module Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Query (
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Prelude
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.C.Interface
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.C.Types
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Connection
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Error
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Error.Code
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Exception
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.QueryResult
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.State
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Internal.Utils
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.SQL.Class
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.ToSQL

-- | Low-level function for running SQL query.
runQueryIO :: IsSQL sql => sql -> DBState m -> IO (Int, DBState m)
runQueryIO sql st = do
  (affected, res) <- withConnDo $ \cd@ConnectionData{..} -> E.mask $ \restore -> do
    -- While the query runs, the current thread will not be able to receive
    -- asynchronous exceptions. This prevents clients of the library from
    -- interrupting execution of the query. To remedy that we spawn a separate
    -- thread for the query execution and while we wait for its completion, we
    -- are able to receive asynchronous exceptions (assuming that threaded GHC
    -- runtime system is used) and react appropriately.
    queryRunner <- async . restore $ do
      let allocParam = ParamAllocator $ withPGparam cdPtr
      (paramCount, res) <- withSQL sql allocParam $ \param query -> (,)
        <$> (fromIntegral <$> c_PQparamCount param)
        <*> c_PQparamExec cdPtr nullPtr param query c_RESULT_BINARY
      affected <- withForeignPtr res $ verifyResult cdPtr
      stats' <- case affected of
        Left _ -> return cdStats {
          statsQueries = statsQueries cdStats + 1
        , statsParams  = statsParams cdStats + paramCount
        Right rows -> do
          columns <- fromIntegral <$> withForeignPtr res c_PQnfields
          return ConnectionStats {
            statsQueries = statsQueries cdStats + 1
          , statsRows    = statsRows cdStats + rows
          , statsValues  = statsValues cdStats + (rows * columns)
          , statsParams  = statsParams cdStats + paramCount
      -- Force evaluation of modified stats to squash a space leak.
      stats' `seq` return (cd { cdStats = stats' }, (either id id affected, res))
    -- If we receive an exception while waiting for the execution to complete,
    -- we need to send a request to PostgreSQL for query cancellation and wait
    -- for the query runner thread to terminate. It is paramount we make the
    -- exception handler uninterruptible as we can't exit from the main block
    -- until the query runner thread has terminated.
    E.onException (restore $ wait queryRunner) . E.uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
      c_PQcancel cdPtr >>= \case
        -- If query cancellation request was successfully processed, there is
        -- nothing else to do apart from waiting for the runner to terminate.
        Nothing -> cancel queryRunner
        -- Otherwise we check what happened with the runner. If it already
        -- finished we're fine, just ignore the result. If it didn't, there is
        -- something wrong - cancellation request didn't go through, yet the
        -- query is still running? It's not clear how this might happen, but in
        -- such case we must wait for its completion anyway.
        Just err -> poll queryRunner >>= \case
          Just _  -> return ()
          Nothing -> do
            cancel queryRunner
            rethrowWithContext sql . E.toException $
              HPQTypesError ("PQcancel failed: " ++ err)
  return (affected, st {
    dbLastQuery = SomeSQL sql
  , dbQueryResult = Just QueryResult {
      qrSQL = SomeSQL sql
    , qrResult = res
    , qrFromRow = id
    withConnDo = withConnectionData (dbConnection st) "runQueryIO"

    verifyResult :: Ptr PGconn -> Ptr PGresult -> IO (Either Int Int)
    verifyResult conn res = do
      -- works even if res is NULL
      rst <- c_PQresultStatus res
      case rst of
        _ | rst == c_PGRES_COMMAND_OK -> do
          sn <- c_PQcmdTuples res >>= BS.packCString
          case BS.readInt sn of
              | BS.null sn -> return . Left $ 0
              | otherwise  -> throwParseError sn
            Just (n, rest)
              | rest /= BS.empty -> throwParseError sn
              | otherwise        -> return . Left $ n
        _ | rst == c_PGRES_TUPLES_OK    -> Right . fromIntegral <$> c_PQntuples res
        _ | rst == c_PGRES_FATAL_ERROR  -> throwSQLError
        _ | rst == c_PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE -> throwSQLError
        _ | otherwise                  -> return . Left $ 0
          throwSQLError = rethrowWithContext sql =<< if res == nullPtr
            then return . E.toException . QueryError
              =<< safePeekCString' =<< c_PQerrorMessage conn
            else E.toException <$> (DetailedQueryError
              <$> field c_PG_DIAG_SEVERITY
              <*> (stringToErrorCode <$> field c_PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE)
              <*> field c_PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT
              <*> ((mread =<<) <$> mfield c_PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION)
              <*> ((mread =<<) <$> mfield c_PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION)
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_CONTEXT
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE
              <*> ((mread =<<) <$> mfield c_PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE)
              <*> mfield c_PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)
              field f = maybe "" id <$> mfield f
              mfield f = safePeekCString =<< c_PQresultErrorField res f

          throwParseError sn = E.throwIO DBException {
            dbeQueryContext = sql
          , dbeError = HPQTypesError ("runQuery.verifyResult: string returned by PQcmdTuples is not a valid number: " ++ show sn)