module Hoogle.DataBase.NameSearch (NameSearch, createNameSearch ,TextScore, searchNameSearch ,completionsNameSearch ) where import Data.Binary.Defer import Data.Binary.Defer.Array import Data.Binary.Defer.Index import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Range import General.Code import Hoogle.Item.All import Hoogle.TextBase.All --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DATA TYPES {- The idea is that NameItem's are sorted by name, so exact/start matching is done by binary searching this list. The rest of the results are taken by unioning all the suggestions in the second element, and searching in order. All the results will end up sorted by name (since they have identical names) The original code was based around a Trie, gave fast performance, but didn't merge common strings and consumed about 10x the disk space. -} data NameSearch = NameSearch (Array NameItem) [(Char, IntList)] data NameItem = NameItem {key :: String ,rest :: Defer [(String, [Link Entry])]} instance Show NameSearch where show (NameSearch a b) = concat (zipWith (\a b -> show a ++ " " ++ show b) [0..] (elems a)) ++ unlines [c : " = " ++ show d | (c,d) <- b] instance Show NameItem where show (NameItem a b) = unlines $ a : map f (fromDefer b) where f (a,b) = unwords $ " " : a : ['#' : show (linkKey x) | x <- b] instance BinaryDefer NameSearch where put (NameSearch a b) = put2 a b get = get2 NameSearch instance BinaryDefer NameItem where put (NameItem a b) = put2 a b get = get2 NameItem --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CREATION createNameSearch :: [Link Entry] -> NameSearch createNameSearch xs = NameSearch (array $ Map.elems items) (Map.toList shortcuts) where items = buildItems xs shortcuts = buildShortcuts items buildShortcuts :: Map.Map String NameItem -> Map.Map Char IntList buildShortcuts = (toIntList . sort) . foldl' add Map.empty . zip [0..] . Map.keys where add mp (i,s) = foldl' g mp $ nub s where g mp x = Map.insertWith (++) x [i] mp buildItems :: [Link Entry] -> Map.Map String NameItem buildItems = norm . foldl' add Map.empty where add mp e = Map.insertWith f ltext (NameItem ltext $ Defer [(text, [e])]) mp where text = entryName $ fromLink e ltext = map toLower text f _ (NameItem a b) = NameItem a $ Defer $ g $ fromDefer b g [] = [(text, [e])] g ((x1,x2):xs) | x1 == text = (x1, e : x2) : xs | otherwise = (x1,x2) : g xs norm (NameItem a b) = NameItem a $ Defer $ f $ fromDefer b where f x = sortFst [(a, sortOn linkKey b) | (a,b) <- x] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SEARCHING -- lower is better data TextScore = TSExact | TSStart | TSNone deriving (Eq,Ord) instance Show TextScore where show TSExact = "exact" show TSStart = "start" show TSNone = "_" {- Step 1: Binary search for find the exact match Step 2: Follow from that item finding ones which start Step 3: Use the hint set to merge into a list of results -} searchNameSearch :: NameSearch -> String -> [(Link Entry,EntryView,TextScore)] searchNameSearch (NameSearch items shortcuts) str = step1 ++ step2 ++ step3 where lstr = map toLower str nstr = length str rangePrefix = FocusOn $ rangeStartCount 0 nstr (exact,prefix) = startPos items lstr (prefixes,lastpre) = followPrefixes items lstr prefix step1 = if isJust exact then f TSExact yes ++ f TSStart no else [] where (yes,no) = partition ((==) str . fst) $ fromDefer $ rest $ items ! fromJust exact f scr xs = [(x, rangePrefix, scr) | x <- concatMap snd xs] step2 = [(x, rangePrefix, TSStart) | x <- prefixes] seen i = fromMaybe prefix exact <= i && i <= lastpre step3 = [(e,view,TSNone) | i <- xs, let x = items ! i , Just p <- [testMatch lstr $ key x] , let view = FocusOn $ rangeStartCount p nstr , e <- concatMap snd $ fromDefer $ rest x] where xs = filter (not . seen) $ intersectOrds $ map (maybe [] fromIntList . flip lookup shortcuts) $ nub lstr -- Return the index of the string as the first component -- Return the first possible index of the prefix as the second startPos :: Array NameItem -> String -> (Maybe Int, Int) startPos xs x = f 0 (arraySize xs - 1) where f low high | high - low < 3 = g low high | otherwise = case compare x (key $ xs ! mid) of EQ -> (Just mid, mid+1) GT -> f (mid+1) high LT -> f low (mid-1) where mid = (high + low) `div` 2 g low high | low > high = (Nothing, low) g low high = if k == x then (Just low, low+1) else if x `isPrefixOf` k then (Nothing, low) else g (low+1) high where k = key $ xs ! low -- Return all the items you can match following the prefix -- Plus the last item that was a valid prefix index followPrefixes :: Array NameItem -> String -> Int -> ([Link Entry], Int) followPrefixes xs x i = f i where n = arraySize xs f i | i < n && x `isPrefixOf` key xsi = (concatMap snd (fromDefer $ rest xsi) ++ res, end) | otherwise = ([],i-1) where xsi = xs ! i (res,end) = f (i+1) testMatch :: String -> String -> Maybe Int testMatch find within = listToMaybe [i | (i,x) <- zip [0..] $ tails within, find `isPrefixOf` x] intersectOrd :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] intersectOrd (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x y of EQ -> x : intersectOrd xs ys LT -> intersectOrd xs (y:ys) GT -> intersectOrd (x:xs) ys intersectOrd _ _ = [] intersectOrds :: [[Int]] -> [Int] intersectOrds = fold1 intersectOrd --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMPLETIONS completionsNameSearch :: NameSearch -> String -> [String] completionsNameSearch (NameSearch items _) str = concatMap (map fst . fromDefer . rest) $ takeWhile ((lstr `isPrefixOf`) . key) $ map ((!) items) [start .. arraySize items - 1] where lstr = map toLower str nstr = length str (exact,prefix) = startPos items lstr start = fromMaybe prefix exact --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IntList TYPE type IntList = [IntRange] data IntRange = IntRange !Int !Int instance Show IntRange where show (IntRange a b) = show a ++ ".." ++ show b instance BinaryDefer IntRange where put (IntRange a b) = put2 a b get = get2 IntRange toIntList :: [Int] -> IntList toIntList [] = [] toIntList (x:xs) = f x xs where f i [] = [IntRange x i] f i (y:ys) | y == i+1 = f y ys | otherwise = IntRange x i : toIntList (y:ys) fromIntList :: IntList -> [Int] fromIntList = concatMap (\(IntRange a b) -> [a..b])