{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} module CmdLine.Type( CmdLine(..), cmdLineMode, isWebCmdLine, blankSearch ) where import System.Console.CmdArgs import Paths_hoogle(version) import Data.Version(showVersion) import Hoogle isWebCmdLine Search{web=True} = True isWebCmdLine Server{} = True isWebCmdLine _ = False data CmdLine = Search {web :: Bool -- ^ Are you operating from the web (via CGI) ,start :: Maybe Int ,count :: Maybe Int ,webmode :: Maybe String ,info :: Bool ,link :: Bool ,color :: Bool ,repeat_ :: Int ,databases :: [FilePath] ,queryChunks :: [String] ,queryParsed :: Either ParseError Query ,queryText :: String } | Test {testFiles :: [String], example :: Bool} | Server {port :: Int, databases :: [FilePath], resources :: FilePath, local_ :: Bool} | Dump {database :: String, section :: [String]} | Rank {srcfile :: FilePath} | Combine {srcfiles :: [FilePath], outfile :: String} | Convert {srcfile :: String, outfile :: String} | Data {datadir :: FilePath, threads :: Int, haddock :: Bool, redownload :: Bool, actions :: [String], local :: [String]} deriving (Data,Typeable,Show) blankSearch = Search False Nothing Nothing Nothing False False False 1 [] [] (Left emptyParseError) "" cmdLineMode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [search &= auto,test,server,dump,rank,combine,convert,dataa] &= verbosity &= program "hoogle" &= summary ("Hoogle v" ++ showVersion version ++ ", (C) Neil Mitchell 2004-2010\nhttp://haskell.org/hoogle") search = Search {web = def &= help "Operate as a web tool" ,start = def ,count = def ,webmode = def ,queryChunks = def &= args ,info = def ,link = def ,color = def ,databases = ["."] &= typDir &= help "Which directories to find databases" ,repeat_ = 1 ,queryParsed = Left emptyParseError &= ignore ,queryText = "" &= ignore } test = Test {testFiles = def &= typFile &= args ,example = def &= help "Test the full examples" } &= help "Run tests over a list of files" server = Server {port = 80 &= typ "INT" &= help "Port number" ,resources = "" ,local_ = def &= help "Rewrite file:/// links and serve them, can be a security hole" } &= help "Start a Hoogle server" dump = Dump {database = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "DATABASE" ,section = def &= args &= typ "SECTION" } &= help "Dump sections of the database to stdout" rank = Rank {srcfile = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "RANKFILE" &= opt "" } &= help "Generate ranking information" combine = Combine {srcfiles = def &= args &= typ "DATABASE" ,outfile = "default.hoo" &= typFile &= help "Output file (defaults to default.hoo)" } &= help "Combine multiple inputs to produce one output" convert = Convert {srcfile = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "TEXTBASE" ,outfile = def &= argPos 1 &= typ "DATABASE" &= opt "" } &= help "Convert a textbase to a database" dataa = Data {datadir = def &= typDir &= help "Database directory" ,haddock = def &= help "Get haddock documentation directly from Hackage" ,redownload = def &= help "Always redownload files from the web" ,threads = def &= typ "INT" &= name "j" &= help "Number of threads to use" ,actions = def &= args &= typ "RULE" ,local = def &= opt "" &= typ "FILEPATH" &= help "Use local documentation where found" } &= help "Generate Hoogle databases" &= details ["Each argument should be the name of a database you want to generate" ,"optionally followed by which files to combine. Common options:" ,"" ," data default -- equialent to no arguments" ," data all" ]