# Multi Expression Programming [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/masterdezign/hmep.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/masterdezign/hmep) You say, not enough Haskell machine learning libraries? Here is yet another one! ## History There exist many other Genetic Algorithm (GA) Haskell packages. Personally I have used [simple genetic algorithm](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/simple-genetic-algorithm-mr), [GA](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GA), and [moo](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/moo) for quite a long time. The last package was the most preferred, but the other two are also great. However, when I came up with this [MEP paper](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, to my surprise there was no MEP implementation in Haskell. Soon I realized that existing GA packages are limited, and it would be more efficient to implement MEP from scratch. That is how this package was started. I also wish to say thank you to the authors of the [moo](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/moo) GA library, which inspired the present [hmep](http://github.com/masterdezign/hmep) package. ## About MEP Multi Expression Programming is a genetic programming variant encoding multiple solutions in the same chromosome. A chromosome is a computer program. Each gene is featuring [code reuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_reuse). How **MEP is different** from other genetic programming (GP) methods? Consider a classical example of tree-based GP. The number of nodes to encode `x^N` using a binary tree is `2N-1`. With MEP encoding, however, redundancies can be dramatically diminished so that the [shortest chromosome](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/cd7b4976800d6c23ce5ebbe67f5ab5c9076229b9/test/Spec.hs#L18) that encodes the same expression has only `N/2` nodes! That often results in significantly reduced computational costs when evaluating MEP chromosomes. Moreover, **all** the intermediate solutions such as `x^(N/2)`, `x^(N/4)`, etc. are provided by the chromosome as well. For more details, please check http://mepx.org/papers.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_expression_programming. ### MEP in open source * By [Mihai Oltean](http://github.com/mepx), C++ * By [Mark Chenoweth](https://github.com/markcheno/go-mep), Go * [Current project](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep), Haskell ### The `hmep` Features * **Works out of the box**. You may use one of the elaborated [examples](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/master/app/) to quickly tailor to your needs. * **Flexibility**. The [`hmep` package](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/) provides adjustable and composable building blocks such as [selection](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hmep-0.1.0/docs/src/AI-MEP-Operators.html#binaryTournament), [mutation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hmep-0.1.0/docs/src/AI-MEP-Operators.html#smoothMutation) and [crossover](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hmep-0.1.0/docs/src/AI-MEP-Operators.html#crossover) [operators](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hmep-0.1.0/docs/AI-MEP.html). One is also free to use their own operators. * **Versatility**. `hmep` can be applied to solve regression problems with one or multiple outputs. It means, you can approximate unknown functions or solve classification tasks. The only requirement is a custom [loss function](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/b006eb8e0ca7c0540de979631423753bf0b66750/app/Main.hs#L67). ## How to build Use [Stack](http://haskellstack.org). $ git clone https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep.git && cd hmep $ stack build --install-ghc ### Example 1 Now that the package is built, run the first demo to express `cos^2(x)` through `sin(x)`: $ stack exec hmep-demo Average loss in the initial population 15.268705681244962 Population 10: average loss 14.709728527360586 Population 20: average loss 13.497114190675477 Population 30: average loss 8.953185872653737 Population 40: average loss 8.953185872653737 Population 50: average loss 3.3219954564955856e-15 Interpreted expression: v1 = sin x0 v2 = v1 * v1 result = 1 - v2 Effectively, the solution `cos^2(x) = 1 - sin^2(x)` was found. Of course, MEP is a stochastic method, meaning that there is no guarantee to find the globally optimal solution. The unknown function approximation problem can be illustrated by the following suboptimal solution for a given set of random data points (blue crosses). This example was produced by another run of the [same demo](app/Main.hs), after 100 generations of 100 chromosomes. The following expression was obtained `y(x) = 3*0.31248786462471034 - sin(sin^2(x))`. Interestingly, the approximating function lies symmetrically in-between the extrema of the unknown function, approximately described by the blue crosses. ![Figure](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/bbc2bdbac4fa3269c506455a473dddfa0e95231c/doc/Figures/cos2_approx.png) ### Example 2 A similar example is to approximate `sin(x)` using only addition and multiplication operators, i.e. with polynomials. $ stack exec hmep-sin-approximation The algorithm is able to automatically figure out the powers of `x`. That is where MEP really shines. We [calculate](app/MainSin.hs) 30 expressions represented by each chromosome with practically no additional computational penalty. Then, we choose the best expression. In this run, we have automatically obtained a [seventh degree polynomial](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/master/doc/sin_approx.py#L12) coded by 14 genes. Pretty cool, yeah? The result of approximation is [visualized](doc/sin_approx.py) below: ![Figure](https://github.com/masterdezign/hmep/blob/d173e96acf72e482474e657880f8bd28c40694e7/doc/Figures/sin_approx.png) ## Authors This library is written and maintained by [Bogdan Penkovsky](http://penkovsky.com)