ==7.6 cabal-version: >=1.8 build-type: Custom extra-source-files: Config.hs CHANGELOG extra-source-files: examples/deriv.hs examples/integrate.hs examples/minimize.hs examples/root.hs examples/ode.hs examples/pca1.hs examples/pca2.hs examples/pinv.hs examples/data.txt examples/lie.hs examples/kalman.hs examples/parallel.hs examples/plot.hs examples/inplace.hs examples/error.hs examples/fitting.hs examples/devel/ej1/wrappers.hs examples/devel/ej1/functions.c examples/devel/ej2/wrappers.hs examples/devel/ej2/functions.c examples/vector.hs examples/monadic.hs examples/bool.hs examples/multiply.hs extra-source-files: lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/LAPACK/lapack-aux.h, lib/Numeric/GSL/gsl-ode.c flag dd description: svd = zgesdd default: True manual: True flag mkl description: Link with Intel's MKL optimized libraries. default: False manual: True flag unsafe description: Compile the library with bound checking disabled. default: False manual: True flag finit description: Force FPU initialization in foreing calls default: False manual: True flag debugfpu description: Check FPU stack default: False manual: True flag debugnan description: Check NaN default: False manual: True custom-setup setup-depends: Cabal <1.25, base <4.7, filepath<1.4, directory <1.3, process <1.2 library Build-Depends: base >= 4.4 && < 4.7, array < 0.5, deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.4, storable-complex < 0.3, process < 1.2, random < 1.2, vector >= 0.8 && < 0.13, binary < 0.6 Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP hs-source-dirs: lib Exposed-modules: Data.Packed, Data.Packed.Vector, Data.Packed.Matrix, Data.Packed.Foreign, Numeric.GSL.Differentiation, Numeric.GSL.Integration, Numeric.GSL.Fourier, Numeric.GSL.Polynomials, Numeric.GSL.Minimization, Numeric.GSL.Root, Numeric.GSL.Fitting, Numeric.GSL.ODE, Numeric.GSL, Numeric.Container, Numeric.LinearAlgebra, Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK, Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms, Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Util, Graphics.Plot, Data.Packed.ST, Data.Packed.Development other-modules: Data.Packed.Internal, Data.Packed.Internal.Common, Data.Packed.Internal.Signatures, Data.Packed.Internal.Vector, Data.Packed.Internal.Matrix, Data.Packed.Random, Numeric.GSL.Internal, Numeric.GSL.Vector, Numeric.Conversion, Numeric.ContainerBoot, Numeric.IO, Numeric.Chain, Numeric.Vector, Numeric.Matrix, Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Util.Convolution C-sources: lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/LAPACK/lapack-aux.c, lib/Numeric/GSL/gsl-aux.c cpp-options: -DBINARY -- ghc-prof-options: -auto ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-unused-binds if flag(unsafe) cpp-options: -DUNSAFE if !flag(dd) cpp-options: -DNOZGESDD if impl(ghc < 6.10.2) cpp-options: -DFINIT if impl(ghc == 7.0.1) cpp-options: -DFINIT if impl(ghc == 7.0.2) cpp-options: -DFINIT if flag(finit) cpp-options: -DFINIT if flag(debugfpu) cc-options: -DFPUDEBUG if flag(debugnan) cc-options: -DNANDEBUG if impl(ghc == 7.0.1) cpp-options: -DNONORMVTEST if flag(mkl) if arch(x86_64) extra-libraries: gsl mkl_lapack mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_sequential mkl_core else extra-libraries: gsl mkl_lapack mkl_intel mkl_sequential mkl_core if os(OSX) extra-lib-dirs: /opt/local/lib/ include-dirs: /opt/local/include/ extra-lib-dirs: /usr/local/lib/ include-dirs: /usr/local/include/ extra-libraries: gsl if arch(i386) cc-options: -arch i386 frameworks: Accelerate if os(windows) extra-libraries: gsl-0 blas lapack if os(linux) if arch(x86_64) cc-options: -fPIC -- The extra-libraries required for GSL and LAPACK -- should now be automatically detected by configure(.hs) extra-libraries: extra-lib-dirs: source-repository head type: git location: -- The tests are in package hmatrix-tests