-- | Haskell implementations of @pct@ operations.
-- See <http://slavepianos.org/rd/t/pct>.
module Music.Theory.Z12.Drape_1999 where

import Data.Function {- base -}
import Data.List {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}
import Safe {- safe -}

import qualified Music.Theory.List as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Set.List as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Tuple as T

import qualified Music.Theory.Z as Z
import qualified Music.Theory.Z.SRO as Z
import qualified Music.Theory.Z.TTO as Z

import Music.Theory.Z12 (Z12)
import qualified Music.Theory.Z12 as Z12
import qualified Music.Theory.Z12.Forte_1973 as Z12
import qualified Music.Theory.Z12.TTO as Z12
import qualified Music.Theory.Z12.SRO as Z12

-- | Cardinality filter
-- > cf [0,3] (cg [1..4]) == [[1,2,3],[1,2,4],[1,3,4],[2,3,4],[]]
cf :: (Integral n) => [n] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
cf ns = filter (\p -> genericLength p `elem` ns)

-- | Combinatorial sets formed by considering each set as possible
-- values for slot.
-- > cgg [[0,1],[5,7],[3]] == [[0,5,3],[0,7,3],[1,5,3],[1,7,3]]
-- > let n = "01" in cgg [n,n,n] == ["000","001","010","011","100","101","110","111"]
cgg :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cgg l =
    case l of
      x:xs -> [ y:z | y <- x, z <- cgg xs ]
      _ -> [[]]

-- | Combinations generator, ie. synonym for 'T.powerset'.
-- > sort (cg [0,1,3]) == [[],[0],[0,1],[0,1,3],[0,3],[1],[1,3],[3]]
cg :: [a] -> [[a]]
cg = T.powerset

-- | Powerset filtered by cardinality.
-- >>> pct cg -r3 0159
-- 015
-- 019
-- 059
-- 159
-- > cg_r 3 [0,1,5,9] == [[0,1,5],[0,1,9],[0,5,9],[1,5,9]]
cg_r :: (Integral n) => n -> [a] -> [[a]]
cg_r n = cf [n] . cg

{- | Chain pcsegs.

>>> echo 024579 | pct chn T0 3 | sort -u
579468 (RT8M)
579A02 (T5)

> chn_t0 3 [0,2,4,5,7,9] == [[5,7,9,10,0,2],[5,7,9,4,6,8]]

>>> echo 02457t | pct chn T0 2
7A0135 (RT5I)
7A81B9 (RT9MI)

> chn_t0 2 [0,2,4,5,7,10] == [[7,10,0,1,3,5],[7,10,8,1,11,9]]

chn_t0 :: Int -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
chn_t0 n p =
    let f q = T.take_right n p == take n q
    in filter f (Z12.sro_rtmi_related p)

{- | Cyclic interval segment.

>>> echo 014295e38t76 | pct cisg

> ciseg [0,1,4,2,9,5,11,3,8,10,7,6] == [1,3,10,7,8,6,4,5,2,9,11,6]

ciseg :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
ciseg = T.d_dx . cyc

-- | Synonynm for 'complement'.
-- >>> pct cmpl 02468t
-- 13579B
-- > cmpl [0,2,4,6,8,10] == [1,3,5,7,9,11]
cmpl :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
cmpl = Z12.complement

-- | Form cycle.
-- >>> echo 056 | pct cyc
-- 0560
-- > cyc [0,5,6] == [0,5,6,0]
cyc :: [a] -> [a]
cyc l =
    case l of
      [] -> []
      x:xs -> (x:xs) ++ [x]

-- | Diatonic set name. 'd' for diatonic set, 'm' for melodic minor
-- set, 'o' for octotonic set.
d_nm :: (Integral a) => [a] -> Maybe Char
d_nm x =
    case x of
      [0,2,4,5,7,9,11] -> Just 'd'
      [0,2,3,5,7,9,11] -> Just 'm'
      [0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10] -> Just 'o'
      _ -> Nothing

-- | Diatonic implications.
dim :: [Z12] -> [(Z12,[Z12])]
dim p =
    let g (i,q) = T.is_subset p (Z12.tto_tn i q)
        f = filter g . zip [0..11] . repeat
        d = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
        m = [0,2,3,5,7,9,11]
        o = [0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10]
    in f d ++ f m ++ f o

-- | Variant of 'dim' that is closer to the 'pct' form.
-- >>> pct dim 016
-- T1d
-- T1m
-- T0o
-- > dim_nm [0,1,6] == [(1,'d'),(1,'m'),(0,'o')]
dim_nm :: [Z12] -> [(Z12,Char)]
dim_nm =
    let pk f (i,j) = (i,f j)
    in nubBy ((==) `on` snd) .
       map (pk (fromMaybe (error "dim_mn") . d_nm)) .

-- | Diatonic interval set to interval set.
-- >>> pct dis 24
-- 1256
-- > dis [2,4] == [1,2,5,6]
dis :: (Integral t) => [Int] -> [t]
dis =
    let is = [[], [], [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [6,7], [8,9], [10,11]]
    in concatMap (\j -> is !! j)

-- | Degree of intersection.
-- >>> echo 024579e | pct doi 6 | sort -u
-- 024579A
-- 024679B
-- > let p = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
-- > in doi 6 p p == [[0,2,4,5,7,9,10],[0,2,4,6,7,9,11]]
-- >>> echo 01234 | pct doi 2 7-35 | sort -u
-- 13568AB
-- > doi 2 (T.sc "7-35") [0,1,2,3,4] == [[1,3,5,6,8,10,11]]
doi :: Int -> [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
doi n p q =
    let f j = [Z12.tto_tn j p,Z12.tto_tni j p]
        xs = concatMap f [0..11]
    in T.set (filter (\x -> length (x `intersect` q) == n) xs)

-- | Forte name.
fn :: [Z12] -> String
fn = Z12.sc_name

-- | Z12 cycles.
frg_cyc :: T.T6 [[Z12]]
frg_cyc =
    let c1 = [[0..11]]
        c2 = map (\n -> map (+ n) [0,2..10]) [0..1]
        c3 = map (\n -> map (+ n) [0,3..9]) [0..2]
        c4 = map (\n -> map (+ n) [0,4..8]) [0..3]
        c5 = map (map (* 5)) c1
        c6 = map (\n -> map (+ n) [0,6]) [0..5]
    in (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6)

-- | Fragmentation of cycles.
frg :: [Z12] -> T.T6 [String]
frg p =
    let f = map (\n -> if n `elem` p then Z12.z12_to_char n else '-')
    in T.t6_map (map f) frg_cyc

ic_cycle_vector :: [Z12] -> T.T6 [Int]
ic_cycle_vector p =
    let f str = let str' = if length str > 2 then T.close str else str
                in length (filter (\(x,y) -> x /= '-' && y /= '-') (T.adj2 1 str'))
    in T.t6_map (map f) (frg p)

-- | Pretty printer for 'ic_cycle_vector'.
-- > let r = "IC cycle vector: <1> <22> <111> <1100> <5> <000000>"
-- > in ic_cycle_vector_pp (ic_cycle_vector [0,2,4,5,7,9]) == r
ic_cycle_vector_pp :: T.T6 [Int] -> String
ic_cycle_vector_pp = ("IC cycle vector: " ++) . unwords . T.t6_to_list . T.t6_map Z.z16_seq_pp

frg_hdr :: [String]
frg_hdr = map (\n -> "Fragmentation of " ++ show n ++ "-cycle(s)") [1::Int .. 6]

{-| Fragmentation of cycles.

>>> pct frg 024579
Fragmentation of 1-cycle(s):  [0-2-45-7-9--]
Fragmentation of 2-cycle(s):  [024---] [--579-]
Fragmentation of 3-cycle(s):  [0--9] [-47-] [25--]
Fragmentation of 4-cycle(s):  [04-] [-59] [2--] [-7-]
Fragmentation of 5-cycle(s):  [05------4927]
Fragmentation of 6-cycle(s):  [0-] [-7] [2-] [-9] [4-] [5-]
IC cycle vector: <1> <22> <111> <1100> <5> <000000>

> putStrLn $ frg_pp [0,2,4,5,7,9]
frg_pp :: [Z12] -> String
frg_pp =
    let f = unwords . map (\p -> T.bracket ('[',']') p)
        g x y = x ++ ": " ++ y
    in unlines . zipWith g frg_hdr . T.t6_to_list . T.t6_map f . frg

-- | Embedded segment search.
-- >>> echo 23A | pct ess 0164325
-- 2B013A9
-- 923507A
-- > ess [0,1,6,4,3,2,5] [2,3,10] == [[9,2,3,5,0,7,10],[2,11,0,1,3,10,9]]
ess :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
ess p q = filter (`T.is_embedding` q) (Z12.sro_rtmi_related p)

-- | Can the set-class q (under prime form algorithm pf) be
--   drawn from the pcset p.
has_sc_pf :: (Integral a) => ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
has_sc_pf pf p q =
    let n = length q
    in pf q `elem` map pf (cf [n] (cg p))

-- | Can the set-class q be drawn from the pcset p.
-- > let d = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11] in has_sc d (complement d) == True
-- > has_sc [] [] == True
has_sc :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> Bool
has_sc = has_sc_pf Z12.forte_prime

-- | Interval cycle filter.
-- >>> echo 22341 | pct icf
-- 22341
-- > icf [[2,2,3,4,1]] == [[2,2,3,4,1]]
icf :: (Num a,Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
icf = filter ((== 12) . sum)

-- | Interval class set to interval sets.
-- >>> pct ici -c 123
-- 123
-- 129
-- 1A3
-- 1A9
-- > ici_c [1,2,3] == [[1,2,3],[1,2,9],[1,10,3],[1,10,9]]
ici :: (Num t) => [Int] -> [[t]]
ici xs =
    let is j = [[0], [1,11], [2,10], [3,9], [4,8], [5,7], [6]] !! j
        ys = map is xs
    in cgg ys

-- | Interval class set to interval sets, concise variant.
-- > ici_c [1,2,3] == [[1,2,3],[1,2,9],[1,10,3],[1,10,9]]
ici_c :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
ici_c [] = []
ici_c (x:xs) = map (x:) (ici xs)

-- | Interval-class segment.
-- >>> pct icseg 013265e497t8
-- 12141655232
-- > icseg [0,1,3,2,6,5,11,4,9,7,10,8] == [1,2,1,4,1,6,5,5,2,3,2]
icseg :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
icseg = map Z12.ic . iseg

-- | Interval segment (INT).
iseg :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
iseg = T.d_dx

-- | Imbrications.
-- > let r = [[[0,2,4],[2,4,5],[4,5,7],[5,7,9]]
-- >         ,[[0,2,4,5],[2,4,5,7],[4,5,7,9]]]
-- > in imb [3,4] [0,2,4,5,7,9] == r
imb :: (Integral n) => [n] -> [a] -> [[[a]]]
imb cs p =
    let g n = (== n) . genericLength
        f ps n = filter (g n) (map (genericTake n) ps)
    in map (f (tails p)) cs

{- | 'issb' gives the set-classes that can append to 'p' to give 'q'.

>>> pct issb 3-7 6-32

> issb (T.sc "3-7") (T.sc "6-32") == ["3-2","3-7","3-11"]

issb :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [String]
issb p q =
    let k = length q - length p
        f = any id . map (\x -> Z12.forte_prime (p ++ x) == q) . Z12.tto_ti_related
    in map Z12.sc_name (filter f (cf [k] Z12.scs))

-- | Matrix search.
-- >>> pct mxs 024579 642 | sort -u
-- 6421B9
-- B97642
-- > T.set (mxs [0,2,4,5,7,9] [6,4,2]) == [[6,4,2,1,11,9],[11,9,7,6,4,2]]
mxs :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
mxs p q = filter (q `isInfixOf`) (Z12.sro_rti_related p)

-- | Normalize.
-- >>> pct nrm 0123456543210
-- 0123456
-- > nrm [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1,0] == [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
nrm :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
nrm = T.set

-- | Normalize, retain duplicate elements.
nrm_r :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
nrm_r = sort

{- | Pitch-class invariances (called @pi@ at @pct@).

>>> pct pi 0236 12
pcseg 0236
pcseg 6320
pcseg 532B
pcseg B235

> pci [1,2] [0,2,3,6] == [[0,2,3,6],[5,3,2,11],[6,3,2,0],[11,2,3,5]]

pci :: [Int] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
pci i p =
    let f q = T.set (map (q !!) i)
    in filter (\q -> f q == f p) (Z12.sro_rti_related p)

-- | Relate sets (TnMI).
-- >>> pct rs 0123 641e
-- T1M
-- > rs [0,1,2,3] [6,4,1,11] == [(Z.tto_parse "T1M",[1,6,11,4])
-- >                            ,(Z.tto_parse "T4MI",[4,11,6,1])]
rs :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [(Z.TTO Z12, [Z12])]
rs x y =
    let xs = map (\o -> (o,Z.z_tto_apply 5 id o x)) (Z.z_tto_univ id)
        q = T.set y
    in filter (\(_,p) -> T.set p == q) xs

rs1 :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> Maybe (Z.TTO Z12)
rs1 p = fmap fst . headMay . rs p

{- | Relate segments.

>>> pct rsg 156 3BA

> rsg [1,5,6] [3,11,10] == [Z.sro_parse "T4I",Z.sro_parse "r1RT4MI"]

>>> pct rsg 0123 05t3

> rsg [0,1,2,3] [0,5,10,3] == [Z.sro_parse "T0M",Z.sro_parse "RT3MI"]

>>> pct rsg 0123 4e61

> rsg [0,1,2,3] [4,11,6,1] == [Z.sro_parse "T4MI",Z.sro_parse "RT1M"]

>>> echo e614 | pct rsg 0123

> rsg [0,1,2,3] [11,6,1,4] == [Z.sro_parse "r1T4MI",Z.sro_parse "r1RT1M"]

rsg :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [Z.SRO Z12]
rsg x y = filter (\o -> sro o x == y) (Z.z_sro_univ (length x) id)

-- | Subsets.
sb :: [[Z12]] -> [[Z12]]
sb xs =
    let f p = all id (map (`has_sc` p) xs)
    in filter f Z12.scs

{- | scc = set class completion

>>> pct scc 6-32 168

> scc (Z12.sc "6-32") [1,6,8] == [[3,5,10],[4,9,11],[3,10,11],[3,4,11]]

scc :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
scc r p = map (\\ p) (filter (T.is_subset p) (Z12.tto_ti_related r))

si_hdr :: [String]
si_hdr =

type SI = ([Z12],Z.TTO Z12,[Z12])

-- > si_raw [0,5,3,11]
si_raw :: [Z12] -> (SI,[Z12],[Int],SI,SI)
si_raw p =
    let n = length p
        p_icv = Z12.to_Z12 n : Z12.icv p
        gen_si x = let x_f = Z12.forte_prime x
                       Just x_o = rs1 x_f x
                   in (nub (sort x),x_o,x_f)
    in (gen_si p,p_icv,tics p,gen_si (Z12.complement p),gen_si (map (* 5) p))

si_raw_pp :: [Z12] -> [String]
si_raw_pp p =
    let pf_pp concise (x_o,x_f) =
            concat [Z.tto_pp x_o," ",Z12.sc_name x_f
                   ,if concise then "" else Z12.z12_vec_pp x_f]
        si_pp (x,x_o,x_f) = concat [Z12.z12_set_pp x," (",pf_pp True (x_o,x_f),")"]
        ((p',p_o,p_f),p_icv,p_tics,c,m) = si_raw p
    in [Z12.z12_set_pp p'
       ,pf_pp False (p_o,p_f)
       ,Z12.z12_vec_pp p_icv
       ,Z.z16_vec_pp p_tics
       ,si_pp c
       ,si_pp m]

-- | Set information.
-- > putStr $ unlines $ si [0,5,3,11]
si :: [Z12] -> [String]
si p = zipWith (\k v -> concat [k,": ",v]) si_hdr (si_raw_pp p)

{- | Super set-class.

>>> pct spsc 4-11 4-12

> spsc [Z12.sc "4-11",Z12.sc "4-12"] == [[0,2,4,5,8]]

>>> pct spsc 3-11 3-8

> spsc [Z12.sc "3-11",Z12.sc "3-8"] == [[0,2,5,8],[0,1,3,7]]

>>> pct spsc `pct fl 3`

> spsc (cf [3] Z12.scs) == [[0,1,2,4,7,8]]

spsc :: [[Z12]] -> [[Z12]]
spsc xs =
    let f y = all (y `has_sc`) xs
        g = (==) `on` length
    in (head . groupBy g . filter f) Z12.scs

{- | sra = stravinsky rotational array

>>> echo 019BA7 | pct sra

> let r = [[0,1,9,11,10,7],[0,8,10,9,6,11],[0,2,1,10,3,4]
>        ,[0,11,8,1,2,10],[0,9,2,3,11,1],[0,5,6,2,4,3]]
> in sra [0,1,9,11,10,7] == r

sra :: [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
sra = map (Z12.sro_tn_to 0) . T.rotations

{- | Serial operation.

>>> echo 156 | pct sro T4

> sro (Z.sro_parse "T4") [1,5,6] == [5,9,10]

>>> echo 024579 | pct sro RT4I

> sro (Z.SRO 0 True 4 False True) [0,2,4,5,7,9] == [7,9,11,0,2,4]

>>> echo 156 | pct sro T4I

> sro (Z.sro_parse "T4I") [1,5,6] == [3,11,10]
> sro (Z.SRO 0 False 4 False True) [1,5,6] == [3,11,10]

>>> echo 156 | pct sro T4  | pct sro T0I

> (sro (Z.sro_parse "T0I") . sro (Z.sro_parse "T4")) [1,5,6] == [7,3,2]

>>> echo 024579 | pct sro RT4I

> sro (Z.sro_parse "RT4I") [0,2,4,5,7,9] == [7,9,11,0,2,4]

sro :: Z.SRO Z12 -> [Z12] -> [Z12]
sro o = Z.z_sro_apply 5 id o

-- | Vector indicating degree of intersection with inversion at each transposition.
-- > tics [0,2,4,5,7,9] == [3,2,5,0,5,2,3,4,1,6,1,4]
-- > map tics Z12.scs
tics :: [Z12] -> [Int]
tics p =
    let q = Z12.tto_t_related (Z12.tto_invert 0 p)
    in map (length . intersect p) q

{- | tmatrix

>>> pct tmatrix 1258


> tmatrix [1,2,5,8] == [[1,2,5,8],[0,1,4,7],[9,10,1,4],[6,7,10,1]]

tmatrix :: [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
tmatrix p =
    let i = map negate (T.d_dx p)
    in map (\n -> map (+ n) p) (T.dx_d 0 i)

{- | trs = transformations search.  Search all RTnMI of /p/ for /q/.

>>> echo 642 | pct trs 024579 | sort -u

> let r = [[5,3,1,6,4,2],[6,4,2,1,11,9],[6,4,2,7,5,3],[11,9,7,6,4,2]]
> in sort (trs [0,2,4,5,7,9] [6,4,2]) == r

trs :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
trs p q = filter (q `isInfixOf`) (Z12.sro_rtmi_related p)

-- > trs_m [0,2,4,5,7,9] [6,4,2] == [[6,4,2,1,11,9],[11,9,7,6,4,2]]
trs_m :: [Z12] -> [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
trs_m p q = filter (q `isInfixOf`) (Z12.sro_rti_related p)