module Data.Hoodle.Zipper where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence hiding (fromList)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Hoodle.Generic
import Prelude hiding (zipWith, length, splitAt)
type NonEmptyList a = (a,[a])
newtype SeqZipper a = SZ { unSZ :: (a, (Seq a,Seq a)) }
deriving instance Functor SeqZipper
instance Foldable SeqZipper where
foldr f acc (SZ (x,(y1s,y2s))) = Data.Foldable.foldr f acc (y1s <> singleton x <> y2s)
instance Applicative SeqZipper where
pure = singletonSZ
SZ (f,(f1s,f2s)) <*> SZ (x,(y1s,y2s)) = SZ (f x, (zipWith id f1s y1s, zipWith id f2s y2s))
deriving instance Traversable SeqZipper
singletonSZ :: a -> SeqZipper a
singletonSZ x = SZ (x, (empty,empty))
lengthSZ :: SeqZipper a -> Int
lengthSZ (SZ (_x, (x1s,x2s))) = Data.Sequence.length x1s + Data.Sequence.length x2s + 1
currIndex :: SeqZipper a -> Int
currIndex (SZ (_x, (x1s,_x2s))) = Data.Sequence.length x1s
appendGoLast :: SeqZipper a -> a -> SeqZipper a
appendGoLast (SZ (y,(y1s,y2s))) x = SZ (x, ((y1s |> y) >< y2s, empty))
appendDropSecond :: SeqZipper a -> a -> SeqZipper a
appendDropSecond (SZ (y,(y1s,y2s))) x = SZ (x, ((y1s |> y), empty))
chopFirst :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe (SeqZipper a)
chopFirst (SZ (y,(y1s,y2s))) =
case viewl y1s of
EmptyL -> case viewl y2s of
EmptyL -> Nothing
z :< zs -> Just (SZ (z,(empty,zs)))
_z :< zs -> Just (SZ (y,(zs,y2s)))
moveLeft :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe (SeqZipper a)
moveLeft (SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) =
case viewr x1s of
EmptyR -> Nothing
zs :> z -> Just (SZ (z,(zs,x<|x2s)))
moveRight :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe (SeqZipper a)
moveRight (SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) =
case viewl x2s of
EmptyL -> Nothing
z :< zs -> Just (SZ (z,(x1s|>x,zs)))
moveTo :: Int -> SeqZipper a -> Maybe (SeqZipper a)
moveTo n orig@(SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) =
let n_x1s = Data.Sequence.length x1s
n_x2s = Data.Sequence.length x2s
res | n < 0 || n > n_x1s + n_x2s = Nothing
| n == n_x1s = Just orig
| n < n_x1s = let (x1s1, x1s2) = splitAt n x1s
el :< rm = viewl x1s2
in Just (SZ (el, (x1s1,(rm |> x) >< x2s)))
| n > n_x1s = let (x2s1,x2s2) = splitAt (nn_x1s1) x2s
el :< rm = viewl x2s2
in Just (SZ (el, ((x1s |> x) >< x2s1, rm)))
| otherwise = error "error in moveTo"
in res
goFirst :: SeqZipper a -> SeqZipper a
goFirst orig@(SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) =
case viewl x1s of
EmptyL -> orig
z :< zs -> SZ (z,(empty, zs `mappend` (x <| x2s)))
goLast :: SeqZipper a -> SeqZipper a
goLast orig@(SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) =
case viewr x2s of
EmptyR -> orig
zs :> z -> SZ (z,((x1s |> x) `mappend` zs , empty))
current :: SeqZipper a -> a
current (SZ (x,(_,_))) = x
prev :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe a
prev = fmap current . moveLeft
next :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe a
next = fmap current . moveRight
replace :: a -> SeqZipper a -> SeqZipper a
replace y (SZ (_x,zs)) = SZ (y,zs)
deleteCurrent :: SeqZipper a -> Maybe (SeqZipper a)
deleteCurrent (SZ (_,(xs,ys))) =
case viewl ys of
EmptyL -> case viewr xs of
EmptyR -> Nothing
zs :> z -> Just (SZ (z,(zs,ys)))
z :< zs -> Just (SZ (z,(xs,zs)))
fromNonEmptyList :: NonEmptyList a -> SeqZipper a
fromNonEmptyList (x,xs) = SZ (x, (empty,fromList xs) )
toSeq :: SeqZipper a -> Seq a
toSeq (SZ (x,(x1s,x2s))) = x1s >< (x <| x2s)
type ZipperSelect = SeqZipper
selectFirst :: ZipperSelect a -> ZipperSelect a
selectFirst = goFirst