-- | OSC over UDP implementation. module Sound.OSC.Transport.FD.UDP where import Control.Exception {- base -} import Control.Monad {- base -} import Data.Bifunctor {- base -} import qualified Network.Socket as N {- network -} import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as C {- network -} import qualified Sound.OSC.Coding.Decode.Binary as Binary {- hosc -} import qualified Sound.OSC.Coding.Encode.Builder as Builder {- hosc -} import qualified Sound.OSC.Packet as Packet {- hosc -} import qualified Sound.OSC.Transport.FD as FD {- hosc -} -- | The UDP transport handle data type. data UDP = UDP {udpSocket :: N.Socket} -- | Return the port number associated with the UDP socket. udpPort :: Integral n => UDP -> IO n udpPort = fmap fromIntegral . N.socketPort . udpSocket -- | Send packet over UDP. upd_send_packet :: UDP -> Packet.Packet -> IO () upd_send_packet (UDP fd) p = void (C.send fd (Builder.encodePacket_strict p)) -- | Receive packet over UDP. udp_recv_packet :: UDP -> IO Packet.Packet udp_recv_packet (UDP fd) = fmap Binary.decodePacket_strict (C.recv fd 8192) -- | Close UDP. udp_close :: UDP -> IO () udp_close (UDP fd) = N.close fd -- | 'UDP' is an instance of 'FD.Transport'. instance FD.Transport UDP where sendPacket = upd_send_packet recvPacket = udp_recv_packet close = udp_close -- | Bracket UDP communication. with_udp :: IO UDP -> (UDP -> IO t) -> IO t with_udp u = bracket u udp_close -- | Create and initialise UDP socket. udp_socket :: (N.Socket -> N.SockAddr -> IO ()) -> String -> Int -> IO UDP udp_socket f host port = do fd <- N.socket N.AF_INET N.Datagram 0 i:_ <- N.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just (show port)) let sa = N.addrAddress i f fd sa return (UDP fd) -- | Set option, ie. 'N.Broadcast' or 'N.RecvTimeOut'. set_udp_opt :: N.SocketOption -> Int -> UDP -> IO () set_udp_opt k v (UDP s) = N.setSocketOption s k v -- | Get option. get_udp_opt :: N.SocketOption -> UDP -> IO Int get_udp_opt k (UDP s) = N.getSocketOption s k -- | Make a 'UDP' connection. openUDP :: String -> Int -> IO UDP openUDP = udp_socket N.connect {- | Trivial 'UDP' server socket. > import Control.Concurrent {- base -} > let u0 = udpServer "" 57300 > t0 <- forkIO (FD.withTransport u0 (\fd -> forever (FD.recvMessage fd >>= print))) > let u1 = openUDP "" 57300 > FD.withTransport u1 (\fd -> FD.sendMessage fd (Packet.message "/n" [])) -} udpServer :: String -> Int -> IO UDP udpServer = udp_socket N.bind -- | Variant of 'udpServer' that doesn't require the host address. udp_server :: Int -> IO UDP udp_server p = do let hints = N.defaultHints {N.addrFlags = [N.AI_PASSIVE,N.AI_NUMERICSERV] ,N.addrSocketType = N.Datagram} a:_ <- N.getAddrInfo (Just hints) Nothing (Just (show p)) s <- N.socket (N.addrFamily a) (N.addrSocketType a) (N.addrProtocol a) N.setSocketOption s N.ReuseAddr 1 N.bind s (N.addrAddress a) return (UDP s) -- | Send variant to send to specified address. sendTo :: UDP -> Packet.Packet -> N.SockAddr -> IO () sendTo (UDP fd) p = void . C.sendTo fd (Builder.encodePacket_strict p) -- | Recv variant to collect message source address. recvFrom :: UDP -> IO (Packet.Packet, N.SockAddr) recvFrom (UDP fd) = fmap (first Binary.decodePacket_strict) (C.recvFrom fd 8192)