{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}

module Language.ATS.Generate
    ( exec
    , generateATS
    , genATSTypes
    , ErrM
    ) where

import           Cases                        (snakify)
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Lens                 (over, _head)
import           Data.Bool                    (bool)
import           Data.Char                    (toUpper)
import           Data.Either                  (lefts, rights)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text                    as T
import           Language.ATS                 as ATS
import           Language.ATS.Generate.Error
import           Language.Haskell.Exts
import           Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as HS
import           Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs  (defaultCpphsOptions, runCpphs)
import           Options.Generic

data Program = Program { src    :: FilePath <?> "Haskell source file"
                       , target :: FilePath <?> "ATS target"
                       , cpphs  :: Bool <?> "Use cpphs as a preprocessor"
                       } deriving (Generic, ParseRecord)

convertConventions :: String -> String
convertConventions = filterKeys . T.unpack . snakify . T.pack

pattern QNamed :: l -> l -> String -> QName l
pattern QNamed x y s = UnQual x (Ident y s)

pattern QStorable :: l -> l -> QName l
pattern QStorable x y = UnQual x (Ident y "StorableWrapper")

pattern EmptyQualCon :: l -> ConDecl l -> QualConDecl l
pattern EmptyQualCon x cd = QualConDecl x Nothing Nothing cd

filterKeys :: String -> String
filterKeys "var" = "var_"
filterKeys s     = s

qnameToString :: QName a -> ErrM String
qnameToString (QNamed _ _ "Maybe") = Right "Option_vt"
qnameToString (QNamed _ _ s)       = Right $ convertConventions s
qnameToString _                    = unsupported "qnameToString"

-- should we allow user-defined string map?
stringTypeConv :: String -> ErrM String
stringTypeConv "Integer" = Right "Intinf"
stringTypeConv "String"  = Right "Strptr1"
stringTypeConv "CString" = Right "Strptr1"
stringTypeConv "Word"    = Right "uint"
stringTypeConv "CUInt"   = Right "uint"
stringTypeConv "Int"     = Right "int"
stringTypeConv "CInt"    = Right "int"
stringTypeConv "Float"   = Right "float"
stringTypeConv "CFloat"  = Right "float"
stringTypeConv "Double"  = Right "double"
stringTypeConv "Bool"    = Right "bool"
stringTypeConv "CBool"   = Right "bool"
stringTypeConv _         = unsupported "stringTypeConv"

toStringATS' :: QName a -> ErrM ATS.Type
toStringATS' (QNamed _ _ s) = Named . Unqualified <$> stringTypeConv s
toStringATS' _              = unsupported "toStringATS'"

tyVarToSort :: TyVarBind a -> ErrM Universal
tyVarToSort (UnkindedVar _ (Ident _ s)) = Right $ Universal [s] (Just (Vt0p None)) mempty
tyVarToSort _                           = unsupported "tyVarToSort"

universalHelper :: [TyVarBind a] -> ErrM (ATS.Type -> ATS.Type)
universalHelper (t:ts) = fmap <$> (ForA <$> tyVarToSort t) <*> universalHelper ts
universalHelper []     = pure id

-- TODO track staloads?
typeToType :: HS.Type a -> ErrM ATS.Type
typeToType (TyForall _ (Just us) Nothing t)   = universalHelper us <*> typeToType t
typeToType (TyCon _ qn)                       = toStringATS' qn
typeToType (TyVar _ n)                        = Right $ Named $ Unqualified (toStringATS n)
typeToType (TyApp _ (TyCon _ QStorable{}) t') = typeToType t'
typeToType (TyApp _ (TyCon _ qn) t')          = Dependent <$> (Unqualified <$> qnameToString qn) <*> (pure <$> typeToType t')
typeToType (TyApp _ t@TyApp{} t')             = over typeCallArgs <$> fmap (:) (typeToType t') <*> typeToType t
typeToType (TyParen _ t)                      = typeToType t
typeToType (TyBang _ _ _ t)                   = typeToType t
typeToType (TyFun _ t t')                     = FunctionType "-<lincloptr1>" <$> typeToType t <*> typeToType t'
typeToType (TyTuple _ _ ts)                   = ATS.Tuple undefined <$> mapM typeToType ts
typeToType _                                  = Left $ Unsupported "typeToType"

fieldDeclToType :: FieldDecl a -> ErrM (String, ATS.Type)
fieldDeclToType (FieldDecl _ [n] t) = (,) (toStringATS n) <$> typeToType t
fieldDeclToType _                   = Left $ Unsupported "fieldDeclToType"

conDeclToType :: ConDecl a -> ErrM (String, Maybe ATS.Type)
conDeclToType (ConDecl _ n [])  = Right (toStringATS n, Nothing)
conDeclToType (ConDecl _ n [t]) = (,) (toStringATS n) . Just <$> typeToType t
conDeclToType (ConDecl _ n ts)  = (,) (toStringATS n) . Just . ATS.Tuple undefined <$> mapM typeToType ts
conDeclToType (RecDecl _ n fs)  = (,) (toStringATS n) . Just . AnonymousRecord undefined <$> mapM fieldDeclToType (reverse fs)
conDeclToType _                 = unsupported "conDeclToType"

toStringATS :: HS.Name a -> String
toStringATS (Ident _ s) = s
toStringATS _           = undefined

tyvarToArg :: Bool -> TyVarBind a -> ErrM SortArg
tyvarToArg False (UnkindedVar _ n) = Right $ SortArg (toStringATS n) (Vt0p None)
tyvarToArg True (UnkindedVar _ n)  = Right $ SortArg (toStringATS n) (Vt0p Plus)
tyvarToArg _ _                     = unsupported "tyvarToArg"

consM :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a]
consM x xs = (:) <$> x <*> xs

asATSName :: DeclHead a -> ErrM (String, [SortArg])
asATSName (DHead _ n)    = Right (convertConventions $ toStringATS n, [])
asATSName (DHParen _ d)  = (,) . fst <$> asATSName d <*> pure []
asATSName (DHApp _ d tb) = (,) . fst <$> asATSName d <*> consM (tyvarToArg False tb) (snd <$> asATSName d)
asATSName _              = unsupported "asATSName"

qualConDeclToType :: QualConDecl a -> ErrM ATS.Type
qualConDeclToType (EmptyQualCon _ cd) = fromJust . snd <$> conDeclToType cd
qualConDeclToType _                   = unsupported "qualConDeclToType"

qualConDeclToLeaf :: QualConDecl a -> ErrM Leaf
qualConDeclToLeaf (EmptyQualCon _ cd) = Leaf [] <$> (over _head toUpper . convertConventions . fst <$> conDeclToType cd) <*> pure [] <*> (snd <$> conDeclToType cd)
qualConDeclToLeaf _                   = unsupported "qualConDeclToLeaf"

pruneATSNils :: [SortArg] -> Maybe [SortArg]
pruneATSNils [] = Nothing
pruneATSNils x  = Just x

-- TODO if it derives functor, use +
asATSType :: Decl a -> ErrM Declaration
asATSType (TypeDecl _ dh t) = ViewTypeDef undefined <$> (fst <$> asATSName dh) <*> (pruneATSNils . snd <$> asATSName dh) <*> typeToType t
asATSType (DataDecl _ NewType{} _ dh [qcd] _)  = ViewTypeDef undefined <$> (fst <$> asATSName dh) <*> (pruneATSNils . snd <$> asATSName dh) <*> qualConDeclToType qcd
asATSType (DataDecl _ DataType{} _ dh [qcd] _) = ViewTypeDef undefined <$> (fst <$> asATSName dh) <*> (pruneATSNils . snd <$> asATSName dh) <*> qualConDeclToType qcd
asATSType (DataDecl _ DataType{} _ dh qcds _)  = SumViewType <$> (fst <$> asATSName dh) <*> (pruneATSNils . snd <$> asATSName dh) <*> mapM qualConDeclToLeaf (reverse qcds)
asATSType _                                    = unsupported "asATSType"

-- TODO GDataDecl
isDataDecl :: Decl a -> Bool
isDataDecl TypeDecl{} = True
isDataDecl DataDecl{} = True
isDataDecl _          = False

filterModule :: Module a -> [Decl a]
filterModule (Module _ _ _ _ ds) = filter isDataDecl ds
filterModule _                   = []

modulePrint :: Module a -> (String, [GenerateError])
modulePrint = g . fmap asATSType . filterModule
    where g = (printATS . ATS . reverse . rights) &&& lefts

extends :: ParseMode
extends = defaultParseMode
    { extensions = EnableExtension <$> es
    , fixities = Just baseFixities }
    where es = [ StandaloneDeriving
               , CPP
               , RecordWildCards
               , BangPatterns
               , ExplicitForAll

-- | Given a string containing Haskell, return a string containing ATS and
-- a list of warnings.
generateATS :: FilePath -> String -> ErrM (String, [GenerateError])
generateATS file hsSrc = modulePrint <$> case parseModuleWithMode extends hsSrc of
    ParseOk x            -> Right x
    ParseFailed loc' msg -> syntaxError (loc' { srcFilename = file }) msg

process :: FilePath -> String -> IO String
process p = fmap (unlines . drop 1 . lines) . runCpphs defaultCpphsOptions p

genATSTypes :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
genATSTypes p p' withCPP = do
    let proc = bool pure (process p) withCPP
    contents <- proc =<< readFile p
    let warnDo (x, es) = mapM_ displayErr es >> writeFile p' x
    either displayErr warnDo (generateATS p contents)

exec :: IO ()
exec = do
    x <- getRecord "Generate ATS types for Haskell source code" :: IO Program
    genATSTypes (unHelpful . src $ x) (unHelpful . target $ x) (unHelpful . cpphs $ x)