name: hsI2C version: 0.1.2 synopsis: I2C access for Haskell and Linux description: This library provides a Haskell interface to I2C on Linux via /dev/i2c. It wrapps the libi2c c-library that is included as c-bits. Beware that poking the internal I2C buses of your PC or laptop may cause hardware damage. I test and use this library with an external i2c_tiny_usb adapter. (Note that the i2c_tiny_usb kernel driver is broken in 4.9 and 4.11. But it works with this patch: https:\/\/\/patch\/9711919\/) homepage: license: BSD3 license-files: LICENSE,LGPL author: Marc Fontaine maintainer: copyright: Marc Fontaine category: Hardware,I2C build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 extra-source-files: include/i2c/smbus.h , include/linux/i2c-dev.h library exposed-modules: System.Hardware.I2C ,System.Hardware.LinuxDevI2C ,System.Hardware.I2CTest build-depends: base < 4.10 , bytestring <0.11 , unix <2.8 c-sources: cbits/smbus.c include-dirs: include