{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} module Hpack.Syntax.DependencySpec (spec) where import Helper import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec (shouldDecodeTo, shouldDecodeTo_) import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue import Hpack.Syntax.DependencyVersion import Hpack.Syntax.Dependency left :: String -> Result Dependencies left = Left spec :: Spec spec = do describe "fromValue" $ do context "when parsing Dependencies" $ do context "with a scalar" $ do it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do [yaml| hpack |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", AnyVersion)] it "accepts dependencies with constraints" $ do [yaml| hpack >= 2 && < 3 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")] context "with invalid constraint" $ do it "returns an error message" $ do [yaml| hpack == |] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - invalid dependency \"hpack ==\"" context "with a list" $ do it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do [yaml| - hpack |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", AnyVersion)] it "accepts dependencies with constraints" $ do [yaml| - hpack >= 2 && < 3 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")] it "accepts ^>=" $ do [yaml| - hpack ^>= |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">= && <1.3")] it "accepts git dependencies" $ do let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing [yaml| - name: hpack git: https://github.com/sol/hpack ref: master |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)] it "accepts github dependencies" $ do let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing [yaml| - name: hpack github: sol/hpack ref: master |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)] it "accepts an optional subdirectory for git dependencies" $ do let source = GitRef "https://github.com/yesodweb/wai" "master" (Just "warp") [yaml| - name: warp github: yesodweb/wai ref: master subdir: warp |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("warp", SourceDependency source)] it "accepts local dependencies" $ do let source = Local "../hpack" [yaml| - name: hpack path: ../hpack |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)] context "when ref is missing" $ do it "produces accurate error messages" $ do [yaml| - name: hpack git: sol/hpack ef: master |] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $[0] - key \"ref\" not present" context "when both git and github are missing" $ do it "produces accurate error messages" $ do [yaml| - name: hpack gi: sol/hpack ref: master |] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $[0] - neither key \"git\" nor key \"github\" present" context "with a mapping from dependency names to constraints" $ do it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do [yaml| array: |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("array", AnyVersion)] it "rejects invalid values" $ do [yaml| hpack: [] |] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.hpack - expected Null, Object, Number, or String, encountered Array" context "when the constraint is a Number" $ do it "accepts 1" $ do [yaml| hpack: 1 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==1")] it "accepts 1.0" $ do [yaml| hpack: 1.0 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==1.0")] it "accepts 0.11" $ do [yaml| hpack: 0.11 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.11")] it "accepts 0.110" $ do [yaml| hpack: 0.110 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.110")] it "accepts 1e2" $ do [yaml| hpack: 1e2 |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==100")] context "when the constraint is a String" $ do it "accepts version ranges" $ do [yaml| hpack: '>=2' |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2")] it "accepts specific versions" $ do [yaml| hpack: |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==")] it "accepts wildcard versions" $ do [yaml| hpack: 2.* |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==2.*")] it "accepts ^>=" $ do [yaml| hpack: ^>= |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">= && <1.3")] it "reports parse errors" $ do [yaml| hpack: foo |] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.hpack - invalid constraint \"foo\"" context "when the constraint is an Object" $ do it "accepts github dependencies" $ do [yaml| Cabal: github: haskell/cabal ref: d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76 subdir: Cabal |] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("Cabal", SourceDependency (GitRef "https://github.com/haskell/cabal" "d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76" (Just "Cabal")))] it "ignores names in nested hashes" $ do [yaml| outer-name: name: inner-name path: somewhere |] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Dependencies [("outer-name", SourceDependency (Local "somewhere"))], ["$.outer-name.name"])