-- | Functions to make /path diagrams/ such as those in Fig. VIII-11
-- on I.Xenakis /Formalized Music/.
module Music.Theory.Diagram.Render.Path where

import Data.CG.Minus {- hcg-minus -}
import Data.CG.Minus.Colour
import Data.Colour {- colour -}
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C {- cairo -}
import Music.Theory.Diagram.Path
import Render.CG.Minus.Arrow

-- * Drawing

-- | A set of 'Ca' and 'Ls' pairs.
type Path = [(Ca,Ls R)]

-- | Draw 'Path' with mid-point arrows.
draw_path :: Path -> C.Render ()
draw_path xs = do
  mapM_ (uncurry (arrows_mp 0.1 (pi/9))) xs

-- | 'mapM_' 'draw_path'.
draw_paths :: [Path] -> C.Render ()
draw_paths = mapM_ draw_path

-- | 'draw_paths' to named @PDF@ file.
write_pdf :: FilePath -> [Path] -> IO ()
write_pdf fn xs = do
  let f s = C.renderWith s (C.translate 10 100 >>
                            C.scale 100 100 >>
                            draw_paths xs)
  C.withPDFSurface fn 500 500 f

-- * Path diagram

-- | Write @PDF@ of a set of 'Path_Diagram's to named file.
path_diagram :: FilePath -> [Path_Diagram] -> IO ()
path_diagram fn =
    let f (i,j) = (opaque black,[i,j])
    in write_pdf fn . map (map (ln_fn f) . to_unit 4 . mk_path_sm)