{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.Page 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.Coroutine.Page where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Lens (view,set,(.~), (^.))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import           Data.List (sortBy)
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.Select
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple (Dimension(..))
import           Data.Hoodle.Zipper
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Scroll
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import           Hoodle.Type.Alias
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Util
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate

-- | change page of current canvas using a modify function
changePage :: (Int -> Int) -> MainCoroutine () 
changePage modifyfn = (view backgroundStyle <$> get) >>= \bsty -> 
                         updateUhdl (changePageAction bsty) >>
                         adjustScrollbarWithGeometryCurrent >>
                         invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient  
  where changePageAction bsty uhdl = unboxBiAct (fsingle bsty uhdl) (fcont bsty uhdl) 
                               . (^. currentCanvasInfo) $ uhdl
        fsingle bsty uhdl cvsInfo = do 
          let xojst = view hoodleModeState $ uhdl
              npgnum = modifyfn (cvsInfo ^. currentPageNum)
              cid = view canvasId cvsInfo
          (b,npgnum',_,xojst') <- changePageInHoodleModeState bsty npgnum xojst
          uhdl' <- liftIO $ updatePageAll xojst' uhdl
          ncvsInfo <- liftIO $ setPage uhdl' (PageNum npgnum') cid
          let uhdlfinal = (currentCanvasInfo .~ ncvsInfo) uhdl'
          when b $ updateUhdl (const (return uhdlfinal)) >> commit_
          return uhdlfinal 
        fcont bsty uhdl cvsInfo = do 
          let xojst = view hoodleModeState uhdl
              npgnum = modifyfn (cvsInfo ^. currentPageNum)
              cid  = cvsInfo ^. canvasId
          (b,npgnum',_,xojst') <- changePageInHoodleModeState bsty npgnum xojst
          uhdl' <- liftIO $ updatePageAll xojst' uhdl
          ncvsInfo <- liftIO $ setPage uhdl' (PageNum npgnum') cid
          let uhdlfinal = (currentCanvasInfo .~ ncvsInfo) uhdl'
          when b $ updateUhdl (const (return uhdlfinal)) >> commit_
          return uhdlfinal 

-- | 
changePageInHoodleModeState :: BackgroundStyle 
                            -> Int  -- ^ new page number 
                            -> HoodleModeState 
                            -> MainCoroutine (Bool,Int,Page EditMode,HoodleModeState)
changePageInHoodleModeState bsty npgnum hdlmodst = do
    let ehdl = hoodleModeStateEither hdlmodst
        pgs = either (view gpages) (view gselAll) ehdl
        totnumpages = M.size pgs
        lpage = maybeError' "changePage" (M.lookup (totnumpages-1) pgs)
    (isChanged,npgnum',npage',ehdl') <- 
      if (npgnum >= totnumpages) 
        then do 
          let cbkg = view gbackground lpage
          nbkg <- newBkg bsty cbkg  
          npage <- set gbackground nbkg <$> (newPageFromOld lpage)
          geometry <- liftIO . getGeometry4CurrCvs . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) =<< get
          callRenderer_ $ updatePageCache geometry (PageNum (totnumpages-1),npage)
          let npages = M.insert totnumpages npage pgs  
          return  (True,totnumpages,npage,
                     either (Left . set gpages npages) (Right. set gselAll npages) ehdl ) 
        else do
          let npg = if npgnum < 0 then 0 else npgnum
              pg = maybeError' "changePage" (M.lookup npg pgs)
          return (False,npg,pg,ehdl) 
    return (isChanged,npgnum',npage',either ViewAppendState SelectState ehdl')

-- | 
canvasZoomUpdateGenRenderCvsId :: MainCoroutine () 
                                  -> CanvasId 
                                  -> Maybe ZoomMode 
                                  -> Maybe (PageNum,PageCoordinate) 
                                  -> MainCoroutine ()
canvasZoomUpdateGenRenderCvsId renderfunc cid mzmode mcoord = do 
    updateUhdl zoomUpdateAction 
    adjustScrollbarWithGeometryCvsId cid
    xst <- get
    let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
        hdl = getHoodle uhdl
    geometry <- liftIO (getGeometry4CurrCvs uhdl)
    let cpn = view (unboxLens currentPageNum) .  getCanvasInfo cid $ uhdl
    let plst = sortBy ( compare `on` (\(n,_) -> abs (n - cpn)) ) . zip [0..] . F.toList $ hdl ^. gpages
    forM_ plst $ \(pn,pg) -> callRenderer_ (updatePageCache geometry (PageNum pn,pg))
  where zoomUpdateAction uhdl =  
          unboxBiAct (fsingle uhdl) (fcont uhdl) . getCanvasInfo cid $ uhdl 
        fsingle uhdl cinfo = do   
          geometry <- liftIO $ getCvsGeomFrmCvsInfo cinfo 
          page <- getCurrentPageCvsId cid
          let zmode = maybe (cinfo ^. viewInfo.zoomMode) id mzmode  
              pdim = PageDimension $ page ^. gdimension
              xy = either (const (0,0)) (unPageCoord.snd) 
                     (getCvsOriginInPage geometry)
              cdim = canvasDim geometry 
              narr = makeSingleArrangement zmode pdim cdim xy  
              ncinfobox = CanvasSinglePage
                          . (viewInfo.pageArrangement .~ narr)
                          . (viewInfo.zoomMode .~  zmode) $ cinfo
          return . modifyCanvasInfo cid (const ncinfobox) $ uhdl
        fcont uhdl cinfo = do   
          geometry <- liftIO $ getCvsGeomFrmCvsInfo cinfo 
          let zmode = maybe (view (viewInfo.zoomMode) cinfo) id mzmode 
              cpn = PageNum $ view currentPageNum cinfo 
              cdim = canvasDim geometry 
              hdl = getHoodle uhdl
              origcoord = case mcoord of
                            Just coord -> coord 
                            Nothing -> either (const (cpn,PageCoord (0,0))) id 
                                         (getCvsOriginInPage geometry)
              narr = makeContinuousArrangement zmode cdim hdl origcoord
              ncinfobox = CanvasContPage
                          . (viewInfo.pageArrangement .~  narr)
                          . (viewInfo.zoomMode .~ zmode) $ cinfo
          return . modifyCanvasInfo cid (const ncinfobox) $ uhdl

-- | 
canvasZoomUpdateCvsId :: CanvasId 
                         -> Maybe ZoomMode 
                         -> MainCoroutine ()
canvasZoomUpdateCvsId cid mzmode = 
  canvasZoomUpdateGenRenderCvsId invalidateAll cid mzmode Nothing
-- | 
canvasZoomUpdateBufAll :: MainCoroutine () 
canvasZoomUpdateBufAll = do 
    klst <- M.keys . view cvsInfoMap . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    mapM_ updatefunc klst 
    updatefunc cid 
      = canvasZoomUpdateGenRenderCvsId  (invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid) cid Nothing Nothing 

-- |
canvasZoomUpdateAll :: MainCoroutine () 
canvasZoomUpdateAll = do 
  klst <- M.keys . view cvsInfoMap . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
  mapM_ (flip canvasZoomUpdateCvsId Nothing) klst 

-- | 
canvasZoomUpdate :: Maybe ZoomMode -> MainCoroutine () 
canvasZoomUpdate mzmode = do  
  cid <- getCurrentCanvasId . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
  canvasZoomUpdateCvsId cid mzmode

-- |
pageZoomChange :: ZoomMode -> MainCoroutine () 
pageZoomChange = canvasZoomUpdate . Just 

-- | 
pageZoomChangeRel :: ZoomModeRel -> MainCoroutine () 
pageZoomChangeRel rzmode = do 
    forBoth' unboxBiAct fsingle . view currentCanvasInfo . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) =<< get 
    fsingle :: CanvasInfo a -> MainCoroutine ()
    fsingle cinfo = do 
      let cpn    = PageNum (cinfo ^. currentPageNum)
          arr    = cinfo ^. viewInfo.pageArrangement 
          canvas = cinfo ^. drawArea 
      geometry <- liftIO $ makeCanvasGeometry cpn arr canvas
      let nratio = relZoomRatio geometry rzmode
      pageZoomChange (Zoom nratio)

-- |
newPage :: Maybe Dimension -> AddDirection -> MainCoroutine () 
newPage mdim dir = (view backgroundStyle <$> get) >>= \bsty ->
                     updateUhdl (npgBfrAct bsty) >>
                     commit_                     >>
                     canvasZoomUpdateAll         >>
    npgBfrAct bsty uhdl = forBoth' unboxBiAct (fsimple bsty uhdl) . view currentCanvasInfo $ uhdl
    fsimple :: BackgroundStyle -> UnitHoodle -> CanvasInfo a -> MainCoroutine UnitHoodle
    fsimple bsty uhdl cinfo = do 
      case view hoodleModeState uhdl of 
        ViewAppendState hdl -> do 
          hdl' <- addNewPageInHoodle mdim bsty dir hdl (view currentPageNum cinfo)
          liftIO . updatePageAll (ViewAppendState hdl')
                 . set hoodleModeState  (ViewAppendState hdl') $ uhdl
        SelectState _ -> do 
          msgShout  "newPage: not implemented yet"
          return uhdl
-- | delete current page of current canvas
deleteCurrentPage :: MainCoroutine ()           
deleteCurrentPage = 
    updateUhdl delpgact >> 
    commit_               >> 
    canvasZoomUpdateAll   >> 
    delpgact uhdl = forBoth' unboxBiAct (fsimple uhdl) . view currentCanvasInfo $ uhdl
    fsimple :: UnitHoodle -> CanvasInfo a -> MainCoroutine UnitHoodle
    fsimple uhdl cinfo = do 
      case view hoodleModeState uhdl of 
        ViewAppendState hdl -> do 
          hdl' <- liftIO $ deletePageInHoodle hdl 
                             (PageNum (view currentPageNum cinfo))
          liftIO . updatePageAll (ViewAppendState hdl')
                 . set hoodleModeState  (ViewAppendState hdl') $ uhdl
        SelectState _ -> do 
          msgShout "deleteCurrentPage: not implemented yet"
          return uhdl
-- | delete designated page
deletePageInHoodle :: Hoodle EditMode -> PageNum -> IO (Hoodle EditMode)
deletePageInHoodle hdl (PageNum pgn) = do 
  let pagelst = M.elems . view gpages $ hdl 
      (pagesbefore,_cpage:pagesafter) = splitAt pgn pagelst
      npagelst = pagesbefore ++ pagesafter
      nhdl = set gpages (M.fromList . zip [0..] $ npagelst) hdl
  return nhdl

-- | 
addNewPageInHoodle :: Maybe Dimension
                   -> BackgroundStyle
                   -> AddDirection  
                   -> Hoodle EditMode
                   -> Int 
                   -> MainCoroutine (Hoodle EditMode)
addNewPageInHoodle mdim bsty dir hdl cpn = do
    let pagelst = M.elems . view gpages $ hdl
        (pagesbefore,cpage:pagesafter) = splitAt cpn pagelst
        cbkg = view gbackground cpage
    nbkg <- newBkg bsty cbkg
    npage <- maybe id (set gdimension) mdim . set gbackground nbkg <$> newPageFromOld cpage
    geometry <- liftIO . getGeometry4CurrCvs . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) =<< get
    callRenderer_ (updatePageCache geometry (PageNum cpn,npage))
    let npagelst = case dir of 
                     PageBefore -> pagesbefore ++ (npage : cpage : pagesafter)
                     PageAfter -> pagesbefore ++ (cpage : npage : pagesafter)
        nhdl = set gpages (M.fromList . zip [0..] $ npagelst) hdl
    return nhdl 

newBkg :: BackgroundStyle -> RBackground -> MainCoroutine RBackground 
newBkg bsty bkg = do
    xst <- get
    let npmode = xst ^. settings.newPageMode
        rhdl = (getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit)) xst
        mtotN = pdfNumPages <$> (rhdl ^. gembeddedpdf)  
    let bstystr = convertBackgroundStyleToByteString bsty 
        defbkg = RBkgSmpl "white" bstystr <$> issueSurfaceID
    case npmode of 
      NPPlain -> defbkg
      NPLast -> case bkg of 
        RBkgSmpl c _ _ -> RBkgSmpl c bstystr <$> issueSurfaceID
        RBkgPDF d f n pg _ -> RBkgPDF d f n pg <$> issueSurfaceID
        RBkgEmbedPDF n pg _ -> RBkgEmbedPDF n pg <$> issueSurfaceID
      NPCycle -> 
        case mtotN of
          Nothing -> defbkg
          Just totN -> do
            let n1 = maybe 1 id (xst ^. nextPdfBkgPageNum)
            case findPDFBkg rhdl n1 of
                 Nothing -> defbkg
                 Just bkg' -> issueSurfaceID >>= \i -> do
                                let n' = if n1 >= totN then 1 else (n1+1)
                                put ((nextPdfBkgPageNum .~ Just n') xst)
                                return bkg' { rbkg_surfaceid = i }

findPDFBkg :: RHoodle -> Int -> Maybe RBackground
findPDFBkg rhdl n1 = 
    let bkgs = M.elems (rhdl ^. gpages)
        pagematch n (RBkgPDF _ _ n' _ _) = n == n'
        pagematch n (RBkgEmbedPDF n' _ _) = n == n'
        pagematch _ _ = False
        matched = (filter (pagematch n1) . map (^. gbackground)) bkgs
    in case matched of 
         [] -> Nothing
         b:_ -> Just b

-- | 
newPageFromOld :: Page EditMode -> MainCoroutine (Page EditMode)
newPageFromOld pg = do
    sfcid <- issueSurfaceID
    return . ( glayers .~ (fromNonEmptyList (emptyRLayer sfcid,[]))) $ pg

updatePageCache :: CanvasGeometry -> (PageNum, Page EditMode) -> Renderer ()
updatePageCache geometry (pnum,page) = do
  let Dim w h = page ^. gdimension 
      CvsCoord (x0,y0) = 
        (desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry) (pnum,PageCoord (0,0))
      CvsCoord (x1,y1) = 
        (desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry) (pnum,PageCoord (w,h))
  updateBkgCache (Dim w h) (Dim (x1-x0) (y1-y0)) (page ^. gbackground) 
  mapM_ (updateLayerCache (Dim w h) (Dim (x1-x0) (y1-y0))) (F.toList (page ^. glayers))

updateBkgCache :: Dimension -> Dimension -> RBackground -> Renderer ()
updateBkgCache dimo dimv rbkg =  do
  RendererState _handler qpdf qgen _ <- ask
  let sfcid = rbkg_surfaceid rbkg 
  case rbkg of 
    RBkgSmpl {..} -> do
      cmdid <- issueGenCommandID
      (liftIO . atomically) (sendGenCommand qgen cmdid (BkgSmplScaled sfcid rbkg_color rbkg_style dimo dimv))
      return ()
    _             -> F.forM_ (rbkg_popplerpage rbkg) $ \pg -> do
      cmdid <- issuePDFCommandID
      (liftIO . atomically) (sendPDFCommand qpdf cmdid (RenderPageScaled sfcid pg dimo dimv))
      return ()

updateLayerCache :: Dimension -> Dimension -> RLayer -> Renderer ()
updateLayerCache dimo dimv lyr =  do
  RendererState _ _ qgen _ <- ask
  case view gbuffer lyr of
    LyBuf sfcid -> do
      cmdid <- issueGenCommandID
      (liftIO . atomically) (sendGenCommand qgen cmdid (LayerScaled sfcid (view gitems lyr) dimo dimv))
      return ()