/* * copacin.c * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2004-2010 * * Program and source code released under the GPL * */ #include #include #include #include "is_ws.h" #include "newstr.h" #include "newstr_conv.h" #include "list.h" #include "name.h" #include "title.h" #include "fields.h" #include "reftypes.h" #include "serialno.h" #include "copacin.h" void copacin_initparams( param *p, const char *progname ) { p->readformat = BIBL_COPACIN; p->charsetin = BIBL_CHARSET_DEFAULT; p->charsetin_src = BIBL_SRC_DEFAULT; p->latexin = 0; p->xmlin = 0; p->utf8in = 0; p->nosplittitle = 0; p->verbose = 0; p->addcount = 0; p->readf = copacin_readf; p->processf = copacin_processf; p->cleanf = NULL; p->typef = NULL; p->convertf = copacin_convertf; p->all = copac_all; p->nall = copac_nall; list_init( &(p->asis) ); list_init( &(p->corps) ); if ( !progname ) p->progname = NULL; else p->progname = strdup( progname ); } /* Endnote-Refer/Copac tag definition: character 1 = alphabetic character character 2 = alphabetic character character 3 = dash character 4 = space */ static int copacin_istag( char *buf ) { if (! ((buf[0]>='A' && buf[0]<='Z')) || (buf[0]>='a' && buf[0]<='z') ) return 0; if (! ((buf[1]>='A' && buf[1]<='Z')) || (buf[1]>='a' && buf[1]<='z') ) return 0; if (buf[2]!='-' ) return 0; if (buf[3]!=' ' ) return 0; return 1; } static int readmore( FILE *fp, char *buf, int bufsize, int *bufpos, newstr *line ) { if ( line->len ) return 1; else return newstr_fget( fp, buf, bufsize, bufpos, line ); } int copacin_readf( FILE *fp, char *buf, int bufsize, int *bufpos, newstr *line, newstr *reference, int *fcharset ) { int haveref = 0, inref=0; char *p; *fcharset = CHARSET_UNKNOWN; while ( !haveref && readmore( fp, buf, bufsize, bufpos, line ) ) { /* blank line separates */ if ( line->data==NULL ) continue; if ( inref && line->len==0 ) haveref=1; p = &(line->data[0]); /* Recognize UTF8 BOM */ if ( line->len > 2 && (unsigned char)(p[0])==0xEF && (unsigned char)(p[1])==0xBB && (unsigned char)(p[2])==0xBF ) { *fcharset = CHARSET_UNICODE; p += 3; } if ( copacin_istag( p ) ) { if ( inref ) newstr_addchar( reference, '\n' ); newstr_strcat( reference, p ); newstr_empty( line ); inref = 1; } else if ( inref ) { if ( p ) { /* copac puts tag only on 1st line */ newstr_addchar( reference, ' ' ); if ( *p ) p++; if ( *p ) p++; if ( *p ) p++; newstr_strcat( reference, p ); } newstr_empty( line ); } else { newstr_empty( line ); } } return haveref; } static char* copacin_addtag2( char *p, newstr *tag, newstr *data ) { int i; i =0; while ( i<3 && *p ) { newstr_addchar( tag, *p++ ); i++; } while ( *p==' ' || *p=='\t' ) p++; while ( *p && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n' ) { newstr_addchar( data, *p ); p++; } newstr_trimendingws( data ); while ( *p=='\n' || *p=='\r' ) p++; return p; } static char * copacin_nextline( char *p ) { while ( *p && *p!='\n' && *p!='\r') p++; while ( *p=='\n' || *p=='\r' ) p++; return p; } int copacin_processf( fields *copacin, char *p, char *filename, long nref ) { newstr tag, data; newstr_init( &tag ); newstr_init( &data ); while ( *p ) { p = skip_ws( p ); if ( copacin_istag( p ) ) { p = copacin_addtag2( p, &tag, &data ); /* don't add empty strings */ if ( tag.len && data.len ) fields_add( copacin, tag.data, data.data, 0 ); newstr_empty( &tag ); newstr_empty( &data ); } else p = copacin_nextline( p ); } newstr_free( &tag ); newstr_free( &data ); return 1; } /* copac names appear to always start with last name first, but don't * always seem to have a comma after the name * * editors seem to be stuck in as authors with the tag "[Editor]" in it */ static void copacin_addname( fields *info, char *tag, newstr *name, int level, list *asis, list *corps ) { char *usetag = tag, editor[]="EDITOR", *p; int comma = 0; if ( strstr( name->data,"[Editor]" ) ) { newstr_findreplace( name, "[Editor]", "" ); usetag = editor; } p = skip_ws( name->data ); while ( *p && !is_ws( *p ) ) { if ( *p==',' ) comma++; p++; } if ( !comma && is_ws( *p ) ) *p = ','; name_add( info, usetag, name->data, level, asis, corps ); } static void copacin_addpage( fields *info, char *p, int level ) { newstr page; newstr_init( &page ); p = skip_ws( p ); while ( *p && !is_ws(*p) && *p!='-' && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n' ) newstr_addchar( &page, *p++ ); if ( page.len>0 ) fields_add( info, "PAGESTART", page.data, level ); newstr_empty( &page ); while ( *p && (is_ws(*p) || *p=='-' ) ) p++; while ( *p && !is_ws(*p) && *p!='-' && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n' ) newstr_addchar( &page, *p++ ); if ( page.len>0 ) fields_add( info, "PAGEEND", page.data, level ); newstr_free( &page ); } static void copacin_adddate( fields *info, char *tag, char *newtag, char *p, int level ) { char *months[12]={ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; char month[10]; int found,i,part; newstr date; newstr_init( &date ); part = (!strncasecmp(newtag,"PART",4)); if ( !strcasecmp( tag, "%D" ) ) { while ( *p ) newstr_addchar( &date, *p++ ); if ( date.len>0 ) { if ( part ) fields_add(info, "PARTYEAR", date.data, level); else fields_add( info, "YEAR", date.data, level ); } } else if ( !strcasecmp( tag, "%8" ) ) { while ( *p && *p!=' ' && *p!=',' ) newstr_addchar( &date, *p++ ); if ( date.len>0 ) { found = -1; for ( i=0; i<12 && found==-1; ++i ) if ( !strncasecmp( date.data, months[i], 3 ) ) found = i; if ( found!=-1 ) { if (found>8) sprintf( month, "%d", found+1 ); else sprintf( month, "0%d", found+1 ); if ( part ) fields_add( info, "PARTMONTH", month, level ); else fields_add( info, "MONTH", month, level ); } else { if ( part ) fields_add( info, "PARTMONTH", date.data, level ); else fields_add( info, "MONTH", date.data, level ); } } newstr_empty( &date ); p = skip_ws( p ); while ( *p && *p!='\n' && *p!=',' ) newstr_addchar( &date, *p++ ); if ( date.len>0 && date.len<3 ) { if ( part ) fields_add( info, "PARTDAY", date.data, level ); else fields_add( info, "DAY", date.data, level ); } } newstr_free( &date ); } static void copacin_report_notag( param *p, char *tag ) { if ( p->verbose ) { if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname ); fprintf( stderr, "Cannot find tag '%s'\n", tag ); } } void copacin_convertf( fields *copacin, fields *info, int reftype, param *p, variants *all, int nall ) { newstr *t, *d; int process, level, i, n; char *newtag; for ( i=0; infields; ++i ) { t = &( copacin->tag[i] ); d = &( copacin->data[i] ); n = process_findoldtag( t->data, reftype, all, nall ); if ( n==-1 ) { copacin_report_notag( p, t->data ); continue; } process = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).processingtype; if ( process == ALWAYS ) continue; /*add these later*/ level = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).level; newtag = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).newstr; if ( process==SIMPLE ) fields_add( info, newtag, d->data, level ); else if ( process==TITLE ) title_process( info, newtag, d->data, level, p->nosplittitle ); else if ( process==PERSON ) copacin_addname( info, newtag, d, level, &(p->asis), &(p->corps) ); else if ( process==DATE ) copacin_adddate(info,all[reftype]. tags[i].oldstr,newtag,d->data,level); else if ( process==PAGES ) copacin_addpage( info, d->data, level ); else if ( process==SERIALNO ) addsn( info, d->data, level ); /* else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: internal error -- " "illegal process %d\n", r->progname, process ); }*/ } }