{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

Import this module to generate charts using the Google Chart API.

For more examples, refer to @Examples.hs@ in the source tarball, or download it
directly from Github : <http://github.com/hs-gchart/>.

For documentation regarding the full data model, refer to 

For more information about the Google Chart API, refer to

module Graphics.GChart ( 
  module Graphics.GChart.Types,

  -- * Setting Chart Parameters

Use these functions to set the parameters of the chart.

These functions must be called inside a @do@ block, which can then be passed
onto 'getChartUrl' or 'getChartData'.  For e.g, here is a simple pie chart function

generatePieChart = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 640 400
                                 setChartType Pie
                                 setChartTitle \"Test\"
                                 addChartData  ([1,2,3,4,5]::[Int])
                                 addColor \"FF0000\"
                                 setLegend $ legend [\"t1\",\"t2\", \"t3\",\"t4\",\"t5\"]
                                 setLabels $ [\"Test 1\", \"Test 2\", \"Test 3\", \"Test 4\", \"Test 5\"]

  setChartSize, setChartType, setDataEncoding, setChartTitle,addChartData, addChartDataXY, setColors, addColor, addFill,
  setLegend, addAxis, setGrid, setLabels,
  -- * Retrieving Chart data
  getChartData, getChartUrl, convertToUrl,

  -- * Smart Constructors 
  -- | These functions can be used to construct chart
  -- parameters more conveniently
  solid, legend, legendWithPosition, makeAxis, makeGrid,
) where

import Graphics.GChart.Types
import Graphics.GChart.ChartItems
import Graphics.GChart.DataEncoding

import Data.List

{- Smart Constructors -}

-- | generates a 'Solid' fill from a hex color value
solid = Fill . Solid

-- | generates a 'ChartLegend' from a list of labels
legend :: [String] -> ChartLegend
legend labels = Legend labels Nothing

-- | generats a 'ChartLegend' from a list of lables and a 'LegendPosition'
legendWithPosition :: [String] -> LegendPosition -> ChartLegend
legendWithPosition labels position = Legend labels (Just position)

{-| returns a default axis. Use this to override the fields with your own
 values. For e.g :

makeAxis { 'axisType' = 'AxisTop',
           'axisLabels' = [\"0\",\"50\",\"100\"] }

makeAxis :: Axis
makeAxis = defaultAxis

{-| returns a default axis. Use this to override the fields with your own
 values. For e.g :

makeGrid { 'xAxisStep' = 10,
           'yAxisStep' = 10,
            xOffset = Just 5 }

makeGrid :: ChartGrid
makeGrid = defaultGrid

-- | Use this to specify the 'Simple' encoding for the 'setDataEncoding'
-- function.
simple :: ChartData
simple = Simple []

-- | Use this to specify the 'Text' encoding for the 'setDataEncoding'
-- function.
text :: ChartData
text = Text []

-- | Use this to specify the 'Extended' encoding for the 'setDataEncoding'
--  function.
extended :: ChartData
extended = Extended []

{- Setting Chart Parameters-}

-- | Set the chart size by passing the width and the height in pixels
-- For e.g : @setChartSize 320 200@
setChartSize :: Int -> Int -> ChartM ()
setChartSize w h = set (Size w h)

-- | Set the chart type by passing a 'ChartType'
setChartType :: ChartType -> ChartM ()
setChartType = set

-- | Set the chart title by passing a 'ChartTitle'
setChartTitle :: String -> ChartM ()
setChartTitle = set

{-| Use it with 'simple', 'text' or 'extended' to specify the encoding. For e.g

setDataEncoding simple

Make sure you pass in values of the right type, Int for simple and extended
encoding, and Float for text encoding.
setDataEncoding :: ChartData -> ChartM ()
setDataEncoding = set

{-| Add data to chart. Make sure you have set the data encoding using 
 'setDataEncoding' before calling this function, otherwise it may generate
 gibberish, or throw an error
addChartData :: ChartDataEncodable a => [a] -> ChartM ()
addChartData = addDataToChart

-- | Works like 'addChartData', but for XY datasets for line XY chart etc
addChartDataXY :: ChartDataEncodable a => [(a,a)] -> ChartM ()
addChartDataXY series = do addDataToChart xseries
                           addDataToChart yseries
                        where xseries = map fst series
                              yseries = map snd series

-- | Pass a list of colors corresponding to the datasets in the chart
setColors :: [Color] -> ChartM ()
setColors = set . ChartColors

{-| Add a color to the chart. This color will be added to the list 'ChartColors'.

Make sure you do not include a call to 'setColors' at any time after a call to
'addColor', since this will lead to all previous values being erased.

addColor :: Color -> ChartM()
addColor  = addColorToChart

-- | Add a 'Fill' to the chart
addFill :: Fill -> ChartM ()
addFill = addFillToChart

-- | Set a Legend for the chart
setLegend :: ChartLegend -> ChartM ()
setLegend = set

-- | Add an 'Axis' to the chart
addAxis :: Axis -> ChartM ()
addAxis = addAxisToChart

-- | Set a 'ChartGrid' for the chart
setGrid :: ChartGrid -> ChartM ()
setGrid = set

-- | Set labels for the chart
setLabels :: [String] -> ChartM ()
setLabels = set . ChartLabels

{- Retrieving Chart Data -}

-- | Extracts the data out of the monad and returns a value of type 'Chart'
getChartData :: ChartM () -> Chart
getChartData = getChartDataFromChartM

-- | Extracts the data out of the monad and returns a URL string for the chart 
getChartUrl :: ChartM () -> String
getChartUrl =  convertToUrl . getChartData

-- | Converts a value of type 'Chart' to a URL
convertToUrl :: Chart -> String
convertToUrl chart = baseURL ++ intercalate "&" urlparams where
    baseURL = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?"
    urlparams = [urlEnc a ++ "=" ++ urlEnc b | (a,b) <- getParams chart]

debugPieChart = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 640 400
                                 setChartType Pie
                                 setChartTitle "Test"
                                 addChartData  ([1,2,3,4,5]::[Int])
                                 addColor "FF0000"
                                 setLegend $ legend ["t1","t2", "t3","t4","t5"]
                                 setLabels $ ["Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3", "Test 4", "Test 5"]

debugBarChart = getChartUrl $ do setChartSize 640 400
                                 setChartType BarVerticalGrouped
                                 setDataEncoding text
                                 addChartData  ([100,200,300,400,500]::[Float])
                                 addChartData  ([3,4,5,6,7]::[Float])
                                 addChartData  ([4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8]::[Float])
                                 addAxis $ makeAxis { axisType = AxisLeft,axisLabels = Just ["0","100"] }
                                 setColors ["FF0000","00FF00","0000FF"]
                                 setLegend $ legend ["Set 1", "Set 2", "Set 3"]