{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Hpack.Render ( -- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into -- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following -- caveats apply: -- -- * The API is undocumented, consult the source instead. -- -- * The exposed types and functions primarily serve Hpack's own needs, not -- that of a public API. Breaking changes can happen as Hpack evolves. -- -- As an Hpack user you either want to use the @hpack@ executable or a build -- tool that supports Hpack (e.g. @stack@ or @cabal2nix@). renderPackage , renderPackageWith , defaultRenderSettings , RenderSettings(..) , Alignment(..) , CommaStyle(..) #ifdef TEST , renderConditional , renderDependencies , renderLibraryFields , renderExecutableFields , renderFlag , renderSourceRepository , renderDirectories , formatDescription #endif ) where import Imports import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import Data.Map.Lazy (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map import Hpack.Util import Hpack.Config import Hpack.Render.Hints import Hpack.Render.Dsl renderPackage :: [String] -> Package -> String renderPackage oldCabalFile = renderPackageWith settings alignment formattingHintsFieldOrder formattingHintsSectionsFieldOrder where FormattingHints{..} = sniffFormattingHints oldCabalFile alignment = fromMaybe 16 formattingHintsAlignment settings = formattingHintsRenderSettings renderPackageWith :: RenderSettings -> Alignment -> [String] -> [(String, [String])] -> Package -> String renderPackageWith settings headerFieldsAlignment existingFieldOrder sectionsFieldOrder Package{..} = intercalate "\n" (unlines header : chunks) where chunks :: [String] chunks = map unlines . filter (not . null) . map (render settings 0) $ sortStanzaFields sectionsFieldOrder stanzas header :: [String] header = concatMap (render settings {renderSettingsFieldAlignment = headerFieldsAlignment} 0) packageFields packageFields :: [Element] packageFields = addVerbatim packageVerbatim . sortFieldsBy existingFieldOrder $ headerFields ++ [ Field "tested-with" $ CommaSeparatedList packageTestedWith , Field "extra-source-files" (renderPaths packageExtraSourceFiles) , Field "extra-doc-files" (renderPaths packageExtraDocFiles) , Field "data-files" (renderPaths packageDataFiles) ] ++ maybe [] (return . Field "data-dir" . Literal) packageDataDir sourceRepository :: [Element] sourceRepository = maybe [] (return . renderSourceRepository) packageSourceRepository customSetup :: [Element] customSetup = maybe [] (return . renderCustomSetup) packageCustomSetup library :: [Element] library = maybe [] (return . renderLibrary) packageLibrary stanzas :: [Element] stanzas = concat [ sourceRepository , customSetup , map renderFlag packageFlags , library , renderInternalLibraries packageInternalLibraries , renderExecutables packageExecutables , renderTests packageTests , renderBenchmarks packageBenchmarks ] headerFields :: [Element] headerFields = mapMaybe (\(name, value) -> Field name . Literal <$> value) $ [ ("name", Just packageName) , ("version", Just packageVersion) , ("synopsis", packageSynopsis) , ("description", (formatDescription headerFieldsAlignment <$> packageDescription)) , ("category", packageCategory) , ("stability", packageStability) , ("homepage", packageHomepage) , ("bug-reports", packageBugReports) , ("author", formatList packageAuthor) , ("maintainer", formatList packageMaintainer) , ("copyright", formatList packageCopyright) , ("license", packageLicense) , case packageLicenseFile of [file] -> ("license-file", Just file) files -> ("license-files", formatList files) , ("build-type", Just (show packageBuildType)) ] formatList :: [String] -> Maybe String formatList xs = guard (not $ null xs) >> (Just $ intercalate separator xs) where separator = let Alignment n = headerFieldsAlignment in ",\n" ++ replicate n ' ' sortStanzaFields :: [(String, [String])] -> [Element] -> [Element] sortStanzaFields sectionsFieldOrder = go where go sections = case sections of [] -> [] Stanza name fields : xs | Just fieldOrder <- lookup name sectionsFieldOrder -> Stanza name (sortFieldsBy fieldOrder fields) : go xs x : xs -> x : go xs formatDescription :: Alignment -> String -> String formatDescription (Alignment alignment) description = case map emptyLineToDot $ lines description of x : xs -> intercalate "\n" (x : map (indentation ++) xs) [] -> "" where n = max alignment (length ("description: " :: String)) indentation = replicate n ' ' emptyLineToDot xs | isEmptyLine xs = "." | otherwise = xs isEmptyLine = all isSpace renderSourceRepository :: SourceRepository -> Element renderSourceRepository SourceRepository{..} = Stanza "source-repository head" [ Field "type" "git" , Field "location" (Literal sourceRepositoryUrl) , Field "subdir" (maybe "" Literal sourceRepositorySubdir) ] renderFlag :: Flag -> Element renderFlag Flag {..} = Stanza ("flag " ++ flagName) $ description ++ [ Field "manual" (Literal $ show flagManual) , Field "default" (Literal $ show flagDefault) ] where description = maybe [] (return . Field "description" . Literal) flagDescription renderInternalLibraries :: Map String (Section Library) -> [Element] renderInternalLibraries = map renderInternalLibrary . Map.toList renderInternalLibrary :: (String, Section Library) -> Element renderInternalLibrary (name, sect) = Stanza ("library " ++ name) (renderLibrarySection sect) renderExecutables :: Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element] renderExecutables = map renderExecutable . Map.toList renderExecutable :: (String, Section Executable) -> Element renderExecutable (name, sect) = Stanza ("executable " ++ name) (renderExecutableSection [] sect) renderTests :: Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element] renderTests = map renderTest . Map.toList renderTest :: (String, Section Executable) -> Element renderTest (name, sect) = Stanza ("test-suite " ++ name) (renderExecutableSection [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect) renderBenchmarks :: Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element] renderBenchmarks = map renderBenchmark . Map.toList renderBenchmark :: (String, Section Executable) -> Element renderBenchmark (name, sect) = Stanza ("benchmark " ++ name) (renderExecutableSection [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect) renderExecutableSection :: [Element] -> Section Executable -> [Element] renderExecutableSection extraFields = renderSection renderExecutableFields extraFields [defaultLanguage] renderExecutableFields :: Executable -> [Element] renderExecutableFields Executable{..} = mainIs ++ [otherModules, generatedModules] where mainIs = maybe [] (return . Field "main-is" . Literal) executableMain otherModules = renderOtherModules executableOtherModules generatedModules = renderGeneratedModules executableGeneratedModules renderCustomSetup :: CustomSetup -> Element renderCustomSetup CustomSetup{..} = Stanza "custom-setup" $ renderDependencies "setup-depends" customSetupDependencies renderLibrary :: Section Library -> Element renderLibrary sect = Stanza "library" $ renderLibrarySection sect renderLibrarySection :: Section Library -> [Element] renderLibrarySection = renderSection renderLibraryFields [] [defaultLanguage] renderLibraryFields :: Library -> [Element] renderLibraryFields Library{..} = maybe [] (return . renderExposed) libraryExposed ++ maybe [] (return . renderVisibility) libraryVisibility ++ [ renderExposedModules libraryExposedModules , renderOtherModules libraryOtherModules , renderGeneratedModules libraryGeneratedModules , renderReexportedModules libraryReexportedModules , renderSignatures librarySignatures ] renderExposed :: Bool -> Element renderExposed = Field "exposed" . Literal . show renderVisibility :: String -> Element renderVisibility = Field "visibility" . Literal renderSection :: (a -> [Element]) -> [Element] -> [Element] -> Section a -> [Element] renderSection renderSectionData extraFieldsStart extraFieldsEnd Section{..} = addVerbatim sectionVerbatim $ extraFieldsStart ++ renderSectionData sectionData ++ [ renderDirectories "hs-source-dirs" sectionSourceDirs , renderDefaultExtensions sectionDefaultExtensions , renderOtherExtensions sectionOtherExtensions , renderGhcOptions sectionGhcOptions , renderGhcProfOptions sectionGhcProfOptions , renderGhcjsOptions sectionGhcjsOptions , renderCppOptions sectionCppOptions , renderCcOptions sectionCcOptions , renderCxxOptions sectionCxxOptions , renderDirectories "include-dirs" sectionIncludeDirs , Field "install-includes" (LineSeparatedList sectionInstallIncludes) , Field "c-sources" (renderPaths sectionCSources) , Field "cxx-sources" (renderPaths sectionCxxSources) , Field "js-sources" (renderPaths sectionJsSources) , renderDirectories "extra-lib-dirs" sectionExtraLibDirs , Field "extra-libraries" (LineSeparatedList sectionExtraLibraries) , renderDirectories "extra-frameworks-dirs" sectionExtraFrameworksDirs , Field "frameworks" (LineSeparatedList sectionFrameworks) , renderLdOptions sectionLdOptions , Field "pkgconfig-depends" (CommaSeparatedList sectionPkgConfigDependencies) ] ++ renderBuildTools sectionBuildTools sectionSystemBuildTools ++ renderDependencies "build-depends" sectionDependencies ++ maybe [] (return . renderBuildable) sectionBuildable ++ map (renderConditional renderSectionData) sectionConditionals ++ extraFieldsEnd addVerbatim :: [Verbatim] -> [Element] -> [Element] addVerbatim verbatim fields = filterVerbatim verbatim fields ++ renderVerbatim verbatim filterVerbatim :: [Verbatim] -> [Element] -> [Element] filterVerbatim verbatim = filter p where p :: Element -> Bool p = \ case Field name _ -> name `notElem` fields _ -> True fields = concatMap verbatimFieldNames verbatim verbatimFieldNames :: Verbatim -> [String] verbatimFieldNames verbatim = case verbatim of VerbatimLiteral _ -> [] VerbatimObject o -> Map.keys o renderVerbatim :: [Verbatim] -> [Element] renderVerbatim = concatMap $ \ case VerbatimLiteral s -> [Verbatim s] VerbatimObject o -> renderVerbatimObject o renderVerbatimObject :: Map String VerbatimValue -> [Element] renderVerbatimObject = map renderPair . Map.toList where renderPair (key, value) = case lines (verbatimValueToString value) of [x] -> Field key (Literal x) xs -> Field key (LineSeparatedList xs) renderConditional :: (a -> [Element]) -> Conditional (Section a) -> Element renderConditional renderSectionData (Conditional condition sect mElse) = case mElse of Nothing -> if_ Just else_ -> Group if_ (Stanza "else" $ renderSection renderSectionData [] [] else_) where if_ = Stanza ("if " ++ renderCond condition) (renderSection renderSectionData [] [] sect) renderCond :: Cond -> String renderCond = \ case CondExpression c -> c CondBool True -> "true" CondBool False -> "false" defaultLanguage :: Element defaultLanguage = Field "default-language" "Haskell2010" renderDirectories :: String -> [String] -> Element renderDirectories name = Field name . LineSeparatedList . replaceDots where replaceDots = map replaceDot replaceDot xs = case xs of "." -> "./" _ -> xs renderExposedModules :: [Module] -> Element renderExposedModules = Field "exposed-modules" . LineSeparatedList . map unModule renderOtherModules :: [Module] -> Element renderOtherModules = Field "other-modules" . LineSeparatedList . map unModule renderGeneratedModules :: [Module] -> Element renderGeneratedModules = Field "autogen-modules" . LineSeparatedList . map unModule renderReexportedModules :: [String] -> Element renderReexportedModules = Field "reexported-modules" . CommaSeparatedList renderSignatures :: [String] -> Element renderSignatures = Field "signatures" . CommaSeparatedList renderDependencies :: String -> Dependencies -> [Element] renderDependencies name deps = [ Field name (CommaSeparatedList renderedDeps) , Field "mixins" (CommaSeparatedList $ concat mixins) ] where (renderedDeps, mixins) = unzip . map renderDependency . Map.toList $ unDependencies deps renderDependency :: (String, DependencyInfo) -> (String, [String]) renderDependency (name, DependencyInfo mixins version) = ( name ++ renderVersion version , [ name ++ " " ++ mixin | mixin <- mixins ] ) renderVersion :: DependencyVersion -> String renderVersion (DependencyVersion _ c) = renderVersionConstraint c renderVersionConstraint :: VersionConstraint -> String renderVersionConstraint version = case version of AnyVersion -> "" VersionRange x -> " " ++ x renderBuildTools :: Map BuildTool DependencyVersion -> SystemBuildTools -> [Element] renderBuildTools (map renderBuildTool . Map.toList -> xs) systemBuildTools = [ Field "build-tools" (CommaSeparatedList $ [x | BuildTools x <- xs] ++ renderSystemBuildTools systemBuildTools) , Field "build-tool-depends" (CommaSeparatedList [x | BuildToolDepends x <- xs]) ] data RenderBuildTool = BuildTools String | BuildToolDepends String renderBuildTool :: (BuildTool, DependencyVersion) -> RenderBuildTool renderBuildTool (buildTool, renderVersion -> version) = case buildTool of LocalBuildTool executable -> BuildTools (executable ++ version) BuildTool pkg executable | pkg == executable && executable `elem` knownBuildTools -> BuildTools (executable ++ version) | otherwise -> BuildToolDepends (pkg ++ ":" ++ executable ++ version) where knownBuildTools :: [String] knownBuildTools = [ "alex" , "c2hs" , "cpphs" , "greencard" , "haddock" , "happy" , "hsc2hs" , "hscolour" ] renderSystemBuildTools :: SystemBuildTools -> [String] renderSystemBuildTools = map renderSystemBuildTool . Map.toList . unSystemBuildTools renderSystemBuildTool :: (String, VersionConstraint) -> String renderSystemBuildTool (name, constraint) = name ++ renderVersionConstraint constraint renderGhcOptions :: [GhcOption] -> Element renderGhcOptions = Field "ghc-options" . WordList renderGhcProfOptions :: [GhcProfOption] -> Element renderGhcProfOptions = Field "ghc-prof-options" . WordList renderGhcjsOptions :: [GhcjsOption] -> Element renderGhcjsOptions = Field "ghcjs-options" . WordList renderCppOptions :: [CppOption] -> Element renderCppOptions = Field "cpp-options" . WordList renderCcOptions :: [CcOption] -> Element renderCcOptions = Field "cc-options" . WordList renderCxxOptions :: [CxxOption] -> Element renderCxxOptions = Field "cxx-options" . WordList renderLdOptions :: [LdOption] -> Element renderLdOptions = Field "ld-options" . WordList renderBuildable :: Bool -> Element renderBuildable = Field "buildable" . Literal . show renderDefaultExtensions :: [String] -> Element renderDefaultExtensions = Field "default-extensions" . LineSeparatedList renderOtherExtensions :: [String] -> Element renderOtherExtensions = Field "other-extensions" . LineSeparatedList renderPaths :: [Path] -> Value renderPaths = LineSeparatedList . map renderPath where renderPath :: Path -> FilePath renderPath (Path path) | needsQuoting path = show path | otherwise = path needsQuoting :: FilePath -> Bool needsQuoting = any (\x -> isSpace x || x == ',')