{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.File 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.Coroutine.File where

-- from other packages
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens (at,view,set,over,(.~))
import           Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM,mapM_,forM_)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (parseOnly)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (pack,unpack,readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (md5)
import           Data.Foldable (mapM_,forM_)
import qualified Data.List as List 
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk 
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO (hClose, hFileSize, openFile, IOMode(..))
import           System.Process 
#ifdef HUB
import           Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Crtn
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple
import           Data.Hoodle.Select
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render (Xform4Page(..),cnstrctRHoodle)
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Generic
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Item
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest 
import           Hoodle.Publish.PDF (renderHoodleToPDF)
import           Text.Hoodle.Builder 
import           Text.Hoodle.Migrate.FromXournal
import qualified Text.Hoodlet.Parse.Attoparsec as Hoodlet
import qualified Text.Xournal.Parse.Conduit as XP
-- from this package 
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Dialog
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Layer
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Minibuffer
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Mode 
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Page
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Scroll
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Select.Clipboard
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.TextInput
import           Hoodle.GUI.Reflect
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.File
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Layer 
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Window
import qualified Hoodle.Script.Coroutine as S
import           Hoodle.Script.Hook
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event hiding (TypSVG)
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Util
#ifdef HUB
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Hub
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Hub.Common
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.HubInternal
import           Hoodle.Type.Hub
import           Hoodle.Type.Synchronization
import Prelude hiding (readFile,concat,mapM,mapM_)

-- | 
askIfSave :: MainCoroutine () -> MainCoroutine () 
askIfSave action = do 
    uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
    if not (view isSaved uhdl)
        okCancelMessageBox "Current canvas is not saved yet. Will you proceed without save?" >>= flip when action
      else action 

-- | 
askIfOverwrite :: FilePath -> MainCoroutine () -> MainCoroutine () 
askIfOverwrite fp action = do 
    b <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp 
    if b 
      then do 
        r <- okCancelMessageBox ("Overwrite " ++ fp ++ "???") 
        if r then action else return () 
      else action 

-- | get file content from xournal file and update hoodle state 
getFileContent :: FileStore -> MainCoroutine ()
getFileContent store@(LocalDir (Just fname)) = do 
    xstate <- get
    let ext = takeExtension fname
    case ext of 
      ".hdl" -> do 
        bstr <- liftIO $ B.readFile fname
        r <- liftIO $ checkVersionAndMigrate bstr 
        case r of 
          Left err -> liftIO $ putStrLn err
          Right h -> do 
            constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle h
            ctime <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
#ifdef HUB
            msqlfile <- view (settings.sqliteFileName) <$> get
            let fileuuidbstr = view hoodleID h
                fileuuidtxt = TE.decodeUtf8 fileuuidbstr
            mfstat <- case msqlfile of
              Nothing -> return Nothing
              Just sqlfile -> liftIO (getLastSyncStatus sqlfile fileuuidtxt)
            let mmd5 = fileSyncStatusMd5 <$> mfstat
            let mmd5 = Nothing 
            pureUpdateUhdl ( (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ store)
                           . (hoodleFileControl.lastSavedTime  .~ Just ctime) 
                           . (hoodleFileControl.syncMD5History .~ maybeToList mmd5)  )
      ".xoj" -> do 
          liftIO (XP.parseXojFile fname) >>= \x -> case x of  
            Left str -> msgShout $ "file reading error : " ++ str 
            Right xojcontent -> do 
              hdlcontent <- liftIO $ mkHoodleFromXournal xojcontent 
              constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle hdlcontent
              ctime <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime 
              pureUpdateUhdl ( (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ LocalDir Nothing)
                             . (hoodleFileControl.lastSavedTime  .~ Just ctime) )
      ".pdf" -> do 
        let doesembed = view (settings.doesEmbedPDF) xstate
        mhdl <- liftIO $ makeNewHoodleWithPDF doesembed fname 
        case mhdl of 
          Nothing -> getFileContent (LocalDir Nothing)
          Just hdl -> do 
            constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle hdl
            pureUpdateUhdl (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ LocalDir Nothing)
      _ -> getFileContent (LocalDir Nothing)
    xstate' <- get
    doIOaction_ $ Gtk.postGUIAsync (setTitleFromFileName xstate')
getFileContent (LocalDir Nothing) = do
    constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle =<< liftIO defaultHoodle 
    pureUpdateUhdl (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ LocalDir Nothing) 
#ifdef HUB
getFileContent store@(TempDir fname) = do 
    -- xstate <- get
    -- let uhdluuid = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit.unitUUID) xstate
    let ext = takeExtension fname
    when (ext == ".hdl") $ do
      bstr <- liftIO $ B.readFile fname
      r <- liftIO $ checkVersionAndMigrate bstr 
      case r of 
        Left err -> liftIO $ putStrLn err
        Right h -> do 
          constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle h
          ctime <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
          let -- fileuuidbstr = view hoodleID h
              -- fileuuidtxt = TE.decodeUtf8 fileuuidbstr
              md5txt = T.pack . show . md5 . L.fromStrict $ bstr
          pureUpdateUhdl ( (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ store)
                         . (hoodleFileControl.lastSavedTime  .~ Just ctime) 
                         . (hoodleFileControl.syncMD5History .~ [md5txt] ) 
          xstate' <- get
          doIOaction_ $ Gtk.postGUIAsync (setTitleFromFileName xstate')
getFileContent _ = return ()

-- |
constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle :: Hoodle -> MainCoroutine ()  
constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle hdl' = do 
    callRenderer $ cnstrctRHoodle hdl' >>= return . GotRHoodle
    RenderEv (GotRHoodle rhdl) <- waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRHoodle _) -> True; _ -> False)
    pureUpdateUhdl (hoodleModeState .~ ViewAppendState rhdl)

-- | deprecated
fileNew :: MainCoroutine () 
fileNew = do 
    getFileContent (LocalDir Nothing)
    updateUhdl $ \uhdl -> do
      ncvsinfo <- liftIO $ setPage uhdl 0 (getCurrentCanvasId uhdl)
      return $ (currentCanvasInfo .~ ncvsinfo) uhdl
    xst <- get
    liftIO (setTitleFromFileName xst)

-- | 
fileSave :: MainCoroutine ()
fileSave = do 
    uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    case getHoodleFilePath uhdl of
      Nothing -> fileSaveAs 
      Just filename -> do     
        -- this is rather temporary not to make mistake 
        if takeExtension filename == ".hdl" 
          then do 
             updateUhdl $ liftIO . saveHoodle . const uhdl 
             (S.afterSaveHook filename . rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle) uhdl
#ifdef HUB
          else fileExtensionInvalid (".hdl","save") >> fileSaveAs 

-- | interleaving a monadic action between each pair of subsequent actions
sequence1_ :: (Monad m) => m () -> [m ()] -> m () 
sequence1_ _ []  = return () 
sequence1_ _ [a] = a 
sequence1_ i (a:as) = a >> i >> sequence1_ i as 

-- | 
fileExport :: MainCoroutine ()
fileExport = fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionSave Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) action 
    action filename = do
      -- this is rather temporary not to make mistake 
      if takeExtension filename /= ".pdf" 
        then fileExtensionInvalid (".pdf","export") >> fileExport 
        else do      
          hdl <- rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
          liftIO (renderHoodleToPDF hdl filename) 

-- | need to be merged with ContextMenuEventSVG
exportCurrentPageAsSVG :: MainCoroutine ()
exportCurrentPageAsSVG = fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionSave Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) action 
    action filename = 
      -- this is rather temporary not to make mistake 
      if takeExtension filename /= ".svg" 
      then fileExtensionInvalid (".svg","export") >> exportCurrentPageAsSVG 
      else do
        cvsid <- getCurrentCanvasId . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
        cache <- renderCache
        cpg <- getCurrentPageCurr
        let Dim w h = view gdimension cpg 
        liftIO $ Cairo.withSVGSurface filename w h $ \s -> Cairo.renderWith s $ 
         cairoRenderOption (InBBoxOption Nothing) cache cvsid (InBBox cpg,Nothing :: Maybe Xform4Page) >> return ()

-- | 
fileLoad :: FileStore -> MainCoroutine () 
fileLoad filestore = do
    getFileContent filestore
    updateUhdl $ \uhdl -> do 
      ncvsinfo <- liftIO $ setPage uhdl 0 (getCurrentCanvasId uhdl)
      return . (currentCanvasInfo .~ ncvsinfo) . (isSaved .~ True) $ uhdl
    xst <- get 
    let ui = view gtkUIManager xst
    liftIO $ reflectUIToggle ui "SAVEA" False
    liftIO $ setTitleFromFileName xst
    modeChange ToViewAppendMode 
    applyActionToAllCVS adjustScrollbarWithGeometryCvsId

-- | 
resetHoodleBuffers :: MainCoroutine () 
resetHoodleBuffers = do 
    updateUhdl $ \uhdl -> do 
      let hdlst = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          cvsid = getCurrentCanvasId uhdl
      callRenderer_ $ resetHoodleModeStateBuffers cvsid hdlst
      return . (hoodleModeState .~ hdlst) $ uhdl

-- | main coroutine for open a file 
fileOpen :: MainCoroutine ()
fileOpen = do 
    mfilename <- fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionOpen Nothing
    forM_ mfilename (fileLoad . LocalDir . Just)

-- | main coroutine for save as 
fileSaveAs :: MainCoroutine () 
fileSaveAs = do 
    hdl <- (rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit)) <$> get
    maybe (defSaveAsAction hdl) (\f -> liftIO (f hdl)) =<< hookSaveAsAction
    hookSaveAsAction = (saveAsHook <=< view hookSet) <$> get
    msuggestedact = (fileNameSuggestionHook <=< view hookSet) <$> get
    defSaveAsAction hdl = do 
        (msuggested :: Maybe String) <- maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . liftIO) =<< msuggestedact 
        mr <- fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionSave msuggested 
        maybe (return ()) (action hdl) mr 
      where action hd filename = 
              if takeExtension filename /= ".hdl" 
              then fileExtensionInvalid (".hdl","save")
              else do 
                askIfOverwrite filename $ do
                  updateUhdl $ \uhdl -> do
                    let ntitle = B.pack . snd . splitFileName $ filename 
                        (hdlmodst',hdl') = case view hoodleModeState uhdl of
                           ViewAppendState hdlmap -> 
                             if view gtitle hdlmap == "untitled"
                               then ( ViewAppendState . set gtitle ntitle
                                      $ hdlmap
                                    , (set title ntitle hd))
                               else (ViewAppendState hdlmap,hd)
                           SelectState thdl -> 
                             if view gselTitle thdl == "untitled"
                               then ( SelectState $ set gselTitle ntitle thdl 
                                    , set title ntitle hd)  
                               else (SelectState thdl,hd)
                    liftIO . L.writeFile filename . builder $ hdl'
                    return . (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ LocalDir (Just filename))
                           . (hoodleModeState .~ hdlmodst') 
                           . (isSaved .~ True)
                           $ uhdl
                xst <- get
                let ui = view gtkUIManager xst
                    hdl'' = (rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit)) xst
                liftIO $ reflectUIToggle ui "SAVEA" False
                liftIO $ setTitleFromFileName xst
                S.afterSaveHook filename hdl''
#ifdef HUB

-- | main coroutine for open a file 
fileReload :: MainCoroutine ()
fileReload = do
    uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    let filestore = view (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName) uhdl
    if not (view isSaved uhdl) 
      then do
        b <- okCancelMessageBox "Discard changes and reload the file?" 
        when b (fileLoad filestore)
      else fileLoad filestore

-- | 
fileExtensionInvalid :: (String,String) -> MainCoroutine ()
fileExtensionInvalid (ext,a) = 
  okMessageBox $ "only " 
                 ++ ext 
                 ++ " extension is supported for " 
                 ++ a 
-- | 
fileAnnotatePDF :: MainCoroutine ()
fileAnnotatePDF = 
    fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionOpen Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) action 
    warning = do 
      okMessageBox "cannot load the pdf file. Check your hoodle compiled with poppler library" 
    action filename = do  
      xstate <- get 
      let doesembed = view (settings.doesEmbedPDF) xstate
      mhdl <- liftIO $ makeNewHoodleWithPDF doesembed filename 
      flip (maybe warning) mhdl $ \hdl -> do 
        constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle hdl
        pureUpdateUhdl (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName .~ LocalDir Nothing)

-- | set frame title according to file name
setTitleFromFileName_ :: MainCoroutine () 
setTitleFromFileName_ = get >>= liftIO . setTitleFromFileName

-- |
checkEmbedImageSize :: FilePath -> MainCoroutine (Maybe FilePath) 
checkEmbedImageSize filename = do 
  xst <- get 
  runMaybeT $ do 
    sizelimit <- (MaybeT . return) (warningEmbedImageSize =<< view hookSet xst)
    siz <- liftIO $ do  
      h <- openFile filename ReadMode 
      s <- hFileSize h 
      hClose h
      return s 
    guard (siz > sizelimit) 
    let suggestscale :: Double = sqrt (fromIntegral sizelimit / fromIntegral siz) 
    b <- lift . okCancelMessageBox $ "The size of " ++ filename ++ "=" ++ show siz ++ "\nis bigger than limit=" ++ show sizelimit ++ ".\nWill you reduce size?"
    guard b 
    let ext = let x' = takeExtension filename 
              in if (not.null) x' then tail x' else "" 
    tmpfile <- liftIO $ mkTmpFile ext 
    cmd <- (MaybeT . return) (shrinkCmd4EmbedImage =<< view hookSet xst)    
    liftIO $ cmd suggestscale filename tmpfile
    return tmpfile 

-- | 
fileLoadPNGorJPG :: MainCoroutine ()
fileLoadPNGorJPG = do 
    fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionOpen Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) embedImage

-- | 
fileLoadImageBackground :: MainCoroutine ()
fileLoadImageBackground = do 
    fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionOpen Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) action
    action filename = do 
      xst <- get
      let fDoesEmbedImg = view (settings.doesEmbedImage) xst
          uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
          hdl = getHoodle uhdl
          Dim pw _ph = (view gdimension . fromJust . view (gpages.at 0)) hdl 

      itm <- if fDoesEmbedImg 
               then checkEmbedImageSize filename 
                    >>= maybe (liftIO $ makeNewItemImage True filename) 
                              (liftIO . makeNewItemImage True)
               else liftIO (makeNewItemImage False filename)
      let ItemImage img = itm
          Dim w h = img_dim img
          ratio = h/w 
          ndim = Dim pw (pw*ratio)
          img' = img { img_dim = ndim }
      changePage (const 0)
      newPage (Just ndim) PageBefore
      callRenderer $ cnstrctRItem (ItemImage img') >>= return . GotRItem 
      RenderEv (GotRItem nitm) <- waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRItem _) -> True ; _ -> False)
      insertItemAt (Just (PageNum 0, PageCoord (0,0))) nitm
      modeChange ToViewAppendMode

embedImage :: FilePath -> MainCoroutine ()
embedImage filename = do  
    xst <- get
    let fDoesEmbedImg = view (settings.doesEmbedImage) xst
        uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
    nitm <- 
      if fDoesEmbedImg 
        then do  
          mf <- checkEmbedImageSize filename 
          callRenderer $ case mf of  
              Nothing -> liftIO (makeNewItemImage True filename) >>= cnstrctRItem >>= return . GotRItem 
              Just f -> liftIO (makeNewItemImage True f) >>= cnstrctRItem >>= return . GotRItem
          RenderEv (GotRItem r) <- waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRItem _) -> True ; _ -> False )
          return r
        else do 
          callRenderer $ liftIO (makeNewItemImage False filename) >>= cnstrctRItem >>= return . GotRItem
          RenderEv (GotRItem r) <- waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRItem _) -> True ; _ -> False )
          return r

    let cpn = view (currentCanvasInfo . unboxLens currentPageNum) uhdl
    my <- autoPosText 
    let mpos = (\y->(PageNum cpn,PageCoord (50,y)))<$>my  
    insertItemAt mpos nitm 

-- | 
fileLoadSVG :: MainCoroutine ()
fileLoadSVG = do 
    fileChooser Gtk.FileChooserActionOpen Nothing >>= maybe (return ()) action 
    action filename = do 
      xst <- get 
      bstr <- liftIO $ B.readFile filename 
      let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
          cvsid = getCurrentCanvasId uhdl
          pgnum = view (currentCanvasInfo . unboxLens currentPageNum) uhdl
          hdl = getHoodle uhdl
          currpage = getPageFromGHoodleMap pgnum hdl
          currlayer = getCurrentLayer currpage
      callRenderer $ return . GotRItem =<< (cnstrctRItem . ItemSVG) 
                       (SVG Nothing Nothing bstr (100,100) (Dim 300 300))
      RenderEv (GotRItem newitem) <- waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRItem _) -> True ; _ -> False )
      let otheritems = view gitems currlayer  
      let ntpg = makePageSelectMode currpage (otheritems :- (Hitted [newitem]) :- Empty)  
      modeChange ToSelectMode 
      updateUhdl $ \uhdl' -> do
        thdl <- case view hoodleModeState uhdl' of
                  SelectState thdl' -> return thdl'
                  _ -> (lift . EitherT . return . Left . Other) "fileLoadSVG"
        nthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cvsid thdl ntpg pgnum 
        return . (hoodleModeState .~ SelectState nthdl)
               . (isOneTimeSelectMode .~ YesAfterSelect) $ uhdl'

-- |
askQuitProgram :: MainCoroutine () 
askQuitProgram = do 
    b <- okCancelMessageBox "Current canvas is not saved yet. Will you close hoodle?" 
    case b of 
      True -> doIOaction_ $ Gtk.postGUIAsync Gtk.mainQuit >> return (UsrEv ActionOrdered)
      False -> return ()
-- | 
embedPredefinedImage :: MainCoroutine () 
embedPredefinedImage = do 
    mpredefined <- S.embedPredefinedImageHook 
    case mpredefined of 
      Nothing -> return () 
      Just filename -> embedImage filename
-- | this is temporary. I will remove it
embedPredefinedImage2 :: MainCoroutine () 
embedPredefinedImage2 = do 
    mpredefined <- S.embedPredefinedImage2Hook 
    case mpredefined of 
      Nothing -> return () 
      Just filename -> embedImage filename 
-- | this is temporary. I will remove it
embedPredefinedImage3 :: MainCoroutine () 
embedPredefinedImage3 = do 
    mpredefined <- S.embedPredefinedImage3Hook 
    case mpredefined of 
      Nothing -> return () 
      Just filename -> embedImage filename 
-- | 
embedAllPDFBackground :: MainCoroutine () 
embedAllPDFBackground = do 
  hdl <- (rHoodle2Hoodle  . getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit)) <$> get
  nhdl <- liftIO . embedPDFInHoodle $ hdl
  constructNewHoodleStateFromHoodle nhdl
-- | embed an item from hoodlet using hoodlet identifier
embedHoodlet :: String -> MainCoroutine ()
embedHoodlet str = loadHoodlet str >>= mapM_ (insertItemAt Nothing) 

-- |
mkRevisionHdlFile :: Hoodle -> IO (String,String)
mkRevisionHdlFile hdl = do 
    hdir <- getHomeDirectory
    tempfile <- mkTmpFile "hdl"
    let hdlbstr = builder hdl 
    L.writeFile tempfile hdlbstr
    ctime <- getCurrentTime 
    let idstr = B.unpack (view hoodleID hdl)
        md5str = show (md5 hdlbstr)
        name = "UUID_"++idstr++"_MD5Digest_"++md5str++"_ModTime_"++ show ctime
        nfilename = name <.> "hdl"
        vcsdir = hdir </> ".hoodle.d" </> "vcs"
    b <- doesDirectoryExist vcsdir 
    unless b $ createDirectory vcsdir
    renameFile tempfile (vcsdir </> nfilename)  
    return (md5str,name) 

mkRevisionPdfFile :: Hoodle -> String -> IO ()
mkRevisionPdfFile hdl fname = do 
    hdir <- getHomeDirectory
    tempfile <- mkTmpFile "pdf"
    renderHoodleToPDF hdl tempfile 
    let nfilename = fname <.> "pdf"
        vcsdir = hdir </> ".hoodle.d" </> "vcs"
    b <- doesDirectoryExist vcsdir 
    unless b $ createDirectory vcsdir
    renameFile tempfile (vcsdir </> nfilename)  

-- | 
fileVersionSave :: MainCoroutine () 
fileVersionSave = do 
    hdl <- rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    rmini <- minibufDialog "Commit Message:"
    case rmini of 
      Right [] -> return ()
      Right strks' -> do
        doIOaction $ \_evhandler -> do 
          (md5str,fname) <- mkRevisionHdlFile hdl
          mkRevisionPdfFile hdl fname
          return (UsrEv (GotRevisionInk md5str strks'))
        r <- waitSomeEvent (\case GotRevisionInk _ _ -> True ; _ -> False )
        let GotRevisionInk md5str strks = r          
            nrev = RevisionInk (B.pack md5str) strks
        pureUpdateUhdl $ \uhdl -> 
          let hdlmodst = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          in case hdlmodst of 
               ViewAppendState rhdl' -> 
                 let nrhdl = over grevisions (<> [nrev]) rhdl' 
                 in (hoodleModeState .~ ViewAppendState nrhdl) uhdl
               SelectState thdl -> 
                 let nthdl = over gselRevisions (<> [nrev]) thdl
                 in (hoodleModeState .~ SelectState nthdl) uhdl
      Left () -> do 
        txtstr <- maybe "" id <$> textInputDialog "revision description"
        doIOaction $ \_evhandler -> do 
          (md5str,fname) <- mkRevisionHdlFile hdl
          mkRevisionPdfFile hdl fname
          return (UsrEv (GotRevision md5str txtstr))
        r <- waitSomeEvent (\case GotRevision _ _ -> True ; _ -> False )
        let GotRevision md5str txtstr' = r          
            nrev = Revision (B.pack md5str) (B.pack txtstr')
        pureUpdateUhdl $ \uhdl -> 
          let hdlmodst = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          in case hdlmodst of 
               ViewAppendState rhdl' -> 
                 let nrhdl = over grevisions (<> [nrev]) rhdl' 
                 in (hoodleModeState .~ ViewAppendState nrhdl) uhdl
               SelectState thdl -> 
                 let nthdl = over gselRevisions (<> [nrev]) thdl
                 in (hoodleModeState .~ SelectState nthdl) uhdl

showRevisionDialog :: Hoodle -> [Revision] -> MainCoroutine ()
showRevisionDialog hdl revs = do
    cvsid <- getCurrentCanvasId . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    cache <- renderCache
    doIOaction (action (cache,cvsid))
    waitSomeEvent (\case GotOk -> True ; _ -> False)
    return ()
    action (cache,cvsid) _evhandler = do 
      dialog <- Gtk.dialogNew
      upper <- fmap Gtk.castToContainer (Gtk.dialogGetContentArea dialog)
      vbox <- Gtk.vBoxNew False 0
      Gtk.containerAdd upper vbox 
      mapM_ (addOneRevisionBox cache cvsid vbox hdl) revs 
      _btnOk <- Gtk.dialogAddButton dialog ("Ok" :: String) Gtk.ResponseOk
      Gtk.widgetShowAll dialog
      _res <- Gtk.dialogRun dialog
      Gtk.widgetDestroy dialog
      return (UsrEv GotOk)

mkPangoText :: String -> Cairo.Render ()
mkPangoText str = do 
    let pangordr = do 
          ctxt <- Gtk.cairoCreateContext Nothing 
          layout <- Gtk.layoutEmpty ctxt   
          fdesc <- Gtk.fontDescriptionNew 
          Gtk.fontDescriptionSetFamily fdesc ("Sans Mono" :: String)
          Gtk.fontDescriptionSetSize fdesc 8.0 
          Gtk.layoutSetFontDescription layout (Just fdesc)
          Gtk.layoutSetWidth layout (Just 250)
          Gtk.layoutSetWrap layout Gtk.WrapAnywhere 
          Gtk.layoutSetText layout str 
          return layout
        rdr layout = do Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
                        Gtk.updateLayout layout 
                        Gtk.showLayout layout 
    layout <- liftIO $ pangordr 
    rdr layout

addOneRevisionBox :: RenderCache -> CanvasId -> Gtk.VBox -> Hoodle -> Revision -> IO ()
addOneRevisionBox cache cvsid vbox hdl rev = do 
    cvs <- Gtk.drawingAreaNew 
    Gtk.widgetSetSizeRequest cvs 250 25
    cvs `Gtk.on` Gtk.draw $ do 
      Just drawwdw <- liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetWindow cvs 
      liftIO . Gtk.renderWithDrawWindow drawwdw $ do
        case rev of 
          RevisionInk _ strks -> Cairo.scale 0.5 0.5 >> mapM_ (cairoRender cache cvsid) strks
          Revision _ txt -> mkPangoText (B.unpack txt)            
    hdir <- getHomeDirectory
    let vcsdir = hdir </> ".hoodle.d" </> "vcs"
    btn <- Gtk.buttonNewWithLabel ("view" :: String)
    btn `Gtk.on` Gtk.buttonPressEvent $ Gtk.tryEvent $ do 
      files <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents vcsdir 
      let fstrinit = "UUID_" ++ B.unpack (view hoodleID hdl)  
                      ++ "_MD5Digest_" ++ B.unpack (view revmd5 rev)
          matched = filter ((== "fdp") . take 3 . reverse) 
                    . filter (\f -> fstrinit  `List.isPrefixOf` f) $ files
      case matched of 
        x : _ -> 
          liftIO (createProcess (proc "evince" [vcsdir </> x])) 
          >> return ()
        _ -> return ()    
    hbox <- Gtk.hBoxNew False 0
    Gtk.boxPackStart hbox cvs Gtk.PackNatural 0
    Gtk.boxPackStart hbox btn Gtk.PackGrow  0
    Gtk.boxPackStart vbox hbox Gtk.PackNatural 0

fileShowRevisions :: MainCoroutine ()
fileShowRevisions = do 
    rhdl <- getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get  
    let hdl = rHoodle2Hoodle rhdl
    let revs = view grevisions rhdl
    showRevisionDialog hdl revs 
fileShowUUID :: MainCoroutine ()
fileShowUUID = do 
    hdl <- getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get  
    let uuidstr = view ghoodleID hdl
    okMessageBox (B.unpack uuidstr)

loadHoodlet :: String -> MainCoroutine (Maybe RItem)
loadHoodlet str = do
     homedir <- liftIO getHomeDirectory
     let hoodled = homedir </> ".hoodle.d"
         hoodletdir = hoodled </> "hoodlet"
     b' <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist hoodletdir 
     if b' 
       then do            
         let fp = hoodletdir </> str <.> "hdlt"
         bstr <- liftIO $ B.readFile fp 
         case parseOnly Hoodlet.hoodlet bstr of 
           Left err -> msgShout err >> return Nothing
           Right itm -> do
             callRenderer $ cnstrctRItem itm >>= return . GotRItem 
             RenderEv (GotRItem ritm) <- 
               waitSomeEvent (\case RenderEv (GotRItem _) -> True; _ -> False )
             return (Just ritm) 
       else return Nothing

#ifdef HUB
-- |
syncFile :: MainCoroutine ()
syncFile = do 
    liftIO (putStrLn "syncFile called")
    xst <- get
    let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
    hdir <- liftIO $ getHomeDirectory
    let tokfile = hdir </> ".hoodle.d" </> "token.txt"
    runMaybeT $ do
      let hdlidtxt = getHoodleID uhdl 
      hset <- (MaybeT . return . view hookSet) xst
      hinfo <- (MaybeT . return) (hubInfo hset)
      sqlfile <- (MaybeT . return . view (settings.sqliteFileName)) xst
      hdlfp <- MaybeT . return $ getHoodleFilePath uhdl
      mfstat <- liftIO $ getLastSyncStatus sqlfile hdlidtxt 
      lift $ prepareToken hinfo tokfile 
      lift $ doIOaction $ \evhandler -> do 
        forkIO $ (`E.catch` (\(e :: E.SomeException)-> print e >> return ())) $ 
          withHub hinfo tokfile $ \manager coojar -> do
            flip runReaderT (manager,coojar) $ do
              Just fstatServer <- sessionGetJSON (hubURL hinfo </> "sync" </> T.unpack hdlidtxt)
              let patchwork = 
                    rsyncPatchWork hinfo hdlfp fstatServer $ do
                      putStrLn "Am I called?"
                      (evhandler . UsrEv . SyncFileFinished) fstatServer

              case mfstat of 
                Nothing -> patchwork
                Just fstat ->  
                  if fileSyncStatusTime fstat < fileSyncStatusTime fstatServer
                  then patchwork 
                  else (liftIO . Gtk.postGUIAsync . evhandler . UsrEv . SyncFileFinished) fstat
        return (UsrEv ActionOrdered)
      SyncFileFinished nfstat <- 
        lift (waitSomeEvent (\case SyncFileFinished _-> True ; _ -> False ))
      lift (updateSyncInfoAll nfstat)
      when (Just nfstat /= mfstat) (lift fileReload)
    return ()