{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns, TupleSections, PatternGuards #-} module General.Log( Log, logCreate, logNone, logAddMessage, logAddEntry, Summary(..), logSummary, ) where import Control.Concurrent.Extra import Control.Applicative import System.Directory import System.IO import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import Numeric.Extra import Control.Monad.Extra import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Semigroup import General.Util import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.IORef import Prelude data Log = Log {logOutput :: Maybe (Var Handle) ,logCurrent :: IORef (Map.Map Day SummaryI) ,logInteresting :: String -> Bool } showTime :: UTCTime -> String showTime = showUTCTime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Q" logNone :: IO Log logNone = do ref <- newIORef Map.empty; return $ Log Nothing ref (const False) logCreate :: Either Handle FilePath -> (String -> Bool) -> IO Log logCreate store interesting = do (h, old) <- case store of Left h -> return (h, Map.empty) Right file -> do b <- doesFileExist file mp <- if not b then return Map.empty else withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do src <- LBS.hGetContents h let xs = mapMaybe (parseLogLine interesting) $ LBS.lines src return $! foldl' (\mp (k,v) -> Map.alter (Just . maybe v (<> v)) k mp) Map.empty xs (,mp) <$> openFile file AppendMode hSetBuffering h LineBuffering var <- newVar h ref <- newIORef old return $ Log (Just var) ref interesting logAddMessage :: Log -> String -> IO () logAddMessage Log{..} msg = do time <- showTime <$> getCurrentTime whenJust logOutput $ \var -> withVar var $ \h -> hPutStrLn h $ time ++ " - " ++ msg logAddEntry :: Log -> String -> String -> Double -> Maybe String -> IO () logAddEntry Log{..} user question taken err = do time <- getCurrentTime let add v = atomicModifyIORef logCurrent $ \mp -> (Map.alter (Just . maybe v (<> v)) (utctDay time) mp, ()) if logInteresting question then add $ SummaryI (Set.singleton user) 1 taken (toAverage taken) (if isJust err then 1 else 0) else if isJust err then add mempty{iErrors=1} else return () whenJust logOutput $ \var -> withVar var $ \h -> hPutStrLn h $ unwords $ [showTime time, user, showDP 3 taken, question] ++ maybeToList (fmap ((++) "ERROR: " . unwords . words) err) -- Summary collapsed data Summary = Summary {summaryDate :: Day ,summaryUsers :: Int ,summaryUses :: Int ,summarySlowest :: Double ,summaryAverage :: Double ,summaryErrors :: Int } -- Summary accumulating data SummaryI = SummaryI {iUsers :: !(Set.Set String) -- number of distinct users ,iUses :: !Int -- number of uses ,iSlowest :: !Double -- slowest result ,iAverage :: !(Average Double) -- average result ,iErrors :: !Int -- number of errors } instance Semigroup SummaryI where SummaryI x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 <> SummaryI y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 = SummaryI (f x1 y1) (x2+y2) (max x3 y3) (x4 <> y4) (x5+y5) -- more efficient union for the very common case of a single element where f x y | Set.size x == 1 = Set.insert (head $ Set.toList x) y | Set.size y == 1 = Set.insert (head $ Set.toList y) x | otherwise = Set.union x y instance Monoid SummaryI where mempty = SummaryI Set.empty 0 0 (toAverage 0) 0 mappend = (<>) summarize :: Day -> SummaryI -> Summary summarize date SummaryI{..} = Summary date (Set.size iUsers) iUses iSlowest (fromAverage iAverage) iErrors parseLogLine :: (String -> Bool) -> LBS.ByteString -> Maybe (Day, SummaryI) parseLogLine interesting (LBS.words -> time:user:dur:query:err) | user /= LBS.pack "-" , Just [a, b, c] <- fmap (map fst) $ mapM LBS.readInt $ LBS.split '-' $ LBS.takeWhile (/= 'T') time = Just (fromGregorian (fromIntegral a) b c, SummaryI (if use then Set.singleton $ LBS.unpack user else Set.empty) (if use then 1 else 0) (if use then dur2 else 0) (toAverage $ if use then dur2 else 0) (if [LBS.pack "ERROR:"] `isPrefixOf` err then 1 else 0)) where use = interesting $ LBS.unpack query dur2 = let s = LBS.unpack dur in fromMaybe 0 $ if '.' `elem` s then readMaybe s else (/ 1000) . intToDouble <$> readMaybe s parseLogLine _ _ = Nothing logSummary :: Log -> IO [Summary] logSummary Log{..} = map (uncurry summarize) . Map.toAscList <$> readIORef logCurrent