{- |
module: $Header$
description: Higher order logic theories
license: MIT

maintainer: Joe Leslie-Hurd <joe@gilith.com>
stability: provisional
portability: portable

module HOL.Theory

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.PrettyPrint ((<>),(<+>),($+$))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

import qualified HOL.Const as Const
import HOL.Data
import HOL.Name
import HOL.Print
import HOL.Sequent (Sequent)
import HOL.Thm (Thm)
import qualified HOL.Thm as Thm
import qualified HOL.TypeOp as TypeOp

-- Theories

data Theory =
      {typeOpMap :: Map Name (Set TypeOp),
       constMap :: Map Name (Set Const),
       thmMap :: Map Sequent Thm}
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- Constructors and destructors

empty :: Theory
empty = Theory {typeOpMap = Map.empty, constMap = Map.empty, thmMap = Map.empty}

fromThmSet :: Set Thm -> Theory
fromThmSet ths =
    Theory {typeOpMap = t, constMap = c, thmMap = th}
    mkSingle k v x = Map.singleton (k x) (v x)
    mkGen k v u = Map.unionsWith u . map (mkSingle k v) . Set.toList
    mkSet k = mkGen k Set.singleton Set.union
    mkSimple k = mkGen k id const

    t = mkSet TypeOp.name $ TypeOp.ops ths
    c = mkSet Const.name $ Const.consts ths
    th = mkSimple Thm.dest ths

-- Union

union :: Theory -> Theory -> Theory
union thy1 thy2 =
    Theory {typeOpMap = t, constMap = c, thmMap = th}
    Theory {typeOpMap = t1, constMap = c1, thmMap = th1} = thy1
    Theory {typeOpMap = t2, constMap = c2, thmMap = th2} = thy2

    t = Map.unionWith Set.union t1 t2
    c = Map.unionWith Set.union c1 c2
    th = Map.union th1 th2

unionList :: [Theory] -> Theory
unionList = foldr union empty

-- Type operators

instance TypeOp.HasOps Theory where
  ops = TypeOp.ops . Map.elems . typeOpMap

lookupTypeOp :: Theory -> Name -> Maybe TypeOp
lookupTypeOp thy n =
    case Map.lookup n $ typeOpMap thy of
      Nothing -> Just $ TypeOp.mkUndef n
      Just s -> if Set.size s == 1 then Just (Set.findMin s) else Nothing

-- Constants

instance Const.HasConsts Theory where
  consts = Const.consts . Map.elems . constMap

lookupConst :: Theory -> Name -> Maybe Const
lookupConst thy n =
    case Map.lookup n $ constMap thy of
      Nothing -> Just $ Const.mkUndef n
      Just s -> if Set.size s == 1 then Just (Set.findMin s) else Nothing

-- Theorems

sequents :: Theory -> Set Sequent
sequents = Map.keysSet . thmMap

thms :: Theory -> Set Thm
thms = Set.fromList . Map.elems . thmMap

lookupThm :: Theory -> Sequent -> Maybe Thm
lookupThm thy sq = Map.lookup sq $ thmMap thy

-- Printing

instance Printable Theory where
  toDoc thy =
      pr "type operator" PP.fsep ts $+$
      pr "constant" PP.fsep cs $+$
      pr "theorem" PP.vcat ths
      pr k j xs =
          if n == 0 then PP.text "no" <+> ks
          else PP.hang (PP.integer n <+> ks <> PP.text ":") 2 xd
          xd = j (map toDoc (Set.toList xs))
          n = toInteger (Set.size xs)
          ks = PP.text k <> (if n == 1 then PP.empty else PP.text "s")

      ts = TypeOp.ops thy
      cs = Const.consts thy
      ths = thms thy

-- A minimal theory containing the standard axioms

standard :: Theory
standard = fromThmSet Thm.standardAxioms