module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative ((<**>)) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Machine ((<~)) import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (foldMap1) import Language.Haskell.Lexer (Pos (..), Token, lexerPass0, rmSpace) import System.Directory import System.FilePath (takeExtension, ()) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 import qualified Data.Machine as M import qualified Options.Applicative as O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- files :: [FilePath] -> M.ProcessT IO i FilePath files fps = recursiveFiles (const True) (\fp -> takeExtension fp == ".hs") <~ M.source fps recursiveFiles :: (FilePath -> Bool) -- ^ directory predicate -> (FilePath -> Bool) -- ^ files predicate -> M.ProcessT IO FilePath FilePath recursiveFiles pd pf = M.MachineT . return $ M.Await (\root -> f [root]) M.Refl M.stopped where f :: [FilePath] -> M.ProcessT IO FilePath FilePath f [] = recursiveFiles pd pf f (x:xs) = M.MachineT $ do dirOrFile <- dirOrFile x case dirOrFile of IsDir | pd x -> do contents <- map (x ) <$> listDirectory x M.runMachineT $ f (contents ++ xs) IsFile | pf x -> do return $ M.Yield x $ f xs otherwise -> M.runMachineT $ f xs data DirOrFile = IsDir | IsFile | IsOther dirOrFile :: FilePath -> IO DirOrFile dirOrFile fp = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist fp if isDir then return IsDir else do isFile <- doesFileExist fp if isFile then return IsFile else return IsOther stringTokens :: String -> [(Pos, String)] stringTokens = map snd . rmSpace . lexerPass0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Matching ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- match :: [String] -> [(Pos, String)] -> [[Pos]] match [] = const [] match needle = go where needleN = length needle go [] = [] go tokens@(_:tokens') | match' needle (map snd h) = map fst h : go t | otherwise = go tokens' where (h , t) = splitAt needleN tokens match' :: [String] -> [String] -> Bool match' [] [] = True match' xs [] = False match' [] ys = False match' ("_":xs) (_:ys) = match' xs ys match' (x:xs) (y:ys) = x == y && match' xs ys data MinMax a = MinMax a a instance Ord a => Semigroup (MinMax a) where MinMax x y <> MinMax x' y' = MinMax (min x x') (max y y') printLines :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> [String] -> IO () printLines fp mi ma xs = for_ zs $ \(n, z) -> putStrLn $ fp ++ ":" ++ show n ++ ":" ++ z where ys = zip [1..] xs zs = takeWhile ((<= ma) . fst) . dropWhile ((< mi) . fst) $ ys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hrep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hrep :: [String] -> M.ProcessT IO FilePath o hrep needle = M.repeatedly $ do fp <- M.await contentsBS <- liftIO $ BS.readFile fp let contents = UTF8.toString contentsBS let tokens = stringTokens contents let poss = match needle tokens liftIO $ for_ poss $ \poss' -> case poss' of [] -> return () (p:ps) -> do let MinMax l1 l2 = foldMap1 (\(Pos _ l _) -> MinMax l l) (p :| ps) printLines fp l1 l2 (lines contents) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: add other options data Opts = Opts { optsNeedle :: [String] , optsFiles :: [FilePath] } optsP :: O.Parser Opts optsP = Opts <$> (map snd . stringTokens <$> O.strArgument (O.metavar "PATTERN")) <*> O.many (O.strArgument (O.metavar "FILES")) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do opts <- O.execParser ( (optsP <**> O.helper) infos) M.runT_ $ hrep (optsNeedle opts) <~ files (optsFiles opts) where infos = mconcat [ O.fullDesc , O.header "hrep - lexically grep Haskell source code" ]