import Data.Char(isSpace) import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe) import Data.Word(Word) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Numeric(showFFloat) import System.FilePath((>), replaceExtension) import System.Environment import Paths_hp2html data Profile = Profile { job :: String , date :: String , sampleUnit :: String , valueUnit :: String , samples :: [Sample] } deriving Show data Sample = Sample { start :: Double , end :: Double , sampleData :: [(String, Word)] } deriving Show main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs dataDir <- getDataDir let file = case args of [] -> Nothing x : _ -> Just x txt <- case file of Nothing -> getContents Just f -> readFile f let js = toFlot $ pProfile emptyProfile $ map pKeyVal $ lines txt html = htmlWrapper dataDir js case file of Nothing -> putStrLn html Just f -> writeFile (replaceExtension f "html") html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- flot htmlWrapper :: FilePath -> String -> String htmlWrapper dataPath jsData = unlines $ [ "" , "
" , css "hp2html.css" , script "jquery-1.7.1.min.js" , script "flot/jquery.flot.min.js" , script "flot/jquery.flot.stack.min.js" , script "flot/jquery.flot.resize.min.js" , script "flot/jquery.flot.selection.min.js" , script "hp2html.js" , " " , "" , "" , " " , "" , "" , "" ] where css x = "" script x = "" file x = "'" ++ concatMap esc (dataPath > "data" > x) ++ "'" esc '\'' = "\\'" esc x = [x] toFlot :: Profile -> String toFlot profile = "function getData() { return " ++ js ++ "; }" where js = list (map toJS1 flotSeries) toJS1 (l,ds) = "{ label: " ++ show l ++ ", data:\n" ++ list (map point ds) ++ "}" list [] = "[]" list [x] = "[" ++ x ++ "]" list (x:xs) = unlines $ ("[ " ++ x) : [ ", " ++ y | y <- xs ] ++ [ "]" ] point (x,y) = "[" ++ showFFloat (Just 2) x ("," ++ show y ++ "]") endOfTime = case samples profile of [] -> 0 xs -> end (last xs) flotSeries = do (l, m) <- Map.toList $ foldr addSample Map.empty $ samples profile return (l, Map.toList $ Map.insertWith (\_ x -> x) 0 0 $ Map.insertWith (\_ x -> x) endOfTime 0 $ m) addSample :: Sample -> Map.Map String (Map.Map Double Word) -> Map.Map String (Map.Map Double Word) addSample sample series = foldr (addSampleData (end sample)) series $ sampleData sample addSampleData when (key,val) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (+)) key (Map.singleton when val) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing emptyProfile :: Profile emptyProfile = Profile { job = "" , date = "" , sampleUnit = "" , valueUnit = "" , samples = [] } pNumber :: Read a => String -> Maybe a pNumber cs = case reads cs of [(n,ds)] | all isSpace ds -> Just n _ -> Nothing pKeyVal :: String -> (String,String) pKeyVal l = case break isSpace l of (as,bs) -> (as, dropWhile isSpace bs) pSampleData :: (String,String) -> Maybe (String,Word) pSampleData (k,v) = do n <- pNumber v return (k,n) pSamples :: [(String,String)] -> [Sample] pSamples ls = case dropWhile (("BEGIN_SAMPLE" /=) . fst) ls of [] -> [] (_,sTxt) : ls1 -> case break (("END_SAMPLE" ==) . fst) ls1 of (ds,(_,eTxt) : ls2) -> case (pNumber sTxt, pNumber eTxt) of (Just s, Just e) -> -- ignore malformed sample entries. Sample { start = s , end = e , sampleData = mapMaybe pSampleData ds } : pSamples ls2 _ -> pSamples ls2 -- ignire malformed samples _ -> [] -- ignore unterminated samples pProfile :: Profile -> [(String,String)] -> Profile pProfile p ls = case ls of (key,val) : ls1 | key == "JOB" -> pProfile p { job = val } ls1 | key == "DATE" -> pProfile p { date = val } ls1 | key == "SAMPLE_UNIT" -> pProfile p { sampleUnit = val } ls1 | key == "VALUE_UNIT" -> pProfile p { valueUnit = val } ls1 _ -> p { samples = pSamples ls }