{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Network.Wreq.Docker.Image.Lib -- Copyright : (C) 2016 Awake Networks -- License : Apache-2.0 -- Maintainer : Awake Networks -- Stability : stable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Network.Wreq.Docker.Image.Lib where import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import qualified Control.Concurrent.PooledIO.Final as Pool import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8L import Data.Coerce import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq import qualified System.Directory as Directory import System.FilePath.Posix as File import System.Terminal.Concurrent import Data.Docker.Image.Types import Hocker.Lib import Network.Wreq.Docker.Registry as Docker.Registry import Hocker.Types import Hocker.Types.Exceptions import Hocker.Types.ImageTag -- | Like @mapM@ but concurrently apply a function to the elements of -- the @Traversable@, limiting the maximum number of worker threads by -- _n_. mapPool :: Traversable t => Int -- ^ Number of pooled worker threads -> ((String -> IO ()) -> a -> Hocker FilePath) -- ^ Processing function -> t a -- ^ A Traversable container -> Hocker (t (Either HockerException FilePath)) mapPool n f l = do env <- ask writeC <- liftIO getConcurrentOutputter let f' v = (runHocker (f writeC v) env) -- TODO: because I'm re-wrapping the function traversing the -- traversable, I need to extract the Left's from the result and -- propagate an error up with @throwError@ from this function. -- -- TODO: refactor this such that the previous TODO is unnecessary. liftIO . Pool.runLimited n $ traverse (Pool.fork . f') l -- | Like @mapPool@ but with the arguments flipped. forPool :: Traversable t => Int -- ^ Number of pooled worker threads -> t a -- ^ A Traversable container -> ((String -> IO ()) -> a -> Hocker FilePath) -- ^ Processing function -> Hocker (t (Either HockerException FilePath)) forPool n = flip $ mapPool n -- | Download, verify, decompress, and write a docker container image -- layer to the filesystem. fetchLayer :: (String -> IO ()) -- ^ Concurrent terminal output function -> (RefLayer, Layer) -- ^ A tuple of the reference layer hash digest from the image's config JSON and hash digest from the image's manifest JSON -> Hocker FilePath fetchLayer writeC layer@(refl, (stripHashId -> layer')) = ask >>= \HockerMeta{..} -> do liftIO . writeC . Text.unpack $ "Downloading layer: " <> (Text.take 7 layer') fetchedImageLayer <- checkResponseIntegrity' =<< (Docker.Registry.fetchLayer $ snd layer) let decompressed = fetchedImageLayer & Wreq.responseBody %~ GZip.decompress shortRef = Text.take 7 refl imageOutDir <- Hocker.Lib.requirePath outDir liftIO $ writeC " => decompressed " let layerOutPath = File.joinPath [imageOutDir, Text.unpack refl] `addExtension` "tar" layerPath <- writeRespBody layerOutPath refl decompressed liftIO . writeC $ Text.unpack ("=> wrote " <> shortRef) return layerPath -- | Generate a @manifest.json@ file. createImageManifest :: RepoTag -- ^ e.g: registry.mydomain.net:5001/reponame/imagename -> FilePath -- ^ Path of image config file for manifest -> [RefLayer] -- ^ Layer hash digests sourced from the image's config JSON -> Hocker () createImageManifest repoTag imageConfigFile refls = ask >>= \HockerMeta{..} -> do let imageManifest = [ ImageManifest (takeBaseName imageConfigFile `addExtension` "json") [Text.pack (repoTag ++ ":" ++ coerce imageTag)] (fmap ((`addExtension` "tar") . Text.unpack) refls) ] imageOutDir <- Hocker.Lib.requirePath outDir liftIO $ C8L.writeFile (imageOutDir "manifest" `addExtension` "json") (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imageManifest) -- | Generate a @repositories@ json file. -- -- NB: it is JSON but Docker doesn't want it a @.json@ extension -- unlike its sibling the @manifest.json@ file. createImageRepository :: RepoTag -- ^ e.g: registry.mydomain.net:5001/reponame/imagename -> [RefLayer] -- ^ Layer hash digests sourced from the image's configuration JSON -> Hocker () createImageRepository repoTag refls = ask >>= \HockerMeta{..} -> do let repositories = ImageRepo (Text.pack repoTag) -- Create a singleton map from a tag and the "latest" layer; -- Aeson will correctly encode this as an object with a key -- (the tag) and value (the layer within the archive named -- by its hash digest) (HashMap.singleton (Text.pack $ coerce imageTag) ((Prelude.last refls) <> ".tar")) imageOutDir <- Hocker.Lib.requirePath outDir liftIO $ C8L.writeFile (imageOutDir "repositories") (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical repositories) -- | Tar and gzip the output dir into the final docker image archive -- and remove the output dir. createImageTar :: Hocker FilePath createImageTar = ask >>= \HockerMeta{..} -> do imageOutDir <- Hocker.Lib.requirePath outDir archivePath <- Hocker.Lib.requirePath out entries <- liftIO $ Directory.getDirectoryContents imageOutDir -- TODO: remove once we have a newer `directory` let entriesToPack = [e | e <- entries, e /= ".", e /= ".."] liftIO $ Tar.create archivePath imageOutDir entriesToPack -- Cleanup after ourselves liftIO $ Directory.removeDirectoryRecursive imageOutDir return $ archivePath