{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hpack.Config (
, readPackageConfig
, Package(..)
, Dependency(..)
, GitRef(..)
, packageDependencies
, GhcOption
, Section(..)
, Library(..)
, Executable(..)
, SourceRepository(..)
) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.Compat
import           Data.Aeson.Types
import           Data.Data
import           Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as Map
import           Data.List (nub, sort, (\\))
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.String
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Yaml
import           GHC.Generics
import           Prelude ()
import           Prelude.Compat
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath

import           Hpack.Util

packageConfig :: FilePath
packageConfig = "package.yaml"

githubBaseUrl :: String
githubBaseUrl = "https://github.com/"

genericParseJSON_ :: forall a. (Typeable a, Generic a, GFromJSON (Rep a)) => Value -> Parser a
genericParseJSON_ = genericParseJSON defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = hyphenize name}
    name = (tyConName . typeRepTyCon . typeRep) (Proxy :: Proxy a)

hyphenize :: String -> String -> String
hyphenize name = camelTo '-' . drop (length name)

class HasFieldNames a where
  fieldNames :: a -> [String]
  default fieldNames :: Data a => a -> [String]
  fieldNames a = map (hyphenize name) (constrFields constr)
      constr = toConstr a
      name = showConstr constr

data CaptureUnknownFields a = CaptureUnknownFields {
  captureUnknownFieldsFields :: [String]
, captureUnknownFieldsValue :: a
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (CaptureUnknownFields a) where
  parseJSON v = captureUnknownFields <$> parseJSON v
      captureUnknownFields a = case v of
        Object o -> CaptureUnknownFields unknown a
            unknown = keys \\ fields
            keys = map T.unpack (Map.keys o)
            fields = fieldNames a
        _ -> CaptureUnknownFields [] a

data LibrarySection = LibrarySection {
  librarySectionExposedModules :: Maybe (List String)
, librarySectionOtherModules :: Maybe (List String)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance HasFieldNames LibrarySection

instance FromJSON LibrarySection where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON_

data ExecutableSection = ExecutableSection {
  executableSectionMain :: FilePath
, executableSectionOtherModules :: Maybe (List String)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance HasFieldNames ExecutableSection

instance FromJSON ExecutableSection where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON_

data WithCommonOptions a = WithCommonOptions a CommonOptions
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance HasFieldNames a => HasFieldNames (WithCommonOptions a) where
  fieldNames (WithCommonOptions a options) = (fieldNames a ++ fieldNames options) \\ ["config"] -- FIXME : test for removing "config"

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WithCommonOptions a) where
  parseJSON v = WithCommonOptions <$> parseJSON v <*> parseJSON v

data CommonOptions = CommonOptions {
  commonOptionsSourceDirs :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, commonOptionsDependencies :: Maybe (List Dependency)
, commonOptionsDefaultExtensions :: Maybe (List String)
, commonOptionsGhcOptions :: Maybe (List GhcOption)
, commonOptionsCppOptions :: Maybe (List CppOption)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance HasFieldNames CommonOptions

instance FromJSON CommonOptions where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON_

data PackageConfig = PackageConfig {
  packageConfigName :: Maybe String
, packageConfigVersion :: Maybe String
, packageConfigSynopsis :: Maybe String
, packageConfigDescription :: Maybe String
, packageConfigHomepage :: Maybe (Maybe String)
, packageConfigBugReports :: Maybe (Maybe String)
, packageConfigCategory :: Maybe String
, packageConfigStability :: Maybe String
, packageConfigAuthor :: Maybe (List String)
, packageConfigMaintainer :: Maybe (List String)
, packageConfigCopyright :: Maybe (List String)
, packageConfigLicense :: Maybe String
, packageConfigExtraSourceFiles :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, packageConfigGithub :: Maybe Text
, packageConfigLibrary :: Maybe (CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions LibrarySection))
, packageConfigExecutables :: Maybe (HashMap String (CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions ExecutableSection)))
, packageConfigTests :: Maybe (HashMap String (CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions ExecutableSection)))
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance HasFieldNames PackageConfig

packageDependencies :: Package -> [Dependency]
packageDependencies Package{..} = nub . sort $
     (concat $ concatMap sectionDependencies packageExecutables)
  ++ (concat $ concatMap sectionDependencies packageTests)
  ++ maybe [] (concat . sectionDependencies) packageLibrary

instance FromJSON PackageConfig where
  parseJSON value = handleNullValues <$> genericParseJSON_ value
      handleNullValues :: PackageConfig -> PackageConfig
      handleNullValues =
          ifNull "homepage" (\p -> p {packageConfigHomepage = Just Nothing})
        . ifNull "bug-reports" (\p -> p {packageConfigBugReports = Just Nothing})

      ifNull :: String -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
      ifNull name f
        | isNull name value = f
        | otherwise = id

isNull :: String -> Value -> Bool
isNull name value = case parseMaybe p value of
  Just Null -> True
  _ -> False
    p = parseJSON >=> (.: fromString name)

readPackageConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ([String], Package))
readPackageConfig file = do
  config <- decodeFileEither file
  either (return . Left . errToString) (fmap Right . mkPackage) config
    errToString err = file ++ case err of
      AesonException e -> ": " ++ e
      InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException s)) -> ": " ++ s
      InvalidYaml (Just (YamlParseException{..})) -> ":" ++ show yamlLine ++ ":" ++ show yamlColumn ++ ": " ++ yamlProblem ++ " " ++ yamlContext
        where YamlMark{..} = yamlProblemMark
      _ -> ": " ++ show err

data Dependency = Dependency {
  dependencyName :: String
, dependencyGitRef :: Maybe GitRef
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, Data, Typeable)

instance IsString Dependency where
  fromString name = Dependency name Nothing

instance FromJSON Dependency where
  parseJSON v = case v of
    String _ -> fromString <$> parseJSON v
    Object o -> gitDependency o
    _ -> typeMismatch "String or an Object" v
      gitDependency o = Dependency <$> name <*> (Just <$> git)
          name :: Parser String
          name = o .: "name"

          git :: Parser GitRef
          git = GitRef <$> url <*> ref

          url :: Parser String
          url =
                ((githubBaseUrl ++) <$> o .: "github")
            <|> (o .: "git")
            <|> fail "neither key \"git\" nor key \"github\" present"

          ref :: Parser String
          ref = o .: "ref"

data GitRef = GitRef {
  gitRefUrl :: String
, gitRefRef :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, Data, Typeable)

type GhcOption = String
type CppOption = String

data Package = Package {
  packageName :: String
, packageVersion :: String
, packageSynopsis :: Maybe String
, packageDescription :: Maybe String
, packageHomepage :: Maybe String
, packageBugReports :: Maybe String
, packageCategory :: Maybe String
, packageStability :: Maybe String
, packageAuthor :: [String]
, packageMaintainer :: [String]
, packageCopyright :: [String]
, packageLicense :: Maybe String
, packageLicenseFile :: Maybe FilePath
, packageExtraSourceFiles :: [FilePath]
, packageSourceRepository :: Maybe SourceRepository
, packageLibrary :: Maybe (Section Library)
, packageExecutables :: [Section Executable]
, packageTests :: [Section Executable]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Library = Library {
  libraryExposedModules :: [String]
, libraryOtherModules :: [String]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Executable = Executable {
  executableName :: String
, executableMain :: FilePath
, executableOtherModules :: [String]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Section a = Section {
  sectionData :: a
, sectionSourceDirs :: [FilePath]
, sectionDependencies :: [[Dependency]]
, sectionDefaultExtensions :: [String]
, sectionGhcOptions :: [GhcOption]
, sectionCppOptions :: [CppOption]
} deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

data SourceRepository = SourceRepository {
  sourceRepositoryUrl :: String
, sourceRepositorySubdir :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Show)

mkPackage :: (CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions PackageConfig)) -> IO ([String], Package)
mkPackage (CaptureUnknownFields unknownFields (WithCommonOptions PackageConfig{..} globalOptions@CommonOptions{..})) = do
  mLibrary <- mapM (toLibrary globalOptions) mLibrarySection
  executables <- toExecutables globalOptions (map (fmap captureUnknownFieldsValue) executableSections)
  tests <- toExecutables globalOptions (map (fmap captureUnknownFieldsValue) testsSections)

  name <- maybe (takeBaseName <$> getCurrentDirectory) return packageConfigName

  licenseFileExists <- doesFileExist "LICENSE"

  missingSourceDirs <- nub . sort <$> filterM (fmap not <$> doesDirectoryExist) (
       maybe [] sectionSourceDirs mLibrary
    ++ concatMap sectionSourceDirs executables
    ++ concatMap sectionSourceDirs tests

  (extraSourceFilesWarnings, extraSourceFiles) <-
    expandGlobs (fromMaybeList packageConfigExtraSourceFiles)

  let package = Package {
        packageName = name
      , packageVersion = fromMaybe "0.0.0" packageConfigVersion
      , packageSynopsis = packageConfigSynopsis
      , packageDescription = packageConfigDescription
      , packageHomepage = homepage
      , packageBugReports = bugReports
      , packageCategory = packageConfigCategory
      , packageStability = packageConfigStability
      , packageAuthor = fromMaybeList packageConfigAuthor
      , packageMaintainer = fromMaybeList packageConfigMaintainer
      , packageCopyright = fromMaybeList packageConfigCopyright
      , packageLicense = packageConfigLicense
      , packageLicenseFile = guard licenseFileExists >> Just "LICENSE"
      , packageExtraSourceFiles = extraSourceFiles
      , packageSourceRepository = sourceRepository
      , packageLibrary = mLibrary
      , packageExecutables = executables
      , packageTests = tests

      warnings =
           formatUnknownFields "package description" unknownFields
        ++ maybe [] (formatUnknownFields "library section") (captureUnknownFieldsFields <$> packageConfigLibrary)
        ++ formatUnknownSectionFields "executable" executableSections
        ++ formatUnknownSectionFields "test" testsSections
        ++ formatMissingSourceDirs missingSourceDirs
        ++ extraSourceFilesWarnings

  return (warnings, package)
    executableSections :: [(String, CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions ExecutableSection))]
    executableSections = toList packageConfigExecutables

    testsSections :: [(String, CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptions ExecutableSection))]
    testsSections = toList packageConfigTests

    toList :: Maybe (HashMap String a) -> [(String, a)]
    toList = Map.toList . fromMaybe mempty

    mLibrarySection :: Maybe (WithCommonOptions LibrarySection)
    mLibrarySection = captureUnknownFieldsValue <$> packageConfigLibrary

    formatUnknownFields :: String -> [String] -> [String]
    formatUnknownFields name = map f . sort
        f field = "Ignoring unknown field " ++ show field ++ " in " ++ name

    formatUnknownSectionFields :: String -> [(String, CaptureUnknownFields a)] -> [String]
    formatUnknownSectionFields sectionType = concatMap f . map (fmap captureUnknownFieldsFields)
        f :: (String, [String]) -> [String]
        f (section, fields) = formatUnknownFields (sectionType ++ " section " ++ show section) fields

    formatMissingSourceDirs = map f
        f name = "Specified source-dir " ++ show name ++ " does not exist"

    sourceRepository :: Maybe SourceRepository
    sourceRepository = parseGithub <$> packageConfigGithub
        parseGithub :: Text -> SourceRepository
        parseGithub input = case map T.unpack $ T.splitOn "/" input of
          [user, repo, subdir] ->
            SourceRepository (githubBaseUrl ++ user ++ "/" ++ repo) (Just subdir)
          _ -> SourceRepository (githubBaseUrl ++ T.unpack input) Nothing

    homepage :: Maybe String
    homepage = case packageConfigHomepage of
      Just Nothing -> Nothing
      _ -> join packageConfigHomepage <|> fromGithub
        fromGithub = (++ "#readme") . sourceRepositoryUrl <$> sourceRepository

    bugReports :: Maybe String
    bugReports = case packageConfigBugReports of
      Just Nothing -> Nothing
      _ -> join packageConfigBugReports <|> fromGithub
        fromGithub = (++ "/issues") . sourceRepositoryUrl <$> sourceRepository

toLibrary :: CommonOptions -> WithCommonOptions LibrarySection -> IO (Section Library)
toLibrary globalOptions library = traverse fromLibrarySection section
    section :: Section LibrarySection
    section = toSection globalOptions library

    sourceDirs :: [FilePath]
    sourceDirs = sectionSourceDirs section

    fromLibrarySection :: LibrarySection -> IO Library
    fromLibrarySection LibrarySection{..} = do
      modules <- concat <$> mapM getModules sourceDirs
      let (exposedModules, otherModules) = determineModules modules librarySectionExposedModules librarySectionOtherModules
      return (Library exposedModules otherModules)

toExecutables :: CommonOptions -> [(String, WithCommonOptions ExecutableSection)] -> IO [Section Executable]
toExecutables globalOptions executables = mapM toExecutable sections
    sections :: [(String, Section ExecutableSection)]
    sections = map (fmap $ toSection globalOptions) executables

    toExecutable :: (String, Section ExecutableSection) -> IO (Section Executable)
    toExecutable (name, section) = traverse fromExecutableSection section
        sourceDirs :: [FilePath]
        sourceDirs = sectionSourceDirs section

        fromExecutableSection :: ExecutableSection -> IO Executable
        fromExecutableSection ExecutableSection{..} = do
          modules <- maybe (filterMain . concat <$> mapM getModules sourceDirs) (return . fromList) executableSectionOtherModules
          return (Executable name executableSectionMain modules)
            filterMain :: [String] -> [String]
            filterMain = maybe id (filter . (/=)) (toModule $ splitDirectories executableSectionMain)

toSection :: CommonOptions -> WithCommonOptions a -> Section a
toSection globalOptions (WithCommonOptions a options)
  = Section a sourceDirs dependencies defaultExtensions ghcOptions cppOptions
    sourceDirs = merge commonOptionsSourceDirs
    defaultExtensions = merge commonOptionsDefaultExtensions
    ghcOptions = merge commonOptionsGhcOptions
    cppOptions = merge commonOptionsCppOptions
    merge selector = fromMaybeList (selector globalOptions) ++ fromMaybeList (selector options)
    getDependencies = fromMaybeList . commonOptionsDependencies
    dependencies = filter (not . null) [getDependencies globalOptions, getDependencies options]

determineModules :: [String] -> Maybe (List String) -> Maybe (List String) -> ([String], [String])
determineModules modules mExposedModules mOtherModules = case (mExposedModules, mOtherModules) of
  (Nothing, Nothing) -> (modules, [])
  _ -> (exposedModules, otherModules)
    otherModules   = maybe (modules \\ exposedModules) fromList mOtherModules
    exposedModules = maybe (modules \\ otherModules)   fromList mExposedModules

getModules :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getModules src = do
  exits <- doesDirectoryExist src
  if exits
    then toModules <$> getFilesRecursive src
    else return []
    toModules :: [[FilePath]] -> [String]
    toModules = catMaybes . map toModule

fromMaybeList :: Maybe (List a) -> [a]
fromMaybeList = maybe [] fromList