module Music.Theory.Time.Duration where

import qualified Data.List.Split as S {- split -}
import Text.Printf {- base -}

-- | Duration stored as /hours/, /minutes/, /seconds/ and /milliseconds/.
data Duration = Duration {hours :: Int
                         ,minutes :: Int
                         ,seconds :: Int
                         ,milliseconds :: Int}
                deriving (Eq)

-- | Convert fractional /seconds/ to integral /(seconds,milliseconds)/.
-- > s_sms 1.75 == (1,750)
s_sms :: (RealFrac n,Integral i) => n -> (i,i)
s_sms s =
    let s' = floor s
        ms = round ((s - fromIntegral s') * 1000)
    in (s',ms)

-- | Inverse of 's_sms'.
-- > sms_s (1,750) == 1.75
sms_s :: (Integral i) => (i,i) -> Double
sms_s (s,ms) = fromIntegral s + fromIntegral ms / 1000

-- | 'Read' function for 'Duration' tuple.
read_duration_tuple :: String -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
read_duration_tuple x =
    let f :: (Int,Int,Double) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
        f (h,m,s) = let (s',ms) = s_sms s in (h,m,s',ms)
    in case S.splitOneOf ":" x of
        [h,m,s] -> f (read h,read m,read s)
        [m,s] -> f (0,read m,read s)
        [s] -> f (0,0,read s)
        _ -> error "read_duration_tuple"

-- | 'Read' function for 'Duration'.  Allows either @H:M:S.MS@ or
-- @M:S.MS@ or @S.MS@.
-- > read_duration "01:35:05.250" == Duration 1 35 5 250
-- > read_duration    "35:05.250" == Duration 0 35 5 250
-- > read_duration       "05.250" == Duration 0 0 5 250
read_duration :: String -> Duration
read_duration = tuple_to_duration id . read_duration_tuple

instance Read Duration where
    readsPrec _ x = [(read_duration x,"")]

-- | 'Show' function for 'Duration'.
-- > show_duration (Duration 1 35 5 250) == "01:35:05.250"
-- > show (Duration 1 15 0 000) == "01:15:00.000"
show_duration :: Duration -> String
show_duration (Duration h m s ms) =
    let f :: Int -> String
        f = printf "%02d"
        g = f . fromIntegral
        s' = sms_s (s,ms)
    in concat [g h,":",g m,":",printf "%06.3f" s']

instance Show Duration where
    show = show_duration

normalise_minutes :: Duration -> Duration
normalise_minutes (Duration h m s ms) =
    let (h',m') = m `divMod` 60
    in Duration (h + h') m' s ms

normalise_seconds :: Duration -> Duration
normalise_seconds (Duration h m s ms) =
    let (m',s') = s `divMod` 60
    in Duration h (m + m') s' ms

normalise_milliseconds :: Duration -> Duration
normalise_milliseconds (Duration h m s ms) =
    let (s',ms') = ms `divMod` 1000
    in Duration h m (s + s') ms'

normalise_duration :: Duration -> Duration
normalise_duration =
    normalise_minutes .
    normalise_seconds .

-- | Extract 'Duration' tuple applying filter function at each element
-- > duration_tuple id (Duration 1 35 5 250) == (1,35,5,250)
duration_to_tuple :: (Int -> a) -> Duration -> (a,a,a,a)
duration_to_tuple f (Duration h m s ms) = (f h,f m,f s,f ms)

-- | Inverse of 'duration_to_tuple'.
tuple_to_duration :: (a -> Int) -> (a,a,a,a) -> Duration
tuple_to_duration f (h,m,s,ms) = Duration (f h) (f m) (f s) (f ms)

-- > duration_to_hours (read "01:35:05.250") == 1.5847916666666668
duration_to_hours :: Fractional n => Duration -> n
duration_to_hours d =
    let (h,m,s,ms) = duration_to_tuple fromIntegral d
    in h + (m / 60) + (s / (60 * 60)) + (ms / (60 * 60 * 1000))

-- > duration_to_minutes (read "01:35:05.250") == 95.0875
duration_to_minutes :: Fractional n => Duration -> n
duration_to_minutes = (* 60) . duration_to_hours

-- > duration_to_seconds (read "01:35:05.250") == 5705.25
duration_to_seconds :: Fractional n => Duration -> n
duration_to_seconds = (* 60) . duration_to_minutes

-- > hours_to_duration 1.5847916 == Duration 1 35 5 250
hours_to_duration :: RealFrac a => a -> Duration
hours_to_duration n =
    let r = fromIntegral :: RealFrac a => Int -> a
        h = (r . floor) n
        m = (n - h) * 60
        (s,ms) = s_sms ((m - (r . floor) m) * 60)
    in Duration (floor h) (floor m) s ms

minutes_to_duration :: RealFrac a => a -> Duration
minutes_to_duration n = hours_to_duration (n / 60)

seconds_to_duration :: RealFrac a => a -> Duration
seconds_to_duration n = minutes_to_duration (n / 60)

nil_duration :: Duration
nil_duration = Duration 0 0 0 0

negate_duration :: Duration -> Duration
negate_duration (Duration h m s ms) =
    let h' = if h > 0 then -h else h
        m' = if h == 0 && m > 0 then -m else m
        s' = if h == 0 && m == 0 && s > 0 then -s else s
        ms' = if h == 0 && m == 0 && s == 0 then -ms else ms
    in Duration h' m' s' ms'

-- > duration_diff (Duration 1 35 5 250) (Duration 0 25 1 125) == Duration 1 10 4 125
-- > duration_diff (Duration 0 25 1 125) (Duration 1 35 5 250) == Duration (-1) 10 4 125
-- > duration_diff (Duration 0 25 1 125) (Duration 0 25 1 250) == Duration 0 0 0 (-125)
duration_diff :: Duration -> Duration -> Duration
duration_diff p q =
    let f = duration_to_hours :: Duration -> Double
        (p',q') = (f p,f q)
        g = normalise_duration . hours_to_duration
    in case compare p' q' of
         LT -> negate_duration (g (q' - p'))
         EQ -> nil_duration
         GT -> g (p' - q')