# hpqtypes- (2023-01-31) * Add support for setting a custom role when establishing a connection. # hpqtypes- (2023-01-18) * Require `resource-pool` >= 0.4 and adjust the `createPool` function to seamlessly accommodate future changes to the `resource-pool` library. # hpqtypes- (2022-10-12) * Simplify Setup. # hpqtypes- (2022-09-23) * Provide detailed error when `openConnection` fails. # hpqtypes- (2022-09-14) * Improve `Show` instances of `HPQTypesError` and `LibPQError`. * Remove `INLINE` and `INLINABLE` pragmas. * Fix a rare bug in the `connect` function related to file descriptors. * Add support for GHC 9.4. * Require `resource-pool >= 0.3` (changes type signature of `poolSource`). # hpqtypes- (2022-05-18) * Add support for prepared statements. * Make more foreign C calls safe. * Don't manage `PGconn` with a `ForeignPtr`. * Use `closeFdWith` when closing connections. # hpqtypes- (2022-03-30) * Fix `withTransaction` and `withSavepoint` with short-circuiting monad transformers such as `ExceptT`. # hpqtypes- (2022-02-25) * Fix support for M1 chips. * Add support for aeson >= 2.0. * Add support for GHC 9.2. * Drop support for GHC < 8.8. # hpqtypes- (2021-11-04) * Improve an SQL query that gets information about composite types. # hpqtypes- (2021-09-29) * Add method withFrozenLastQuery to (temporarily) stop recording queries. # hpqtypes- (2021-07-29) * Fix compilation issues caused by ambiguos occurence of `controlT`. # hpqtypes- (2021-05-27) * Support GHC 9.0. # hpqtypes- (2020-09-14) * Expose aesonFromSQL and aesonToSQL for convenience. # hpqtypes- (2020-09-04) * Remove upper bounds of dependencies. # hpqtypes- (2020-04-02) * Support GHC 8.8 and 8.10. # hpqtypes- (2020-02-06) * Make poolSource work properly with shortcircuiting monad transformers. # hpqtypes- (2019-10-31) * Implement `UUID` format ([#17](https://github.com/scrive/hpqtypes/pull/17)). * Support GHC 8.8. # hpqtypes- (2019-05-21) * Remove the `Default` instances for `ConnectionSettings` and `TransactionSettings`; use `defaultConnectionSettings` and `defaultTransactionsettings` instead ([#15](https://github.com/scrive/hpqtypes/pull/15)). # hpqtypes- (2018-11-24) * Add support for cursors ([#13](https://github.com/scrive/hpqtypes/pull/13)). * Remove explicit `deriving Typeable` from all data types. # hpqtypes- (2018-07-11) * Convert the `PQFormat` class to use `TypeApplications` instead of an `undefined :: t` argument ([#11](https://github.com/scrive/hpqtypes/pull/11)). * Support GHC 8.6. * Drop support for GHC < 8. # hpqtypes- (2018-06-04) * Add INLINE/INLINEABLE pragmas for call site specialization. * Remove -O2 -funbox-strict-fields from ghc-options. * Make query execution interruptible with asynchronous exceptions. * Make connect interruptible with asynchronous exceptions. # hpqtypes- (2018-03-18) * Support GHC 8.4.1. # hpqtypes- (2016-09-22) * Fix test suite compilation with GHC 8. * Fix lower bound of base version. * Fix compilation with 'cabal new-build' and Cabal < 1.24. # hpqtypes-1.5.1 (2016-07-04) * Do not use linux/limits.h. # hpqtypes-1.5.0 (2016-06-21) * Remove orphan MonadDB instances. * Turn ConnectionSource into indexed datatype. * Remove Binary wrapper and (de)serialize ByteString as bytes. * Use Text instead of ByteString where appropriate. * Use UTF-8 client encoding by default for compatibility with Text. # hpqtypes-1.4.5 (2016-05-30) * Fix compilation with Cabal 1.24 and GHC 8.0.1. # hpqtypes-1.4.4 (2016-01-19) * Fix lower bound of base version. # hpqtypes-1.4.3 (2015-10-09) * Remove invalid FromSQL ZonedTime instance. # hpqtypes-1.4.2 (2015-06-08) * Use strict StateT for DBT. * Use catch in withTransaction only if it might be used. # hpqtypes-1.4.1 (2015-05-15) * Add support for json and jsonb sql types. * Add support for lazy ByteString and Text. # hpqtypes-1.4.0 (2015-02-26) * Add support for QuickCheck 2.7. * Add support for notifications. * Remove SpaceMonoid, use Monoid and IsString instead. * Use data-default-class package for default values. * Drop Single, use Identity functor instead. * Remove someSQL from IsSQL class. * Remove foldlM/foldrM from MonadDB and make QueryResult instance of Foldable instead. * Add support for a type representing cartesian product of rows for more composability. * Do not wrap exceptions thrown from DBT in DBException unless explicitly requested. * Provide custom Show instance for Interval. * Add ToSQL instance for Int. # hpqtypes-1.3.2 (2015-01-27) * Replace wrong package uploaded to hackage. # hpqtypes-1.3.1 (2015-01-26) * Add support for XML type. # hpqtypes-1.3.0 (2015-01-09) * Composite: make {from,to}Composite functions pure. # hpqtypes-1.2.5 (2015-01-04) * Add support for monad-control >= # hpqtypes-1.2.4 (2014-12-08) * Add IsString instance for Savepoint newtype.