Todo: - search should wrap. end point == current line. - How about having 'i' display information on the file under the cursor? Often file names are not as descriptive, and one might want to see the mp3 tags without playing the song. This requires a binding to libid3. - Look at how cplay support mpg321 and ogg123 - Add, remove - queue songs Possible: - breaks on Solaris and Irix which lack ncurses.h due to WA_BOLD attrs - Cmd line *files* (not dirs) are not stored in the order they appear on the cmdline - Automated testing, Stress testing - Should random mode not repeat itself? - Dynloaded Config.hs - A simpler, more obviously correct UI.hs, based on a Ppr library - Volume? - An mpd backend? slightly different protocol, but not too different. - We should be able to play oggs