module Hoogle.Operations.Rank(rank) where import General.Code import Hoogle.Query.All import Hoogle.Search.All import Hoogle.TextBase.All import Hoogle.DataBase.All import Hoogle.TypeSig.All import Hoogle.Item.All import Data.Binary.Defer.Index import Hoogle.Operations.RankSolve -- Privilaged imports import Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.Cost(Cost(..)) import Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.TypeScore(costsTypeScore) import Hoogle.Search.Result(Score(TypeScore)) data RankTest = RankTest TypeSig [TypeSig] deriving Show rank :: FilePath -> IO () rank file = do (tb,tests) <- liftM readRankTests $ readFile file let rel = concatMap (runRankTest tb) tests rankSolve rel readRankTests :: String -> (TextBase,[RankTest]) readRankTests xs = (tb, join $ concatMap parse rest) where (pre,rest) = break ("@" `isPrefixOf`) $ lines xs tb = right $ parseTextBaseString $ unlines pre parse :: String -> [(Bool, TypeSig)] parse xs | null xs || "--" `isPrefixOf` xs = [] parse ('@':xs) = [(True,f xs)] parse xs = [(False,f xs)] f = right . parseTypeSig right (Right x) = x right (Left x) = error $ "readRank failed to parse " ++ show x join ((_,t):xs) = RankTest t (map snd a) : join b where (a,b) = break fst xs join [] = [] runRankTest :: TextBase -> RankTest -> [Cmp] runRankTest tb (RankTest t xs) = order $ map grab xs2 where xs2 = zip ["f" ++ show i | i <- [1..]] xs res = searchAll [db] q db = createDataBase [] $ tb ++ [(ItemFunc a b, "") | (a,b) <- xs2] q = blankQuery{typeSig=Just t} grab :: (String,TypeSig) -> (TypeSig,[Cost]) grab (name,typ) = (,) typ $ headDef (err $ "Couldn't find result for " ++ show typ) [sort $ costsTypeScore c | r <- res, entryName (fromLink $ resultEntry r) == name , TypeScore c <- resultScore r] order ((at,a):xs@((bt,b):_)) | isNothing match = (a :< b) : order xs | otherwise = err $ "Two items have the same score, " ++ show at ++ " AND " ++ show (fst $ fromJust match) where match = find ((==) a . snd) xs order _ = [] err msg = error $ "Hoogle.Operations.runRankTest\nTest: " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++ msg