{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hpack.UtilSpec (main, spec) where import Helper import Data.Aeson import System.Directory import Hpack.Util main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "sort" $ do it "sorts lexicographically" $ do sort ["foo", "Foo"] `shouldBe` ["Foo", "foo" :: String] describe "parseMain" $ do it "accepts source file" $ do parseMain "Main.hs" `shouldBe` ("Main.hs", []) it "accepts literate source file" $ do parseMain "Main.lhs" `shouldBe` ("Main.lhs", []) it "accepts module" $ do parseMain "Foo" `shouldBe` ("Foo.hs", ["-main-is Foo"]) it "accepts hierarchical module" $ do parseMain "Foo.Bar.Baz" `shouldBe` ("Foo/Bar/Baz.hs", ["-main-is Foo.Bar.Baz"]) it "accepts qualified identifier" $ do parseMain "Foo.bar" `shouldBe` ("Foo.hs", ["-main-is Foo.bar"]) describe "toModule" $ do it "maps paths to module names" $ do toModule ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz.hs"] `shouldBe` Just "Foo.Bar.Baz" it "rejects invalid module names" $ do toModule ["resources", "hello.hs"] `shouldBe` Nothing describe "getFilesRecursive" $ do it "gets all files from given directory and all its subdirectories" $ do inTempDirectoryNamed "test" $ do touch "foo/bar" touch "foo/baz" touch "foo/foobar/baz" actual <- getFilesRecursive "foo" actual `shouldMatchList` [ ["bar"] , ["baz"] , ["foobar", "baz"] ] describe "List" $ do it "can be a single value" $ do fromJSON (toJSON $ Number 23) `shouldBe` Success (List [23 :: Int]) it "can be a list of values" $ do fromJSON (toJSON [Number 23, Number 42]) `shouldBe` Success (List [23, 42 :: Int]) describe "tryReadFile" $ do it "reads file" $ do inTempDirectory $ do writeFile "foo" "bar" tryReadFile "foo" `shouldReturn` Just "bar" it "returns Nothing if file does not exist" $ do inTempDirectory $ do tryReadFile "foo" `shouldReturn` Nothing describe "extractFieldOrderHint" $ do it "extracts field order hints" $ do let input = unlines [ "name: cabalize" , "version: 0.0.0" , "license:" , "license-file: " , "build-type: Simple" , "cabal-version: >= 1.10" ] extractFieldOrderHint input `shouldBe` [ "name" , "version" , "license" , "license-file" , "build-type" , "cabal-version" ] describe "sniffAlignment" $ do it "sniffs field alignment from given cabal file" $ do let input = unlines [ "name: cabalize" , "version: 0.0.0" , "license: MIT" , "license-file: LICENSE" , "build-type: Simple" , "cabal-version: >= 1.10" ] sniffAlignment input `shouldBe` Just 16 it "ignores fields without a value on the same line" $ do let input = unlines [ "name: cabalize" , "version: 0.0.0" , "description: " , " foo" , " bar" ] sniffAlignment input `shouldBe` Just 16 describe "splitField" $ do it "splits fields" $ do splitField "foo: bar" `shouldBe` Just ("foo", " bar") it "accepts fields names with dashes" $ do splitField "foo-bar: baz" `shouldBe` Just ("foo-bar", " baz") it "rejects fields names with spaces" $ do splitField "foo bar: baz" `shouldBe` Nothing it "rejects invalid fields" $ do splitField "foo bar" `shouldBe` Nothing describe "expandGlobs" $ around_ inTempDirectory $ do it "accepts simple files" $ do touch "foo.js" expandGlobs ["foo.js"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo.js"]) it "removes duplicates" $ do touch "foo.js" expandGlobs ["foo.js", "*.js"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo.js"]) it "rejects directories" $ do touch "foo" createDirectory "bar" expandGlobs ["*"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo"]) it "rejects character ranges" $ do touch "foo1" touch "foo2" touch "foo[1,2]" expandGlobs ["foo[1,2]"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo[1,2]"]) context "when expanding *" $ do it "expands by extension" $ do let files = [ "files/foo.js" , "files/bar.js" , "files/baz.js"] mapM_ touch files touch "files/foo.hs" expandGlobs ["files/*.js"] `shouldReturn` ([], sort files) it "rejects dot-files" $ do touch "foo/bar" touch "foo/.baz" expandGlobs ["foo/*"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo/bar"]) it "accepts dot-files when explicitly asked to" $ do touch "foo/bar" touch "foo/.baz" expandGlobs ["foo/.*"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo/.baz"]) it "matches at most one directory component" $ do touch "foo/bar/baz.js" touch "foo/bar.js" expandGlobs ["*/*.js"] `shouldReturn` ([], ["foo/bar.js"]) context "when expanding **" $ do it "matches arbitrary many directory components" $ do let file = "foo/bar/baz.js" touch file expandGlobs ["**/*.js"] `shouldReturn` ([], [file]) context "when a pattern does not match anything" $ do it "warns" $ do expandGlobs ["foo"] `shouldReturn` (["Specified pattern \"foo\" for extra-source-files does not match any files"], []) context "when a pattern only matches a directory" $ do it "warns" $ do createDirectory "foo" expandGlobs ["foo"] `shouldReturn` (["Specified pattern \"foo\" for extra-source-files does not match any files"], [])