-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.6 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
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{-# LINE 1 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.MemoryObject
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011, Martin Dybdal
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Martin Dybdal <dybber@dybber.dk>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- OpenCL bindings for manipulating memory objects.
-- See section 5.2 in the OpenCL specification

module Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.MemoryObject (
   mallocArray, allocaArray, free,
   peekArray, peekListArray,
   pokeArray, pokeListArray,
   newListArray, newListArrayLen,
   withListArray, withListArrayLen,
   memobjType, memobjFlags, memobjSize, 
   memobjHostPtr, memobjMapCount, memobjContext
   ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits

import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import qualified Foreign.Marshal as F

import Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.Internal.Types
{-# LINE 40 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}

import Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.Internal.Finalizers
import Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.Internal.Error
import Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.Internal.Util
import Foreign.OpenCL.Bindings.Internal.Logging as Log

createBuffer :: Context -> [MemFlags] -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO (MemObject a)
createBuffer context flags n value_ptr =
  withForeignPtr context $ \ctx ->
  F.alloca $ \ep -> do
    Log.debug "Invoking clCreateBuffer"
    memobj <- clCreateBuffer
{-# LINE 51 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}

                  ctx (enumToBitfield flags) (fromIntegral n)
                  (castPtr value_ptr) ep
    checkClError_ "clCreateBuffer" =<< peek ep
    return $ MemObject memobj

-- | Allocates a device memory object.
mallocArray :: Storable a 
            => Context -- ^ The 'Context' to which the 'MemObject' should be associated.
            -> [MemFlags] -- ^ A list of 'MemFlags' determining permissions etc. for the 'MemObject'
            -> Int -- ^ The number of elements to allocate memory for.
            -> IO (MemObject a) -- ^ The type (and there by size) of elements is determined by the result type.
mallocArray context flags n = doMalloc undefined
  where doMalloc :: Storable a' => a' -> IO (MemObject a')
        doMalloc x = createBuffer context flags (n * sizeOf x) nullPtr

-- | Allocates a device memory object temporarily, and makes it
-- available for the argument function.
allocaArray :: Storable a 
            => Context -- ^ The 'Context' to which the 'MemObject' should be associated.
            -> [MemFlags] -- ^ A list of 'MemFlags' determining permissions etc. for the 'MemObject'
            -> Int -- ^ The number of elements to allocate memory for.
            -> (MemObject a -> IO b) -- ^ The function where the 'MemObject' should be available
            -> IO b
allocaArray context flags n = bracket (mallocArray context flags n) free

-- | Deallocates a memory object.
free :: MemObject a -> IO ()
free dp = do Log.debug "Invoking clReleaseMemObject"
             err <- clReleaseMemObject (memobjPtr dp)
             checkClError_ "clReleaseMemObject" err

-- | Moves the content of a memory object from device to host exposing
-- it as C array.
peekArray :: Storable a 
          => CommandQueue -- ^ The 'CommandQueue' in which this action should be queued
          -> Int -- ^ The offset inside the 'MemObject' where the
                 -- first element should be read. (In number of
                 -- elements, not bytes)
          -> Int -- ^ The number of elements to read.
          -> MemObject a -- ^ The 'MemObject' to read from.
          -> Ptr a -- ^ A pointer where the elements read should be stored.
          -> IO ()
peekArray queue offset n mobj ptr = doPeek undefined mobj >> return ()
    doPeek :: Storable a' => a' -> MemObject a' -> IO Event
    doPeek x _ = enqueueReadBuffer queue mobj True
                                   (fromIntegral $ offset * sizeOf x)
                                   (fromIntegral $ n * sizeOf x)

-- | Moves the content of a memory object from device to host exposing
-- it as Haskell List.
peekListArray :: Storable a 
              => CommandQueue 
              -> Int -- ^ The number of elements to read.
              -> MemObject a 
              -> IO [a]
peekListArray queue n mobj =
  F.allocaArray n $ \p -> do
    peekArray   queue 0 n mobj p
    F.peekArray n p

-- | Moves a host side C array to a device-side memory object
pokeArray :: Storable a 
          => CommandQueue 
          -> Int -- ^ The offset inside the 'MemObject' where the
                 -- first element should be written. (In number of
                 -- elements, not bytes)
          -> Int -- ^ The number of elements to write.
          -> Ptr a -- ^ A pointer where the elements should be read from
          -> MemObject a -- ^ The 'MemObject' to write the elements to
          -> IO ()
pokeArray queue offset n ptr mobj = doPoke undefined mobj >> return ()
    doPoke :: Storable a' => a' -> MemObject a' -> IO Event
    doPoke x _ = enqueueWriteBuffer queue mobj True
                                    (fromIntegral $ offset * s)
                                    (fromIntegral $ n * s)
      where s = sizeOf x

-- | Moves a host side Haskell list to a device-side memory object
pokeListArray :: Storable a => CommandQueue -> [a] -> MemObject a -> IO ()
pokeListArray queue xs mobj = F.withArrayLen xs $ \len p -> pokeArray queue 0 len p mobj

-- | Create a memory object containing the specified list of elements,
-- returning the memory object together with the number of elements in
-- the list.
newListArrayLen :: Storable a => Context -> [a] -> IO (MemObject a, Int)
newListArrayLen context ys = create undefined ys
    create :: Storable a' => a' -> [a'] -> IO (MemObject a', Int)
    create x xs = F.withArrayLen xs $ \len p -> do
                    mobj <- createBuffer context [MemCopyHostPtr] (sizeOf x * len) p
                    return (mobj, len)

-- | Create a memory object containing the specified list of elements.
newListArray :: Storable a => Context -> [a] -> IO (MemObject a)
newListArray context xs = fst `fmap` newListArrayLen context xs

withListArray :: Storable a => Context -> [a] -> (MemObject a -> IO b) -> IO b
withListArray context xs = withListArrayLen context xs . const

withListArrayLen :: Storable a => Context -> [a] -> (Int -> MemObject a -> IO b) -> IO b
withListArrayLen context xs f =
  bracket (newListArrayLen context xs) (free . fst) (uncurry . flip $ f)

-- TODO implement copyArray using enqueueCopyBuffer

enqueueReadBuffer :: CommandQueue -> (MemObject a) -> Bool
                  -> ClSize -> ClSize -> Ptr a
                  -> [Event] -> IO Event
enqueueReadBuffer q memobj doblock offset cb ptr event_wait_list =
  withForeignPtr q $ \queue ->
  withForeignPtrs event_wait_list $ \event_ptrs ->
  withArrayNullLen event_ptrs $ \n event_array -> do
  F.alloca $ \event -> do
    Log.debug "Invoking clEnqueueReadBuffer"
    checkClError_ "clEnqueueReadBuffer" =<< 
          queue (memobjPtr memobj) (toOCLBool doblock) offset
          cb (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral n) event_array event
    attachFinalizer =<< peek event

enqueueWriteBuffer :: Storable a => CommandQueue -> (MemObject a) -> Bool
                   -> ClSize -> ClSize -> Ptr a
                   -> [Event] -> IO Event
enqueueWriteBuffer q memobj doblock offset cb ptr event_wait_list =
  withForeignPtr q $ \queue ->
  withForeignPtrs event_wait_list $ \event_ptrs ->
  withArrayNullLen event_ptrs $ \n event_array -> do
  F.alloca $ \event -> do
    checkClError_ "clEnqueueWriteBuffer" =<< 
{-# LINE 188 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}

          queue (memobjPtr memobj) (toOCLBool doblock) offset
          cb (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral n) event_array event
    attachFinalizer =<< peek event

enqueueCopyBuffer :: CommandQueue -> (MemObject a) -> (MemObject a)
                  -> ClSize -> ClSize -> ClSize
                  -> [Event] -> IO Event
enqueueCopyBuffer q memobjSrc memobjDst offsetSrc offsetDst cb event_wait_list =
  withForeignPtr q $ \queue ->
  withForeignPtrs event_wait_list $ \event_ptrs ->
  withArrayNullLen event_ptrs $ \n event_array -> do
  F.alloca $ \event -> do
    checkClError_ "clEnqueueCopyBuffer" =<< 
{-# LINE 202 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}

          queue (memobjPtr memobjSrc) (memobjPtr memobjDst)
          offsetSrc offsetDst
          cb (fromIntegral n) event_array event
    attachFinalizer =<< peek event

-- | The type of a memory object
memobjType :: MemObject a -> IO MemObjectType
memobjType memobj = liftM toEnum $ getMemObjectInfo memobj MemType

-- | The flags specified when a memory object was allocated
memobjFlags :: MemObject a -> IO [MemFlags]
memobjFlags memobj = do
   flags <- (getMemObjectInfo memobj MemFlags)
   return . filter ((/=0) . (.&.) flags . fromEnum)
      $ [MemReadWrite, MemWriteOnly, MemReadOnly,
         MemUseHostPtr, MemAllocHostPtr, MemCopyHostPtr]

-- | The size of a memory object
memobjSize :: MemObject a -> IO CSize
memobjSize memobj = getMemObjectInfo memobj MemSize

memobjHostPtr :: MemObject a -> IO (Ptr ())
memobjHostPtr memobj = getMemObjectInfo memobj MemHostPtr

memobjMapCount :: MemObject a -> IO Int
memobjMapCount memobj = getMemObjectInfo memobj MemMapCount

-- | The 'Context' this memory object is associated with.
memobjContext :: MemObject a -> IO Context
memobjContext memobj = 
  getMemObjectInfo memobj MemContext >>= attachRetainFinalizer

-- C interfacing functions
getMemObjectInfo memobj = getInfo $ clGetMemObjectInfo_ (memobjPtr memobj)
    clGetMemObjectInfo_ = 
      checkClError5 "clGetMemObjectInfo" clGetMemObjectInfo
{-# LINE 240 "./Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clCreateBuffer"
  clCreateBuffer :: ((Ptr (CContext)) -> (CULLong -> (CULong -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO (ClMem)))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clReleaseMemObject"
  clReleaseMemObject :: ((ClMem) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clEnqueueReadBuffer"
  clEnqueueReadBuffer :: ((Ptr (CCommandQueue)) -> ((ClMem) -> (CUInt -> (CULong -> (CULong -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> (IO CInt))))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clEnqueueWriteBuffer"
  clEnqueueWriteBuffer :: ((Ptr (CCommandQueue)) -> ((ClMem) -> (CUInt -> (CULong -> (CULong -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> (IO CInt))))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clEnqueueCopyBuffer"
  clEnqueueCopyBuffer :: ((Ptr (CCommandQueue)) -> ((ClMem) -> ((ClMem) -> (CULong -> (CULong -> (CULong -> (CUInt -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> ((Ptr (Ptr (CEvent))) -> (IO CInt))))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/OpenCL/Bindings/MemoryObject.chs.h clGetMemObjectInfo"
  clGetMemObjectInfo :: ((ClMem) -> (CUInt -> (CULong -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CULong) -> (IO CInt))))))