{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards,PatternGuards,ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Standalone tests are dependent only on themselves, example tests -- require a fully build Hoogle database. module Console.Test(testPrepare, testFile) where import Hoogle import General.Base import General.System import Paths_hoogle import CmdLine.All import Test.All import Control.Exception import System.Console.CmdArgs testPrepare :: IO () testPrepare = do putStrLn "Running static tests" test putStrLn "Converting testdata" performGC -- clean up the databases dat <- getDataDir createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dat "databases" src <- readFileUtf8 $ dat "testdata.txt" let (errs, dbOld) = createDatabase Haskell [] src unless (null errs) $ error $ unlines $ "Couldn't convert testdata database:" : map show errs let dbfile = dat "databases/testdata.hoo" saveDatabase dbfile dbOld db <- loadDatabase dbfile when (show dbOld /= show db) $ error "Database did not save properly" testFile :: (CmdLine -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO Int testFile run srcfile = do putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ srcfile src <- readFile' srcfile xs <- mapM (runTest run) $ parseTests src return $ length $ filter not xs data Testcase = Testcase {testLine :: Int ,testQuery :: String ,testResults :: [String] } parseTests :: String -> [Testcase] parseTests = f . zip [1..] . lines where f ((i,x):xs) | "--" `isPrefixOf` x = f xs | all isSpace x = f xs | otherwise = Testcase i x (map snd a) : f b where (a,b) = break (all isSpace . snd) xs f [] = [] parseArgs :: String -> [String] parseArgs "" = [] parseArgs ('\"':xs) = a : parseArgs (drop 1 b) where (a,b) = break (== '\"') xs parseArgs xs = a : parseArgs (dropWhile isSpace b) where (a,b) = break isSpace xs runTest :: (CmdLine -> IO ()) -> Testcase -> IO Bool runTest run Testcase{..} = do whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "Testing: " ++ testQuery args <- withArgs (parseArgs testQuery) cmdLine res <- try $ captureOutput $ run args case res of Left (x :: SomeException) -> putStrLn ("Error, test crashed: " ++ testQuery ++ ", with " ++ show x) >> return False Right Nothing -> putStrLn "Can't run tests on GHC < 6.12" >> return False Right (Just x) -> case matchOutput testResults (lines x) of Nothing -> return True Just x -> do putStrLn $ "Failed test on line " ++ show testLine ++ "\n" ++ x return False -- support @reoder, @not, @exact, @now matchOutput :: [String] -> [String] -> Maybe String -- Nothing is success matchOutput want got = f want ([],got) where f [] _ = Nothing f (x:xs) a = case match (code x) a of Nothing -> Just $ "Failed to match: " ++ x Just a -> f xs a code ('@':xs) = second (drop 1) $ break (== ' ') xs code xs = ("",xs) -- given (code,match) (past,future) return Nothing for failure or a new (past,future) match :: (String,String) -> ([String],[String]) -> Maybe ([String],[String]) match ("not",x) (past,future) | Just (a,b) <- find x future = Nothing | otherwise = Just ([],future) match ("reorder",x) (past,future) | Just (a,b) <- find x past = Just (a++b, future) | Just (a,b) <- find x future = Just (past++a, b) | otherwise = Nothing match ("now",x) (past,future) | Just ([],b) <- find x future = Just ([],b) | otherwise = Nothing match ("",x) (past,future) | Just (a,b) <- find x future = Just (a,b) | otherwise = Nothing match (code,x) _ = error $ "Unknown test code: " ++ code -- given a needle, return Maybe the bits before and after find :: String -> [String] -> Maybe ([String],[String]) find x ys = if null b then Nothing else Just (a,tail b) where (a,b) = break (\y -> words x `isInfixOf` words y) ys