module Hoogle.Query.Parser(parseQuery, parseCmdLineQuery, parsecQuery) where import General.Code hiding (merge,merges) import Hoogle.Query.Type import Hoogle.TypeSig.All import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ascSymbols = "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:" parseQuery :: String -> Either ParseError Query parseQuery input = parse parsecQuery "" input -- TODO: I don't think this handles spaces/quotes properly in the right -- places. parseCmdLineQuery :: [String] -> Either ParseError Query parseCmdLineQuery args = parseQuery $ unwords $ map f args where f x | any isSpace x && ("--" `isPrefixOf` x || "/" `isPrefixOf` x) = "\"" ++ x ++ "\"" | otherwise = x merge (Query a1 b1 c1 d1) (Query a2 b2 c2 d2) = Query (a1++a2) (b1++b2) (c1 `mplus` c2) (d1++d2) merges xs = foldr merge blankQuery xs parsecQuery :: Parser Query parsecQuery = do spaces ; try (end names) <|> (end types) where end f = do x <- f; eof; return x names = do a <- many (flag <|> name) b <- option blankQuery (string "::" >> spaces >> types) let res@Query{names=names} = merge (merges a) b (op,nop) = partition ((`elem` ascSymbols) . head) names if op /= [] && nop /= [] then fail "Combination of operators and names" else return res name = (do x <- operator ; spaces ; return blankQuery{names=[x]}) <|> (do xs <- keyword False `sepBy1` (char '.') ; spaces return $ case xs of [x] -> blankQuery{names=[x]} xs -> blankQuery{names=[last xs],scope=[PlusModule (init xs)]} ) operator = between (char '(') (char ')') op <|> op op = try $ do res <- many1 $ satisfy (`elem` ascSymbols) if res == "::" then fail ":: is not an operator name" else return res types = do a <- flags b <- parsecTypeSig c <- flags return $ merges [a,blankQuery{typeSig=Just b},c] flag = do x <- parseFlagScope ; spaces ; return x flags = many flag >>= return . merges -- deal with the parsing of: -- --count=30 -- /module -- /? (special case) -- +Data.Map parseFlagScope :: Parser Query parseFlagScope = do x <- try scope <|> try flag spaces return x where -- --n=30, --count=30, /flag, --flag -- either a flag or an itemType flag = do string "--" <|> string "/" name <- many1 letter <|> string "?" extra <- (do char '='; flagExtra) <|> (return "") return blankQuery{flags=[Flag (map toLower name) extra]} where flagExtra = quoteStr <|> spaceStr quoteStr = between (char '\"') (char '\"') (many anyChar) spaceStr = manyTill anyChar ((space >> return ()) <|> eof) scope = do pm <- oneOf "+-" let aPackage = if pm == '+' then PlusPackage else MinusPackage aModule = if pm == '+' then PlusModule else MinusModule modu <- modname case modu of [x] -> return $ blankQuery{scope=[if isLower (head x) then aPackage x else aModule [x]]} xs -> return $ blankQuery{scope=[aModule xs]} modname = keyword True `sepBy1` (char '.') keyword hyphen = do x <- letter xs <- many $ satisfy (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x `elem` "_'#" || (hyphen && x == '-')) return (x:xs)