-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Widget.Layer
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Layer widget

module Hoodle.Widget.Layer where

import           Control.Lens (view,set,over,(.~))
import           Control.Monad.State 
import           Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import           Data.List (delete)
import           Data.Sequence
import           Data.Time
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple 
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util.HitTest
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Layer
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen
import           Hoodle.Device
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState 
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.Widget
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate
import           Hoodle.View.Draw

-- |
data LWAction = Close | ToggleShowContent | Move (CanvasCoordinate,CanvasCoordinate)

checkPointerInLayer :: (CanvasId,CanvasInfo a,CanvasGeometry) 
                    -> PointerCoord 
                    -> Maybe LWAction 
checkPointerInLayer (_cid,cinfo,geometry) pcoord 
  | b =  
    let oxy@(CvsCoord (x,y)) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord
        owxy@(CvsCoord (x0,y0)) = view (canvasWidgets.layerWidgetConfig.layerWidgetPosition) cinfo
        obbox = BBox (x0,y0) (x0+100,y0+100) 
        closebbox = BBox (x0,y0) (x0+10,y0+10)
        r | isPointInBBox closebbox (x,y) = Just Close
          | hitLassoPoint (fromList [(x0+90,y0+40),(x0+100,y0+50),(x0+90,y0+60)]) (x,y) = Just ToggleShowContent     
          | isPointInBBox obbox (x,y)     = Just (Move (oxy,owxy))
          | otherwise                     = Nothing   
    in r
  | otherwise = Nothing 
  where b = view (canvasWidgets.widgetConfig.doesUseLayerWidget) cinfo 

startLayerWidget :: (CanvasId,CanvasInfo a,CanvasGeometry)
                 -> LWAction 
                 -> MainCoroutine () 
startLayerWidget (cid,_cinfo,_geometry) Close = toggleLayer cid 
startLayerWidget (cid,_cinfo,_geometry) ToggleShowContent = do 
    modify $ over (unitHoodles.currentUnit)
             $ over (currentCanvasInfo . unboxLens (canvasWidgets.layerWidgetConfig.layerWidgetShowContent)) not
    invalidate cid 
startLayerWidget (cid,cinfo,geometry) (Move (oxy,owxy)) = do 
    xst <- get 
    cache <- renderCache
    let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
        hdl = getHoodle uhdl
    (srcsfc,Dim wsfc hsfc) <- liftIO (canvasImageSurface cache cid Nothing geometry hdl)
    -- need to draw other widgets here                             
    let otherwidgets = delete LayerWidget allWidgets 
    liftIO $ Cairo.renderWith srcsfc (drawWidgets otherwidgets hdl cinfo Nothing) 
    -- end : need to draw other widgets here ^^^
    tgtsfc <- liftIO $ Cairo.createImageSurface 
                         Cairo.FormatARGB32 (floor wsfc) (floor hsfc)
    ctime <- liftIO getCurrentTime 
    let CvsCoord (x0,y0) = owxy 
        CvsCoord (x,y) = oxy 
          | hitLassoPoint (fromList [(x0+80,y0),(x0+100,y0),(x0+100,y0+20)]) (x,y) = gotoNextLayer
          | hitLassoPoint (fromList [(x0,y0+80),(x0,y0+100),(x0+20,y0+100)]) (x,y) = gotoPrevLayer 
          | otherwise = manipulateLW cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy ctime 
    liftIO $ Cairo.surfaceFinish srcsfc 
    liftIO $ Cairo.surfaceFinish tgtsfc
-- | main event loop for layer widget
manipulateLW :: CanvasId 
             -> CanvasGeometry 
             -> (Cairo.Surface,Cairo.Surface) 
             -> CanvasCoordinate 
             -> CanvasCoordinate 
             -> UTCTime 
             -> MainCoroutine () 
manipulateLW cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy otime = do 
    r <- nextevent
    case r of 
      PenMove _ pcoord -> do 
          (manipulateLW cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy) 
          (\ctime -> moveLayerWidget cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy pcoord 
                     >> manipulateLW cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy ctime)
      PenUp _ _pcoord -> invalidate cid 
      _ -> return ()

moveLayerWidget :: CanvasId 
                   -> CanvasGeometry 
                   -> (Cairo.Surface,Cairo.Surface) 
                   -> CanvasCoordinate 
                   -> CanvasCoordinate 
                   -> PointerCoord
                   -> MainCoroutine ()
moveLayerWidget cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) (CvsCoord (xw,yw)) (CvsCoord (x0,y0)) pcoord = do 
    let CvsCoord (x,y) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord 
    get >>= \xst -> do
      let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
          CanvasDimension (Dim cw ch) = canvasDim geometry 
          cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid uhdl
          nposx | xw+x-x0 < -50 = -50 
                | xw+x-x0 > cw-50 = cw-50 
                | otherwise = xw+x-x0
          nposy | yw+y-y0 < -50 = -50 
                | yw+y-y0 > ch-50 = ch-50 
                | otherwise = yw+y-y0                             
          nwpos = CvsCoord (nposx,nposy) 
          changeact :: CanvasInfo a -> CanvasInfo a 
          changeact cinfo =  
            set (canvasWidgets.layerWidgetConfig.layerWidgetPosition) nwpos $ cinfo
          ncinfobox = (runIdentity . forBoth unboxBiXform (return . changeact)) cinfobox
      put $ (unitHoodles.currentUnit .~ setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) uhdl) xst
      xst2 <- get 
      let uhdl2 = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst2
          hdl2 = getHoodle uhdl2
          cinfobox2 = getCanvasInfo cid uhdl2
      liftIO $ forBoth' unboxBiAct (\cinfo-> virtualDoubleBufferDraw srcsfc tgtsfc (return ()) 
                                      (drawLayerWidget hdl2 cinfo Nothing nwpos) 
                                    >> doubleBufferFlush tgtsfc cinfo) cinfobox2
-- | 
toggleLayer :: CanvasId -> MainCoroutine () 
toggleLayer cid = do 
    pureUpdateUhdl $ \uhdl -> 
      let ncinfobox = (over (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.widgetConfig.doesUseLayerWidget)) not 
                      . getCanvasInfo cid ) uhdl
      in setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) uhdl
    invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid