{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Hoogle.Query.Type where

import General.Base
import Hoogle.Type.All


Query stores enough data to round trip perfectly

package:foo, module:foo, category:foo all work, all as a shortcut for +package:foo, ...
+package:foo, +package:bar
-package:foo, -package:bar
+bar is a shortcut for +package:bar
+Bar is a shortcut for +module:Bar

Type signatures need extending to contain _, * and ? - all of which mean wildcard

Need a way to "tweak" type signatures.

At it's heart, a query is a list of names, a type sig, and a list of scopes, in order.

Need to augment this with a list of extra information, such that when the extra information
is replayed, it does the same job.

Should really be [String], Maybe TypeSig, [Scope], those -> 

data QueryInfo = [String] (Maybe TypeSig) [Scope]
data Query = Query QueryInfo (QueryInfo -> String?)

"(a -" is assumed to be "(a -> _)"

"Ord a =" - is assumed to be "Ord a => _"

"(map > 1)" is total garbage... i think parse errors are still needed

Should try and autocomplete at the end where possible

Also need to support OR, AND and NOT.

Perhaps have a tree:

data Prop = Or Bool Prop Prop -- True is explicit OR
          | And Bool Prop Prop -- True is explicit AND
          | Not Bool Prop -- True is explicit NOT, otherwise is a "-" of the one after you
          | Module Prefix String -- prefix is a string - "" for Foo.bar, otherwise "+" or "module:"
          | Package Prefix String -- prefix is a string, "+" or "package"
          | Name String -- just the name
          | Type Bool TypeSig -- TypeSig needs extending to be full information, but otherwise the same. True is explicit "::"
          | Bracket Prop -- explicit brackets
          | Whitespace Int Prop Int -- explicit whitespace on either side

Can now decompse parts easily and move more logic info the query. Also retain perfect information.

Name and type searches are done separately and merged. Then traverse the tree applying everything else.

Will need some pass at the start to decide which databases to use. That needs to impove anyway.

-- | A query, representing a user input.
data Query = Query
    {names :: [String]
    ,typeSig :: Maybe TypeSig
    ,scope :: [Scope]
    deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq)

instance Monoid Query where
    mempty = Query [] Nothing []
    mappend (Query x1 x2 x3) (Query y1 y2 y3) =
        Query (x1++y1) (x2 `mplus` y2) (x3++y3)

data Scope = PlusPackage  String
           | MinusPackage String
           | PlusModule   String
           | MinusModule  String
           deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

-- | Given a query, return the list of packages that should be searched. Each package will be
--   the name of a database, without any file path or extension included.
queryDatabases :: Query -> [String]
queryDatabases x = if null ps then ["default"] else ps
    where ps = [p | PlusPackage p <- scope x]

-- | Return those packages which are explicitly excluded (paired with 'False')
--   or included (paired with 'True') in the query.
queryPackages :: Query -> [(Bool, String)]
queryPackages = concatMap f . scope
    where f (MinusPackage x) = [(False,x)]
          f (PlusPackage  x) = [(True ,x)]
          f _ = []

-- | Set the state of a package within a query. 'Nothing' means delete the package,
--   'Just' 'True' for add it, and 'Just' 'False' for remove it.
querySetPackage :: Maybe Bool -> String -> Query -> Query
querySetPackage b x q = q{scope= filter f (scope q) ++ [if b then PlusPackage x else MinusPackage x | Just b <- [b]]}
    where f (MinusPackage y) = x /= y
          f (PlusPackage  y) = x /= y
          f _ = True