module General.Heap( Heap, empty, fromList, toList, elems, singleton, insert, insertList, pop, popUntil, popWhile ) where import Prelude import qualified Data.Map as Map -- (k,v) pairs are stored in reverse order newtype Heap k v = Heap (Map.Map k [(k,v)]) empty :: Heap k v empty = Heap Map.empty fromList :: Ord k => [(k,v)] -> Heap k v fromList xs = insertList xs empty toList :: Heap k v -> [(k,v)] toList (Heap mp) = concatMap reverse $ Map.elems mp elems :: Heap k v -> [v] elems (Heap mp) = concatMap (reverse . map snd) $ Map.elems mp singleton :: Ord k => k -> v -> Heap k v singleton k v = insert k v empty -- insert a value with a cost, does NOT overwrite values insert :: Ord k => k -> v -> Heap k v -> Heap k v insert k v (Heap xs) = Heap $ Map.insertWith (++) k [(k,v)] xs insertList :: Ord k => [(k,v)] -> Heap k v -> Heap k v insertList xs mp = foldr (uncurry insert) mp xs -- retrieve the lowest value (can use minView in the future) -- does NOT guarantee to be the first one inserted at that level pop :: Ord k => Heap k v -> Maybe ((k,v), Heap k v) pop (Heap mp) | Map.null mp = Nothing | null kvs = Just ((k1,v1), Heap mp2) | otherwise = Just ((k1,v1), Heap $ Map.insert k kvs mp2) where ((k,(k1,v1):kvs),mp2) = Map.deleteFindMin mp -- until you reach this key, do not pop those at this key -- guarantees to return by order, then insertion time popUntil :: Ord k => k -> Heap k v -> ([v], Heap k v) popUntil x = popBy (< x) -- until you reach this key, and then pop those at this key -- guarantees to return by order, then insertion time popWhile :: Ord k => k -> Heap k v -> ([v], Heap k v) popWhile x = popBy (<= x) popBy :: Ord k => (k -> Bool) -> Heap k v -> ([v], Heap k v) popBy cmp (Heap mp) | Map.null mp || not (cmp k) = ([], Heap mp) | otherwise = (reverse (map snd kvs) ++ res, mp3) where ((k,kvs),mp2) = Map.deleteFindMin mp (res,mp3) = popBy cmp (Heap mp2)