{-# LANGUAGE CPP                                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts                         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications                         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators                            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns                             #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise       #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static.Backprop
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- A wrapper over "Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static" (type-safe vector and
-- matrix operations based on blas/lapack) that allows its operations to
-- work with <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/backprop backprop>.
-- In short, these functions are "lifted" to work with 'BVar's.
-- Using 'evalBP' will run the original operation:
-- @
-- 'evalBP' :: (forall s. 'Reifies' s 'W'. 'BVar' s a -> 'BVar' s b) -> a -> b
-- @
-- But using 'gradBP' or 'backprop' will give you the gradient:
-- @
-- 'gradBP' :: (forall s. 'Reifies' s 'W'. 'BVar' s a -> 'BVar' s b) -> a -> a
-- @
-- These can act as a drop-in replacement to the API of
-- "Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static".  Just change your imports, and your
-- functions are automatically backpropagatable.  Useful types are all
-- re-exported.
-- Also contains 'sumElements' 'BVar' operation.
-- Formulas for gradients come from the following papers:
--     * https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/NA-08-01.pdf
--     * http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/624426.pdf
--     * http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zkolter/course/15-884/linalg-review.pdf
--     * https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07527
-- Some functions are notably unlifted:
--     * 'H.svd': I can't find any resources that allow you to backpropagate
--     if the U and V matrices are used!  If you find one, let me know, or
--     feel free to submit a PR!  Because of this, Currently only a version
--     that exports only the singular values is exported.
--     * 'H.svdTall', 'H.svdFlat': Not sure where to start for these
--     * 'qr': Same story.
--     https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6504 might yield
--     a clue?
--     * 'H.her': No 'Num' instance for 'H.Her' makes this impossible at
--     the moment with the current backprop API
--     * 'H.exmp': Definitely possible, but I haven't dug deep enough to
--     figure it out yet!  There is a description here
--     https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/NA-08-01.pdf but it
--     requires some things I am not familiar with yet.  Feel free to
--     submit a PR!
--     * 'H.sqrtm': Also likely possible.  Maybe try to translate
--     http://people.cs.umass.edu/~smaji/projects/matrix-sqrt/ ?  PRs
--     welcomed!
--     * 'H.linSolve': Haven't figured out where to start!
--     * 'H.</>': Same story
--     * Functions returning existential types, like 'H.withNullSpace',
--     'H.withOrth', 'H.withRows', etc.; not quite sure what the best way
--     to handle these are at the moment.
--     * 'H.withRows' and 'H.withColumns' made "type-safe", without
--     existential types, with 'fromRows' and 'fromColumns'.

module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static.Backprop (
  -- * Vector
  , H.โ„
  , vec2
  , vec3
  , vec4
  , (&)
  , (#)
  , split
  , headTail
  , vector
  , linspace
  , H.range
  , H.dim
  -- * Matrix
  , H.L
  , H.Sq
  , row
  , col
  , (|||)
  , (===)
  , splitRows
  , splitCols
  , unrow
  , uncol
  , tr
  , H.eye
  , diag
  , matrix
  -- * Complex
  , H.โ„‚
  , H.C
  , H.M
  , H.๐‘–
  -- * Products
  , (<>)
  , (#>)
  , (<.>)
  -- * Factorizations
  , svd
  , svd_
  , H.Eigen
  , eigensystem
  , eigenvalues
  , chol
  -- * Norms
  , H.Normed
  , norm_0
  , norm_1V
  , norm_1M
  , norm_2V
  , norm_2M
  , norm_InfV
  , norm_InfM
  -- * Misc
  , mean
  , meanCov
  , meanL
  , cov
  , H.Disp(..)
  -- ** Domain
  , H.Domain
  , mul
  , app
  , dot
  , cross
  , diagR
  , vmap
  , vmap'
  , dvmap
  , mmap
  , mmap'
  , dmmap
  , outer
  , zipWithVector
  , zipWithVector'
  , det
  , invlndet
  , lndet
  , inv
  -- ** Conversions
  , toRows
  , toColumns
  , fromRows
  , fromColumns
  -- ** Misc Operations
  , konst
  , sumElements
  , extractV
  , extractM
  , create
  , H.Diag
  , takeDiag
  , H.Sym
  , sym
  , mTm
  , unSym
  , (<ยท>)
  -- * Backprop types re-exported
  -- | Re-exported for convenience.
  -- @since
  , BVar
  , Reifies
  , W
  ) where

import           Data.ANum
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Proxy
import           Foreign.Storable
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Lens.Micro hiding                   ((&))
import           Numeric.Backprop
import           Numeric.Backprop.Tuple
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import qualified Data.Vector                         as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic                 as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Sized           as SVG
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized                   as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Sized          as SVS
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra               as HU
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static        as H
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static.Vector as H
import qualified Prelude.Backprop                    as B

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import           Prelude hiding               ((<>))

    :: Reifies s W
    => BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s (H.R 2)
vec2 = isoVar2 H.vec2 (\(H.rVec->v) -> (SVS.index v 0, SVS.index v 1))
{-# INLINE vec2 #-}

    :: Reifies s W
    => BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s (H.R 3)
vec3 = isoVar3 H.vec3 (\(H.rVec->v) -> (SVS.index v 0, SVS.index v 1, SVS.index v 2))
{-# INLINE vec3 #-}

    :: Reifies s W
    => BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s (H.R 4)
vec4 vX vY vZ vW = isoVarN
    (\(x ::< y ::< z ::< w ::< ร˜) -> H.vec4 x y z w)
    (\(H.rVec->v) -> SVS.index v 0 ::< SVS.index v 1 ::< SVS.index v 2 ::< SVS.index v 3 ::< ร˜)
    (vX :< vY :< vZ :< vW :< ร˜)
{-# INLINE vec4 #-}

(&) :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat (n + 1))
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s (H.R (n + 1))
(&) = isoVar2 (H.&) (\(H.split->(dxs,dy)) -> (dxs, fst (H.headTail dy)))
infixl 4 &
{-# INLINE (&) #-}

(#) :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.R m)
    -> BVar s (H.R (n + m))
(#) = isoVar2 (H.#) H.split
infixl 4 #
{-# INLINE (#) #-}

    :: forall p n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat p, KnownNat n, p <= n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> (BVar s (H.R p), BVar s (H.R (n - p)))
split v = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)      -- should we just return the T2 ?
    t = isoVar (tupT2 . H.split) (uncurryT2 (H.#)) v
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE split #-}

    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> (BVar s H.โ„, BVar s (H.R (n - 1)))
headTail v = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)
    t = isoVar (tupT2 . H.headTail)
               (\(T2 d dx) -> (H.konst d :: H.R 1) H.# dx)
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE headTail #-}

-- | Potentially extremely bad for anything but short lists!!!
    :: forall n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => SV.Vector n (BVar s H.โ„)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
vector = isoVar (H.vecR . SVG.convert) (SVG.convert . H.rVec)
       . collectVar
{-# INLINE vector #-}

    :: forall n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s H.โ„
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
linspace = liftOp2 . op2 $ \l u ->
    ( H.linspace (l, u)
    , \d -> let n1 = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @n) - 1
                dDot = ((H.range - 1) H.<.> d) / n1
                dSum = HU.sumElements . H.extract $ d
            in  (dSum - dDot, dDot)
{-# INLINE linspace #-}

row :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.L 1 n)
row = isoVar H.row H.unrow
{-# INLINE row #-}

col :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.L n 1)
col = isoVar H.col H.uncol
{-# INLINE col #-}

(|||) :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat c, KnownNat r1, KnownNat (r1 + r2))
      => BVar s (H.L c r1)
      -> BVar s (H.L c r2)
      -> BVar s (H.L c (r1 + r2))
(|||) = isoVar2 (H.|||) H.splitCols
infixl 3 |||
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}

(===) :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat c, KnownNat r1, KnownNat (r1 + r2))
      => BVar s (H.L r1        c)
      -> BVar s (H.L r2        c)
      -> BVar s (H.L (r1 + r2) c)
(===) = isoVar2 (H.===) H.splitRows
infixl 2 ===
{-# INLINE (===) #-}

    :: forall p m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat p, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, p <= m)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> (BVar s (H.L p n), BVar s (H.L (m - p) n))
splitRows v = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)
    t = isoVar (tupT2 . H.splitRows) (uncurryT2 (H.===)) v
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE splitRows #-}

    :: forall p m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat p, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, KnownNat (n - p), p <= n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> (BVar s (H.L m p), BVar s (H.L m (n - p)))
splitCols v = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)
    t = isoVar (tupT2 . H.splitCols) (uncurryT2 (H.|||)) v
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE splitCols #-}

    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L 1 n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
unrow = isoVar H.unrow H.row
{-# INLINE unrow #-}

    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L n 1)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
uncol = isoVar H.uncol H.col
{-# INLINE uncol #-}

tr  :: (Reifies s W, HU.Transposable m mt, HU.Transposable mt m, Num m, Num mt)
    => BVar s m
    -> BVar s mt
tr = isoVar H.tr H.tr
{-# INLINE tr #-}

    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sq n)
diag = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x -> (H.diag x, H.takeDiag)
{-# INLINE diag #-}

-- | Potentially extremely bad for anything but short lists!!!
    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => [BVar s H.โ„]
    -> BVar s (H.L m n)
matrix = maybe (error "matrix: invalid number of elements")
               (isoVar (H.vecL . SVG.convert) (SVG.convert . H.lVec) . collectVar)
       . SV.fromList @(m * n)
{-# INLINE matrix #-}

-- | Matrix product
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat k, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m k)
    -> BVar s (H.L k n)
    -> BVar s (H.L m n)
(<>) = mul
infixr 8 <>
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}

-- | Matrix-vector product
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.R m)
(#>) = app
infixr 8 #>
{-# INLINE (#>) #-}

-- | Dot product
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
(<.>) = dot
infixr 8 <.>
{-# INLINE (<.>) #-}

-- | Can only get the singular values, for now.  Let me know if you find an
-- algorithm that can compute the gradients based on differentials for the
-- other matricies!
svd :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
svd = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let (u, ฯƒ, v) = H.svd x
    in  ( ฯƒ
        , \(dฮฃ :: H.R n) -> (u H.<> H.diagR 0 dฮฃ) H.<> H.tr v
                -- must manually associate because of bug in diagR in
                -- hmatrix-
{-# INLINE svd #-}

-- | Version of 'svd' that returns the full SVD, but if you attempt to find
-- the gradient, it will fail at runtime if you ever use U or V.
    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> (BVar s (H.L m m), BVar s (H.R n), BVar s (H.L n n))
svd_ r = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2, t ^^. _3)
    o :: Op '[H.L m n] (T3 (H.L m m) (H.R n) (H.L n n))
    o = op1 $ \x ->
        let (u, ฯƒ, v) = H.svd x
        in  ( T3 u ฯƒ v
            , \(T3 dU dฮฃ dV) ->
                    if H.norm_0 dU == 0 && H.norm_0 dV == 0
                      then (u H.<> H.diagR 0 dฮฃ) H.<> H.tr v
                      else error "svd_: Cannot backprop if U and V are used."
    {-# INLINE o #-}
    t = liftOp1 o r
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE svd_ #-}

helpEigen :: KnownNat n => H.Sym n -> (H.R n, H.L n n, H.L n n, H.L n n)
helpEigen x = (l, v, H.inv v, H.tr v)
    (l, v) = H.eigensystem x
{-# INLINE helpEigen #-}

-- | /NOTE/ The gradient is not necessarily symmetric!  The gradient is not
-- meant to be retireved directly; insteadl, 'eigenvalues' is meant to be
-- used as a part of a larger computation, and the gradient as an
-- intermediate step.
    :: forall n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.Sym n)
    -> (BVar s (H.R n), BVar s (H.L n n))
eigensystem u = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)
    o :: Op '[H.Sym n] (T2 (H.R n) (H.L n n))
    o = op1 $ \x ->
        let (l, v, vInv, vTr) = helpEigen x
            lRep = H.rowsL . SV.replicate $ l
            fMat = (1 - H.eye) * (lRep - H.tr lRep)
        in  ( T2 l v
            , \(T2 dL dV) -> unsafeCoerce $
                       H.tr vInv
                  H.<> (H.diag dL + fMat * (vTr H.<> dV))
                  H.<> vTr
    {-# INLINE o #-}
    t = liftOp1 o u
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE eigensystem #-}

-- | /NOTE/ The gradient is not necessarily symmetric!  The gradient is not
-- meant to be retireved directly; insteadl, 'eigenvalues' is meant to be
-- used as a part of a larger computation, and the gradient as an
-- intermediate step.
    :: forall n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.Sym n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
eigenvalues = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let (l, _, vInv, vTr) = helpEigen x
    in  ( l
        , \dL -> unsafeCoerce $
                 H.tr vInv H.<> H.diag dL H.<> vTr
{-# INLINE eigenvalues #-}

-- | Algorithm from https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07527
-- The paper also suggests a potential imperative algorithm that might
-- help.  Need to benchmark to see what is best.
-- /NOTE/ The gradient is not necessarily symmetric!  The gradient is not
-- meant to be retireved directly; insteadl, 'eigenvalues' is meant to be
-- used as a part of a larger computation, and the gradient as an
-- intermediate step.
    :: forall n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.Sym n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sq n)
chol = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let l = H.chol x
        lInv = H.inv l
        phi :: H.Sq n
        phi = H.build $ \i j -> case compare i j of
                                  LT -> 1
                                  EQ -> 0.5
                                  GT -> 0
    in  ( l
        , \dL -> let s = H.tr lInv H.<> (phi * (H.tr l H.<> dL)) H.<> lInv
                 in  unsafeCoerce $ s + H.tr s - H.eye * s
{-# INLINE chol #-}

-- | Number of non-zero items
    :: (Reifies s W, H.Normed a, Num a)
    => BVar s a
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_0 = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x -> (H.norm_0 x, const 0)
{-# INLINE norm_0 #-}

-- | Sum of absolute values
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_1V = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x -> (H.norm_1 x, (* signum x) . H.konst)
{-# INLINE norm_1V #-}

-- | Maximum 'H.norm_1' of columns
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
    => BVar s (H.L n m)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_1M = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n = H.norm_1 x
    in  (n, \d -> let d' = H.konst d
                  in  H.colsL
                    . SV.map (\c -> if H.norm_1 c == n
                                      then d' * signum c
                                      else 0
                    . H.lCols
                    $ x
{-# INLINE norm_1M #-}

-- | Square root of sum of squares
-- Be aware that gradient diverges when the norm is zero
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_2V = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n = H.norm_2 x
    in (n, \d -> x * H.konst (d / n))
{-# INLINE norm_2V #-}

-- | Maximum singular value
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
    => BVar s (H.L n m)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_2M = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n = H.norm_2 x
        (head.H.toColumns->u1,_,head.H.toColumns->v1) = H.svd x
    in (n, \d -> H.konst d * (u1 `H.outer` v1))
{-# INLINE norm_2M #-}

-- | Maximum absolute value
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_InfV = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n :: H.โ„
        n = H.norm_Inf x
    in  (n, \d -> H.vecR
                . SVS.map (\e -> if abs e == n
                                   then signum e * d
                                   else 0
                . H.rVec
                $ x
{-# ANN norm_InfV "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
{-# INLINE norm_InfV #-}

-- | Maximum 'H.norm_1' of rows
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
    => BVar s (H.L n m)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
norm_InfM = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n = H.norm_Inf x
    in  (n, \d -> let d' = H.konst d
                  in  H.rowsL
                    . SV.map (\c -> if H.norm_1 c == n
                                      then d' * signum c
                                      else 0
                    . H.lRows
                    $ x
{-# ANN norm_InfM "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
{-# INLINE norm_InfM #-}

    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
mean = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x -> (H.mean x, H.konst . (/ H.norm_0 x))
{-# INLINE mean #-}

    :: forall m n. (KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => H.L m n
    -> H.R n
    -> H.Sym n
    -> H.L m n
gradCov x ฮผ dฯƒ = H.rowsL
               . SV.map (subtract (dDiffsSum / m))
               . H.lRows
               $ dDiffs
    diffs = H.rowsL . SV.map (subtract ฮผ) . H.lRows $ x
    dDiffs = H.konst (2/n) * (diffs H.<> H.tr (H.unSym dฯƒ))
    dDiffsSum = sum . H.toRows $ dDiffs
    m = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy @m)
    n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy @n)
{-# INLINE gradCov #-}

-- | Mean and covariance.  If you know you only want to use one or the
-- other, use 'meanL' or 'cov'.
    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> (BVar s (H.R n), BVar s (H.Sym n))
meanCov v = (t ^^. _1, t ^^. _2)
    m = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @m)
    t = ($ v) . liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
        let (ฮผ, ฯƒ) = H.meanCov x
        in  ( T2 ฮผ ฯƒ
            , \(T2 dฮผ dฯƒ) ->
                let gradMean = H.rowsL
                             . SV.replicate
                             $ (dฮผ / H.konst m)
                in  gradMean + gradCov x ฮผ dฯƒ
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE meanCov #-}

-- | 'meanCov', but if you know you won't use the covariance.
    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
meanL = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( fst (H.meanCov x)
    , H.rowsL . SV.replicate . (/ H.konst m)
    m = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @m)
{-# INLINE meanL #-}

-- | 'cov', but if you know you won't use the covariance.
    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sym n)
cov = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let (ฮผ, ฯƒ) = H.meanCov x
    in  (ฯƒ, gradCov x ฮผ)
{-# INLINE cov #-}

mul :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat m
       , KnownNat k
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (mat m k)
       , Num (mat k n)
       , Num (mat m n)
       , HU.Transposable (mat m k) (mat k m)
       , HU.Transposable (mat k n) (mat n k)
    => BVar s (mat m k)
    -> BVar s (mat k n)
    -> BVar s (mat m n)
mul = liftOp2 . op2 $ \x y ->
    ( x `H.mul` y
    , \d -> (d `H.mul` H.tr y, H.tr x `H.mul` d)
{-# INLINE mul #-}

app :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat m
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (mat m n)
       , Num (vec n)
       , Num (vec m)
       , HU.Transposable (mat m n) (mat n m)
    => BVar s (mat m n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec m)
app = liftOp2 . op2 $ \xs y ->
    ( xs `H.app` y
    , \d -> (d `H.outer` y, H.tr xs `H.app` d)
{-# INLINE app #-}

dot :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , H.Sized field (vec n) d
       , Num (vec n)
    => BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s field
dot = liftOp2 . op2 $ \x y ->
    ( x `H.dot` y
    , \d -> let d' = H.konst d
            in  (d' * y, x * d')
{-# INLINE dot #-}

    :: ( Reifies s W
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (vec 3)
    => BVar s (vec 3)
    -> BVar s (vec 3)
    -> BVar s (vec 3)
cross = liftOp2 . op2 $ \x y ->
    ( x `H.cross` y
    , \d -> (y `H.cross` d, d `H.cross` x)
{-# INLINE cross #-}

-- | Create matrix with diagonal, and fill with default entries
    :: forall m n k field vec mat s.
       ( Reifies s W
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (vec k)
       , Num (mat m n)
       , KnownNat m
       , KnownNat n
       , KnownNat k
       , HU.Container HU.Vector field
       , H.Sized field (mat m n) HU.Matrix
       , H.Sized field (vec k) HU.Vector
    => BVar s field             -- ^ default value
    -> BVar s (vec k)           -- ^ diagonal
    -> BVar s (mat m n)
diagR = liftOp2 . op2 $ \c x ->
    ( H.diagR c x
    , \d -> ( HU.sumElements . H.extract $ H.diagR 1 (0 :: vec k) * d
            , fromJust . H.create . HU.takeDiag . H.extract $ d
{-# INLINE diagR #-}

-- | Note: if possible, use the potentially much more performant 'vmap''.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
    => (BVar s Double -> BVar s Double)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
vmap f = isoVar (H.vecR . SVG.convert @V.Vector) (SVG.convert . H.rVec)
       . B.fmap f
       . isoVar (SVG.convert . H.rVec) (H.vecR . SVG.convert)
{-# INLINE vmap #-}

-- | 'vmap', but potentially more performant.  Only usable if the mapped
-- function does not depend on any external 'BVar's.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , Num (vec n)
       , Storable field
       , H.Sized field (vec n) HU.Vector
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
vmap' f = liftOp1 . op1 $ bimap (fromJust . H.create . VG.convert)
                                ((*) . fromJust . H.create . VG.convert)
                        . V.unzip
                        . V.map (backprop f)
                        . VG.convert
                        . H.extract
{-# INLINE vmap' #-}

-- TODO: Can be made more efficient if backprop exports
-- a custom-total-derivative version

-- | Note: Potentially less performant than 'vmap''.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (vec n)
       , Num field
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
dvmap f = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.dvmap (evalBP f) x
    , (H.dvmap (gradBP f) x *)
{-# INLINE dvmap #-}

-- | Note: if possible, use the potentially much more performant 'mmap''.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , KnownNat m
    => (BVar s Double -> BVar s Double)
    -> BVar s (H.L n m)
    -> BVar s (H.L n m)
mmap f = isoVar (H.vecL . SVG.convert @V.Vector) (SVG.convert . H.lVec)
       . B.fmap f
       . isoVar (SVG.convert . H.lVec) (H.vecL . SVG.convert)
{-# INLINE mmap #-}

-- | 'mmap', but potentially more performant.  Only usable if the mapped
-- function does not depend on any external 'BVar's.
    :: forall n m mat field s.
       ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat m
       , Num (mat n m)
       , H.Sized field (mat n m) HU.Matrix
       , HU.Element field
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (mat n m)
    -> BVar s (mat n m)
mmap' f = liftOp1 . op1 $ bimap (fromJust . H.create . HU.reshape m . VG.convert)
                                ((*) . fromJust . H.create . HU.reshape m . VG.convert)
                        . V.unzip
                        . V.map (backprop f)
                        . VG.convert
                        . HU.flatten
                        . H.extract
    m :: Int
    m = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @m)
{-# INLINE mmap' #-}

-- | Note: Potentially less performant than 'mmap''.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , KnownNat m
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (mat n m)
       , Num field
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (mat n m)
    -> BVar s (mat n m)
dmmap f = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.dmmap (evalBP f) x
    , (H.dmmap (gradBP f) x *)
{-# INLINE dmmap #-}

    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat m
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , HU.Transposable (mat n m) (mat m n)
       , Num (vec n)
       , Num (vec m)
       , Num (mat n m)
    => BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec m)
    -> BVar s (mat n m)
outer = liftOp2 . op2 $ \x y ->
    ( x `H.outer` y
    , \d -> ( d `H.app` y
            , H.tr d `H.app` x)
{-# INLINE outer #-}

    :: ( Reifies s W
       , Num (vec n)
       , Storable field
       , Storable (field, field, field)
       , H.Sized field (vec n) HU.Vector
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
zipWithVector f = liftOp2 . op2 $ \(H.extract->x) (H.extract->y) ->
    let (z,dx,dy) = VG.unzip3
                  $ VG.zipWith (\x' y' ->
                      let (z', (dx', dy')) = backprop2 f x' y'
                      in  (z', dx', dy')
                    ) x y
    in  ( fromJust (H.create z)
        , \d -> (d * fromJust (H.create dx), d * fromJust (H.create dy))
{-# INLINE zipWithVector #-}

-- | A version of 'zipWithVector' that is less performant but is based on
-- 'H.zipWithVector' from 'H.Domain'.
    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (vec n)
       , Num field
    => (forall s'. Reifies s' W => BVar s' field -> BVar s' field -> BVar s' field)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
zipWithVector' f = liftOp2 . op2 $ \x y ->
    ( H.zipWithVector (evalBP2 f) x y
    , \d -> let dx = H.zipWithVector (\x' -> fst . gradBP2 f x') x y
                dy = H.zipWithVector (\x' -> snd . gradBP2 f x') x y
            in  (d * dx, d * dy)
{-# INLINE zipWithVector' #-}

det :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , Num (mat n n)
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , H.Sized field (mat n n) d
       , HU.Transposable (mat n n) (mat n n)
    => BVar s (mat n n)
    -> BVar s field
det = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let xDet = H.det x
        xInv = H.inv x
    in  ( xDet, \d -> H.konst (d * xDet) * H.tr xInv )
{-# INLINE det #-}

-- | The inverse and the natural log of the determinant together.  If you
-- know you don't need the inverse, it is best to use 'lndet'.
    :: forall n mat field vec d s.
       ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , Num (mat n n)
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , H.Sized field (mat n n) d
       , HU.Transposable (mat n n) (mat n n)
    => BVar s (mat n n)
    -> (BVar s (mat n n), (BVar s field, BVar s field))
invlndet v = (t ^^. _1, (t ^^. _2, t ^^. _3))
    o :: Op '[mat n n] (T3 (mat n n) field field)
    o = op1 $ \x ->
      let (i,(ldet, s)) = H.invlndet x
          iTr           = H.tr i
      in  ( T3 i ldet s
          , \(T3 dI dLDet _) ->
                let gradI    = - iTr `H.mul` dI `H.mul` iTr
                    gradLDet = H.konst dLDet * H.tr i
                in  gradI + gradLDet
    {-# INLINE o #-}
    t = liftOp1 o v
    {-# NOINLINE t #-}
{-# INLINE invlndet #-}

-- | The natural log of the determinant.
    :: forall n mat field vec d s.
       ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , Num (mat n n)
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , H.Sized field (mat n n) d
       , HU.Transposable (mat n n) (mat n n)
    => BVar s (mat n n)
    -> BVar s field
lndet = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
          let (i,(ldet,_)) = H.invlndet x
          in  (ldet, (* H.tr i) . H.konst)
{-# INLINE lndet #-}

inv :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , Num (mat n n)
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , HU.Transposable (mat n n) (mat n n)
    => BVar s (mat n n)
    -> BVar s (mat n n)
inv = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let xInv   = H.inv x
        xInvTr = H.tr xInv
    in  ( xInv, \d -> - xInvTr `H.mul` d `H.mul` xInvTr )
{-# INLINE inv #-}

    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> SV.Vector m (BVar s (H.R n))
toRows = sequenceVar . isoVar H.lRows H.rowsL
{-# INLINE toRows #-}

    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> SV.Vector n (BVar s (H.R m))
toColumns = sequenceVar . isoVar H.lCols H.colsL
{-# INLINE toColumns #-}

    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => SV.Vector m (BVar s (H.R n))
    -> BVar s (H.L m n)
fromRows = isoVar H.rowsL H.lRows . collectVar
{-# INLINE fromRows #-}

    :: forall m n s. (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => SV.Vector n (BVar s (H.R m))
    -> BVar s (H.L m n)
fromColumns = isoVar H.colsL H.lCols . collectVar
{-# INLINE fromColumns #-}

    :: forall t s d q. (Reifies q W, H.Sized t s d, HU.Container d t, Num s)
    => BVar q t
    -> BVar q s
konst = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.konst x
    , HU.sumElements . H.extract
{-# INLINE konst #-}

    :: forall t s d q. (Reifies q W, H.Sized t s d, HU.Container d t, Num s)
    => BVar q s
    -> BVar q t
sumElements = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( HU.sumElements . H.extract $ x
    , H.konst
{-# INLINE sumElements #-}

-- | If there are extra items in the total derivative, they are dropped.
-- If there are missing items, they are treated as zero.
    :: forall t s q.
       ( Reifies q W
       , H.Sized t s HU.Vector
       , Num s
       , HU.Konst t Int HU.Vector
       , HU.Container HU.Vector t
       , Num (HU.Vector t)
    => BVar q s
    -> BVar q (HU.Vector t)
extractV = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let n = H.size x
    in  ( H.extract x
        , \d -> let m  = HU.size d
                    m' = case compare n m of
                            LT -> HU.subVector 0 n d
                            EQ -> d
                            GT -> HU.vjoin [d, HU.konst 0 (n - m)]
                in  fromJust . H.create $ m'
{-# INLINE extractV #-}

-- | If there are extra items in the total derivative, they are dropped.
-- If there are missing items, they are treated as zero.
    :: forall t s q.
       ( Reifies q W
       , H.Sized t s HU.Matrix
       , Num s
       , HU.Konst t (Int, Int) HU.Matrix
       , HU.Container HU.Matrix t
       , Num (HU.Matrix t)
    => BVar q s
    -> BVar q (HU.Matrix t)
extractM = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    let (xI,xJ) = H.size x
    in  ( H.extract x
        , \d -> let (dI,dJ) = HU.size d
                    m' = case (compare xI dI, compare xJ dJ) of
                           (LT, LT) -> d HU.?? (HU.Take xI, HU.Take xJ)
                           (LT, EQ) -> d HU.?? (HU.Take xI, HU.All)
                           (LT, GT) -> d HU.?? (HU.Take xI, HU.All)
                                HU.||| HU.konst 0 (xI, xJ - dJ)
                           (EQ, LT) -> d HU.?? (HU.All    , HU.Take xJ)
                           (EQ, EQ) -> d
                           (EQ, GT) -> d HU.?? (HU.All, HU.All)
                                HU.||| HU.konst 0 (xI, xJ - dJ)
                           (GT, LT) -> d HU.?? (HU.All, HU.Take xJ)
                                HU.=== HU.konst 0 (xI - dI, xJ)
                           (GT, EQ) -> d HU.?? (HU.All, HU.All)
                                HU.=== HU.konst 0 (xI - dI, xJ)
                           (GT, GT) -> HU.fromBlocks
                              [[d,0                            ]
                              ,[0,HU.konst 0 (xI - dI, xJ - dJ)]
                in  fromJust . H.create $ m'
{-# INLINE extractM #-}

    :: forall t s d q. (Reifies q W, H.Sized t s d, Num s, Num (d t))
    => BVar q (d t)
    -> Maybe (BVar q s)
create = unANum
       . sequenceVar
       . isoVar (ANum              . H.create)
                (maybe 0 H.extract . unANum  )
{-# INLINE create #-}

    :: ( Reifies s W
       , KnownNat n
       , H.Diag (mat n n) (vec n)
       , H.Domain field vec mat
       , Num (vec n)
       , Num (mat n n)
       , Num field
    => BVar s (mat n n)
    -> BVar s (vec n)
takeDiag = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.takeDiag x
    , H.diagR 0
{-# INLINE takeDiag #-}

-- |
-- \[
-- \frac{1}{2} (M + M^T)
-- \]
sym :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.Sq n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sym n)
sym = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.sym x
    , H.unSym . H.sym . H.unSym
{-# INLINE sym #-}

-- |
-- \[
-- M^T M
-- \]
mTm :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat m, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.L m n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sym n)
mTm = liftOp1 . op1 $ \x ->
    ( H.mTm x
    , \d -> 2 * (x H.<> H.unSym d)
{-# INLINE mTm #-}

-- | Warning: the gradient is going necessarily symmetric, and so is /not/
-- meant to be used directly.  Rather, it is meant to be used in the middle
-- (or at the end) of a longer computation.
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.Sym n)
    -> BVar s (H.Sq n)
unSym = isoVar H.unSym unsafeCoerce
{-# INLINE unSym #-}

-- | Unicode synonym for '<.>>'
    :: (Reifies s W, KnownNat n)
    => BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s (H.R n)
    -> BVar s H.โ„
(<ยท>) = dot
infixr 8 <ยท>
{-# INLINE (<ยท>) #-}