/* * intlist.c * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2007-2018 * * Version 1/12/2017 * * Source code released under the GPL version 2 * * Implements a simple managed array of ints * */ #include #include #include "intlist.h" #define INTLIST_MINALLOC (20) static int intlist_validn( intlist *il, int n ) { if ( n < 0 || n >= il->n ) return 0; return 1; } int intlist_wasfound( intlist *il, int n ) { if ( n!=-1 ) return 1; else return 0; } int intlist_wasnotfound( intlist *il, int n ) { if ( n==-1 ) return 1; else return 0; } static int intlist_alloc( intlist *il, int alloc_size ) { il->data = ( int * ) calloc( alloc_size, sizeof( int ) ); if ( !(il->data) ) return INTLIST_MEMERR; il->max = alloc_size; il->n = 0; return INTLIST_OK; } static int intlist_realloc( intlist *il, int alloc_size ) { int i, *more; more = ( int * ) realloc( il->data, sizeof( int ) * alloc_size ); if ( !more ) return INTLIST_MEMERR; il->data = more; il->max = alloc_size; for ( i=il->max; idata[i] = 0; return INTLIST_OK; } static int intlist_ensure_space( intlist *il, int n ) { int alloc = n; if ( il->max == 0 ) { if ( alloc < INTLIST_MINALLOC ) alloc = INTLIST_MINALLOC; return intlist_alloc( il, alloc ); } else if ( il->max <= n ) { if ( alloc < il->max * 2 ) alloc = il->max * 2; return intlist_realloc( il, alloc ); } return INTLIST_OK; } /* intlist_add() * * Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_MEMERR */ int intlist_add( intlist *il, int value ) { int status; assert( il ); status = intlist_ensure_space( il, il->n+1 ); if ( status == INTLIST_OK ) { il->data[ il->n ] = value; il->n++; } return status; } /* intlist_add_unique() * * Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_MEMERR */ int intlist_add_unique( intlist *il, int value ) { int n; assert( il ); n = intlist_find( il, value ); if ( intlist_wasnotfound( il, n ) ) return intlist_add( il, value ); else return INTLIST_OK; } int intlist_find_or_add( intlist *il, int value ) { int n, status; n = intlist_find( il, value ); if ( intlist_wasfound( il, n ) ) { return n; } else { status = intlist_add( il, value ); if ( status!=INTLIST_OK ) return -1; else return il->n - 1; } } /* intlist_find() * * Returns position of value in range [0,n), or -1 if * value cannot be found */ int intlist_find( intlist *il, int value ) { int i; assert( il ); for ( i=0; in; ++i ) if ( il->data[i]==value ) return i; return -1; } static int intlist_remove_pos_core( intlist *il, int pos ) { int i; assert( il ); for ( i=pos; in-1; ++i ) il->data[i] = il->data[i+1]; il->n -= 1; return INTLIST_OK; } /* intlist_remove_pos() * * Returns INTLIST_OK on success. */ int intlist_remove_pos( intlist *il, int pos ) { assert( il ); assert( intlist_validn( il, pos ) ); return intlist_remove_pos_core( il, pos ); } /* intlist_remove() * * Removes first instance of value from the intlist. * Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_VALUE_MISSING */ int intlist_remove( intlist *il, int value ) { int pos; assert( il ); pos = intlist_find( il, value ); if ( pos==-1 ) return INTLIST_VALUE_MISSING; return intlist_remove_pos_core( il, pos ); } /* don't actually free space, just reset counter */ void intlist_empty( intlist *il ) { assert( il ); il->n = 0; } void intlist_free( intlist *il ) { assert( il ); if ( il->data ) free( il->data ); intlist_init( il ); } void intlist_delete( intlist *il ) { assert( il ); if ( il->data ) free( il->data ); free( il ); } void intlist_init( intlist *il ) { assert( il ); il->data = NULL; il->max = 0; il->n = 0; } /* Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_MEMERR */ int intlist_init_fill( intlist *il, int n, int v ) { intlist_init( il ); return intlist_fill( il, n, v ); } /* intlist_init_range() * * Initializes intlist to values from [low,high) with step step. * Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_MEMERR. */ int intlist_init_range( intlist *il, int low, int high, int step ) { intlist_init( il ); return intlist_fill_range( il, low, high, step ); } /* intlist_new() * * Allocates an empty intlist. * Returns pointer to intlist on success, NULL on memory error. */ intlist * intlist_new( void ) { intlist *il; il = ( intlist * ) malloc( sizeof( intlist ) ); if ( il ) intlist_init( il ); return il; } /* intlist_new_range() * * Allocates a intlist initialized to values from [low,high) in increments of step. * Returns pointer to intlist on success, NULL on memory error. */ intlist * intlist_new_range( int low, int high, int step ) { intlist *il; int status; il = intlist_new(); if ( il ) { status = intlist_fill_range( il, low, high, step ); if ( status==INTLIST_MEMERR ) { intlist_free( il ); free( il ); il = NULL; } } return il; } /* intlist_new_range() * * Allocates a intlist initialized to n elements with value v. * Returns pointer to intlist on success, NULL on memory error. */ intlist * intlist_new_fill( int n, int v ) { intlist *il; int status; il = intlist_new(); if ( il ) { status = intlist_fill( il, n, v ); if ( status==INTLIST_MEMERR ) { intlist_free( il ); free( il ); il = NULL; } } return il; } /* intlist_fill() * * Fill an intlist with n elements of value v. * * Returns INTLIST_OK or INTLIST_MEMERR. */ int intlist_fill( intlist *il, int n, int v ) { int i, status; assert ( n > 0 ); status = intlist_ensure_space( il, n ); if ( status==INTLIST_OK ) { for ( i=0; idata[i] = v; il->n = n; } return status; } /* intlist_fill_range() * * Fill an intlist with the values [low,high) in increments of step * * Returns INTLIST_OK or INTLIST_MEMERR. */ int intlist_fill_range( intlist *il, int low, int high, int step ) { int i, n, status; n = ( high - low ) / step + 1; assert ( n > 0 ); status = intlist_ensure_space( il, n ); if ( status==INTLIST_OK ) { il->n = 0; /* ...fill intlist with range */ if ( step > 0 ) { for ( i=low; idata[il->n] = i; il->n += 1; } } else { for ( i=low; i>high; i+=step ) { il->data[il->n] = i; il->n += 1; } } } return status; } static int intcomp( const void *v1, const void *v2 ) { int *i1 = ( int * ) v1; int *i2 = ( int * ) v2; if ( *i1 < *i2 ) return -1; else if ( *i1 > *i2 ) return 1; return 0; } void intlist_sort( intlist *il ) { assert( il ); qsort( il->data, il->n, sizeof( int ), intcomp ); } /* Returns random integer in the range [floor,ceil) */ static int randomint( int floor, int ceil ) { int len = ceil - floor; return floor + rand() % len; } static void swap( int *a, int *b ) { int tmp; tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } void intlist_randomize( intlist *il ) { int i, j; assert( il ); if ( il->n < 2 ) return; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) { j = randomint( i, il->n ); if ( i==j ) continue; swap( &(il->data[i]), &(il->data[j]) ); } } /* Returns INTLIST_OK/INTLIST_MEMERR */ int intlist_copy( intlist *to, intlist *from ) { int i, status; assert( to ); assert( from ); status = intlist_ensure_space( to, from->n ); if ( status==INTLIST_OK ) { to->n = from->n; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) to->data[i] = from->data[i]; } return status; } /* Returns pointer on success, NULL on error */ intlist * intlist_dup( intlist *il ) { intlist *l; int status; assert( il ); l = intlist_new(); if ( l ) { status = intlist_copy( l, il ); if ( status==INTLIST_MEMERR ) { intlist_delete( l ); l = NULL; } } return l; } int intlist_append( intlist *to, intlist *from ) { int i, status; assert( to ); assert( from ); status = intlist_ensure_space( to, to->n + from->n ); if ( status == INTLIST_OK ) { for ( i=0; in; ++i ) to->data[ to->n + i ] = from->data[ i ]; to->n += from->n; } return status; } int intlist_append_unique( intlist *to, intlist *from ) { int i, nsave, status = INTLIST_OK; assert( to ); assert( from ); nsave = to->n; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) { if ( intlist_find( to, from->data[i] )!=-1 ) continue; status = intlist_add( to, from->data[i] ); if ( status==INTLIST_MEMERR ) { to->n = nsave; } } return status; } int intlist_get( intlist *il, int pos ) { assert( il ); assert( intlist_validn( il, pos ) ); return il->data[pos]; } /* intlist_set() * * Returns INTLIST_OK */ int intlist_set( intlist *il, int pos, int value ) { assert( il ); assert( intlist_validn( il, pos ) ); il->data[pos] = value; return INTLIST_OK; } float intlist_median( intlist *il ) { intlist *tmp; float median; int m1, m2; assert( il ); if ( il->n==0 ) return 0.0; tmp = intlist_dup( il ); if ( !tmp ) return 0.0; intlist_sort( tmp ); if ( tmp->n % 2 == 1 ) { median = intlist_get( tmp, tmp->n / 2 ); } else { m1 = intlist_get( tmp, tmp->n / 2 ); m2 = intlist_get( tmp, tmp->n / 2 - 1); median = ( m1 + m2 ) / 2.0; } intlist_delete( tmp ); return median; } float intlist_mean( intlist *il ) { float sum = 0.0; int i; assert( il ); if ( il->n==0 ) return 0.0; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) sum += intlist_get( il, i ); return sum / il->n; }