with builtins; let a1 = toFile "foo" "foo contents"; # /nix/store/pqwdc5m06lxl8gmzcd26ifwsdhq9fj7k-foo a2 = toFile "bar" "bar contents"; # /nix/store/4q6kxj1ym13yfp1bcdrzrwa1la6dqgp5-bar b = dirOf a1; c = substring 3 1 b; d = replaceStrings ["b"] [c] "abc"; e = replaceStrings ["k"] [c] "abc"; f = replaceStrings ["y"] [c] (dirOf a2); g = replaceStrings ["s"] [c] (dirOf a2); h = replaceStrings ["y"] ["z"] "abc"; in [ b c d e f g h # TODO Add a1 here when we have correct store hashing working (hasContext d) (hasContext e) (hasContext f) (hasContext g) (hasContext h) ]