-- |
-- Module      : System.Mesos.Executor
-- Copyright   : (c) Ian Duncan 2014
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : ian@iankduncan.com
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Mesos executor interface and executor driver. An executor is
-- responsible for launching tasks in a framework specific way (i.e.,
-- creating new threads, new processes, etc). One or more executors
-- from the same framework may run concurrently on the same
-- machine. Note that we use the term "executor" fairly loosely to
-- refer to the code that implements an instance of the 'ToExecutor' type class (see
-- below) as well as the program that is responsible for instantiating
-- a new 'ExecutorDriver' (also below).
-- In fact, while a Mesos
-- slave is responsible for (forking and) executing the "executor",
-- there is no reason why whatever the slave executed might itself
-- actually execute another program which actually instantiates and
-- runs the 'SchedulerDriver'. The only contract with the slave is
-- that the program that it invokes does not exit until the "executor"
-- has completed. Thus, what the slave executes may be nothing more
-- than a script which actually executes (or forks and waits) the
-- "real" executor.
module System.Mesos.Executor (
  -- * Implementing an executor
  -- * Creating an executor
  -- * Interacting with Mesos
  -- * Primitive executor management
) where
import           Control.Monad.Managed
import           Data.ByteString           (ByteString, packCStringLen)
import           Data.ByteString.Unsafe    (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import           Foreign.C
import           Foreign.Marshal.Safe      hiding (with)
import           Foreign.Ptr
import           Foreign.Storable
import           System.Mesos.Internal
import           System.Mesos.Raw
import           System.Mesos.Raw.Executor
import           System.Mesos.Types

withExecutor :: ToExecutor a => a -> (Executor -> IO b) -> IO b
withExecutor e f = do
  executor <- createExecutor e
  result <- f executor
  destroyExecutor executor
  return result

withExecutorDriver :: ToExecutor a => a -> (ExecutorDriver -> IO b) -> IO b
withExecutorDriver e f = withExecutor e $ \executor -> do
  driver <- createDriver executor
  result <- f driver
  destroyDriver driver
  return result

-- | Callback interface to be implemented by frameworks' executors. Note
-- that only one callback will be invoked at a time, so it is not
-- recommended that you block within a callback because it may cause a
-- deadlock.
class ToExecutor a where
  -- | Invoked once the executor driver has been able to successfully
  -- connect with Mesos.
  registered :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> ExecutorInfo -> FrameworkInfo -> SlaveInfo -> IO ()
  registered _ _ _ _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when the executor re-registers with a restarted slave.
  reRegistered :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> SlaveInfo -> IO ()
  reRegistered _ _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when the executor becomes "disconnected" from the slave
  -- (e.g., the slave is being restarted due to an upgrade).
  disconnected :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> IO ()
  disconnected _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when a task has been launched on this executor (initiated
  -- via 'launchTasks'). Note that this task can be realized
  -- with a thread, a process, or some simple computation, however, no
  -- other callbacks will be invoked on this executor until this
  -- callback has returned.
  launchTask :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> TaskInfo -> IO ()
  launchTask _ _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when a task running within this executor has been killed
  -- (via 'killTask'). Note that no status update will
  -- be sent on behalf of the executor, the executor is responsible
  -- for creating a new 'TaskStatus' (i.e., with 'Killed') and
  -- invoking 'sendStatusUpdate'.

  taskKilled :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> TaskID -> IO ()
  taskKilled _ _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when a framework message has arrived for this
  -- executor. These messages are best effort; do not expect a
  -- framework message to be retransmitted in any reliable fashion.
  frameworkMessage :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> ByteString -> IO ()
  frameworkMessage _ _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when the executor should terminate all of its currently
  -- running tasks. Note that after a Mesos has determined that an
  -- executor has terminated any tasks that the executor did not send
  -- terminal status updates for (e.g., 'Killed', 'Finished',
  -- 'Failed', etc.) a 'Lost' status update will be created.
  shutdown :: a -> ExecutorDriver -> IO ()
  shutdown _ _ = return ()

  -- | Invoked when a fatal error has occured with the executor and/or
  -- executor driver. The driver will be aborted *before* invoking this
  -- callback.
  errorMessage :: a
               -> ExecutorDriver
               -> ByteString -- ^ error message
               -> IO ()
  errorMessage _ _ _ = return ()

createExecutor :: ToExecutor a => a -> IO Executor
createExecutor c = do
  registeredFun <- wrapExecutorRegistered $ \edp eip fip sip -> runManaged $ do
    ei <- unmarshal eip
    fi <- unmarshal fip
    si <- unmarshal sip
    liftIO $ registered c (ExecutorDriver edp) ei fi si
  reRegisteredFun <- wrapExecutorReRegistered $ \edp sip -> runManaged $ do
    si <- unmarshal sip
    liftIO $ reRegistered c (ExecutorDriver edp) si
  disconnectedFun <- wrapExecutorDisconnected $ \edp -> disconnected c (ExecutorDriver edp)
  launchTaskFun <- wrapExecutorLaunchTask $ \edp tip -> runManaged $ do
    ti <- unmarshal tip
    liftIO $ launchTask c (ExecutorDriver edp) ti
  taskKilledFun <- wrapExecutorTaskKilled $ \edp tip -> runManaged $ do
    ti <- unmarshal tip
    liftIO $ taskKilled c (ExecutorDriver edp) ti
  frameworkMessageFun <- wrapExecutorFrameworkMessage $ \edp mcp mlp -> do
    bs <- packCStringLen (mcp, fromIntegral mlp)
    frameworkMessage c (ExecutorDriver edp) bs
  shutdownFun <- wrapExecutorShutdown $ \edp -> shutdown c (ExecutorDriver edp)
  errorCallback <- wrapExecutorError $ \edp mcp mlp -> do
    bs <- packCStringLen (mcp, fromIntegral mlp)
    errorMessage c (ExecutorDriver edp) bs
  e <- c_createExecutor registeredFun reRegisteredFun disconnectedFun launchTaskFun taskKilledFun frameworkMessageFun shutdownFun errorCallback
  return $ Executor e registeredFun reRegisteredFun disconnectedFun launchTaskFun taskKilledFun frameworkMessageFun shutdownFun errorCallback

destroyExecutor :: Executor -> IO ()
destroyExecutor e = do
  c_destroyExecutor $ executorImpl e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorRegistered e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorReRegistered e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorDisconnected e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorLaunchTask e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorTaskKilled e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorFrameworkMessage e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorShutdown e
  freeHaskellFunPtr $ rawExecutorErrorCallback e

createDriver :: Executor -> IO ExecutorDriver
createDriver = fmap ExecutorDriver . c_createExecutorDriver . executorImpl

destroyDriver :: ExecutorDriver -> IO ()
destroyDriver = c_destroyExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | Starts the executor driver. This needs to be called before any
-- other driver calls are made.
start :: ExecutorDriver -> IO Status
start = fmap toStatus . c_startExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | Stops the 'ExecutorDriver'.
stop :: ExecutorDriver -> IO Status
stop = fmap toStatus . c_stopExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | Aborts the driver so that no more callbacks can be made to the
-- executor. The semantics of abort and stop have deliberately been
-- separated so that code can detect an aborted driver (i.e., via
-- the return status of @abort@, see below), and
-- instantiate and start another driver if desired (from within the
-- same process ... although this functionality is currently not
-- supported for executors).
abort :: ExecutorDriver -> IO Status
abort = fmap toStatus . c_abortExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | Waits for the driver to be stopped or aborted, possibly
 -- *blocking* the current thread indefinitely. The return status of
 -- this function can be used to determine if the driver was aborted
 -- (see mesos.proto for a description of Status).
await :: ExecutorDriver -> IO Status
await = fmap toStatus . c_joinExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | 'start's and immediately @await@s (i.e., blocks on) the driver.
run :: ExecutorDriver -> IO Status
run = fmap toStatus . c_runExecutorDriver . fromExecutorDriver

-- | Sends a status update to the framework scheduler, retrying as
-- necessary until an acknowledgement has been received or the
 -- executor is terminated (in which case, a 'Lost' status update
 -- will be sent). See 'System.Mesos.Scheduler.statusUpdate' for more information
 -- about status update acknowledgements.
sendStatusUpdate :: ExecutorDriver -> TaskStatus -> IO Status
sendStatusUpdate (ExecutorDriver d) s = with (cppValue s) $ \sp -> do
  result <- c_sendExecutorDriverStatusUpdate d sp
  return $ toStatus result

-- | Sends a message to the framework scheduler. These messages are
-- best effort; do not expect a framework message to be
-- retransmitted in any reliable fashion.
sendFrameworkMessage :: ExecutorDriver
                     -> ByteString -- ^ message
                     -> IO Status
sendFrameworkMessage (ExecutorDriver d) s = with (cstring s) $ \(sp, sl) -> do
  result <- c_sendExecutorDriverFrameworkMessage d sp (fromIntegral sl)
  return $ toStatus result