{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Misc Small Helpers

module HSBencher.Internal.Utils 
  ( defaultTimeout, backupResults, 
    runLogged, runSL, runLines,
    trim, fetchBaseName, echoStream,
    my_name, main_threadid, 

import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException, fromException, AsyncException(ThreadKilled))
import Control.Monad.Reader -- (lift, runReaderT, ask)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
import Prelude hiding (log)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, takeBaseName)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, hGetContents)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Strm
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Concurrent as Strm
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Process (waitForProcess, getProcessExitCode, createProcess, CreateProcess(..), CmdSpec(..), StdStream(..))
import Text.Printf

import HSBencher.Types 
import HSBencher.Internal.Logging (log,logOn, LogDest(StdOut, LogFile))
import HSBencher.Internal.MeasureProcess

-- Global constants, variables:

-- TODO: grab this from the command line arguments:
my_name :: String
my_name = "hsbencher"

-- | In seconds.
defaultTimeout :: Double
defaultTimeout = 150

-- | Global variable holding the main thread id.
main_threadid :: IORef ThreadId
main_threadid = unsafePerformIO$ newIORef (error "main_threadid uninitialized")


-- Remove whitespace from both ends of a string:
trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f
   where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace

-- -- | Parse a simple "benchlist.txt" file.
-- parseBenchList :: String -> [Benchmark]
-- parseBenchList str = 
--   map parseBench $                 -- separate operator, operands
--   filter (not . null) $            -- discard empty lines
--   map words $ 
--   filter (not . isPrefixOf "#") $  -- filter comments
--   map trim $
--   lines str

-- Parse one line of a benchmark file (a single benchmark name with args).
-- parseBench :: [String] -> Benchmark
-- parseBench (h:m:tl) = Benchmark {name=h, compatScheds=expandMode m, args=tl }
-- parseBench ls = error$ "entry in benchlist does not have enough fields (name mode args): "++ unwords ls


-- | Create a thread that echos the contents of stdout/stderr InputStreams (lines) to
-- the appropriate places (as designated by the logging facility).
-- Returns an MVar used to synchronize on the completion of the echo thread.
echoStream :: Bool -> Strm.InputStream B.ByteString -> BenchM (A.Async ())
echoStream echoStdout outS = do
  conf <- ask
  lift$ A.async (runReaderT echoloop conf)
   echoloop = 
     do x <- lift$ Strm.read outS
        case x of
          Nothing -> return () -- Thread dies.
          Just ln -> do
            logOn (if echoStdout then [LogFile, StdOut] else [LogFile]) (B.unpack ln)
--            lift$ B.hPutStrLn stderr (B.append "TMPDBG: " ln) -- TEMP: make sure it gets output 

-- | Run a command and wait for all output.  Log output to the appropriate places.
--   The first argument is a "tag" to append to each output line to make things
--   clearer.
runLogged :: String -> String -> BenchM (RunResult, [B.ByteString])
runLogged tag cmd = do 
  log$ " * Executing command: " ++ cmd
  Config{ harvesters } <- ask
  SubProcess {wait,process_out,process_err} <-
    lift$ measureProcess Nothing harvesters
            --- BJS: There is a hardcoded timeout for IO streams here. (USED TO BE 150) 
            -- RRN: Setting this to no timeout for now... could maybe do 10 hrs or something.
            CommandDescr{ command=ShellCommand cmd, envVars=[], timeout=Nothing, 
                          workingDir=Nothing, tolerateError=False }
  err2 <- lift$ Strm.map (B.append (B.pack "[stderr] ")) process_err
  both <- lift$ Strm.concurrentMerge [process_out, err2]
  both' <- lift$ Strm.map (B.append$ B.pack tag) both
  -- Synchronous: gobble up and echo all the input:
  let loop acc = do
        x <- lift$ Strm.read both'
        case x of
          Nothing -> return (reverse acc)
          Just ln -> do log (B.unpack ln)
                        loop (ln:acc)
  lnes <- loop []
  res  <- lift$ wait
  log$ " * Command completed with "++show(length lnes)++" lines of output." -- ++show res
  return (res,lnes)

-- | Runs a command through the OS shell and returns stdout split into
-- lines.  (Ignore exit code and stderr.)
runLines :: String -> IO [String]
runLines cmd = do
  putStr$ "   * Executing: " ++ cmd 
  (Nothing, Just outH, Just _, ph) <- createProcess 
     CreateProcess {
       cmdspec = ShellCommand cmd,
       env = Nothing,
       std_in  = Inherit,
       std_out = CreatePipe,
       std_err = CreatePipe,
       cwd = Nothing,
       close_fds = False,
       create_group = False,
       delegate_ctlc = False
  _ <- waitForProcess ph  
  Just _code <- getProcessExitCode ph  
  str <- hGetContents outH
  let lns = lines str
  putStrLn$ " -->   "++show (length lns)++" line(s)"
  return (lines str)

-- | Runs a command through the OS shell and returns the first line of
-- output. (Ignore exit code and stderr.)
runSL :: String -> IO String
runSL cmd = do
  lns <- runLines cmd
  case lns of
    h:_ -> return h
    []  -> error$ "runSL: expected at least one line of output for command "++cmd

-- Unused: an attempt to snapshot CPU load:
getCPULoad :: IO (Maybe Double)
getCPULoad = do
   cmd <- fmap trim $ runSL "which mpstat"
   fmap loop $ runLines cmd
   -- The line after the line with %idle shoud have matching entries, for example:
   -- 10:18:05     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest   %idle
   -- 10:18:05     all    0.06    0.00    0.06    0.19    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   99.69
   loop []  = Nothing
   loop [_] = Nothing
   loop (ln:nxt:tl)
     | "%idle" `elem` words ln = parseLine ln nxt
     | otherwise               = loop (nxt:tl)
   parseLine ln nxt =
     let w1 = words ln
         w2 = words nxt
     in if length w1 /= length w2
        then Nothing
        else case lookup "%idle" (zip w1 w2) of
               Nothing -> Nothing
               Just num ->
                 case reads num of
                   (n,_):_ -> Just (100 - n)
                   _       -> Nothing

  -- This is very fragile: 
  -- "mpstat | grep -A 5 \"%idle\" | tail -n 1 | xargs -n1 echo | tail -n 1 | awk -F \" \" '{print 100 - $1}'"

-- | A more persistent version of `takeBaseName`.
fetchBaseName :: FilePath -> FilePath
fetchBaseName path =
  takeBaseName $ dropTrailingPathSeparator path
  -- trybase  = takeBaseName (target bench)
  --            if trybase == ""
  --            then takeBaseName (takeDirectory (target bench))
  --            else trybase

-- | Create a backup copy of existing results_HOST.dat files.
backupResults :: String -> String -> IO ()
backupResults resultsFile logFile = do 
  e    <- doesFileExist resultsFile
  date <- runSL "date +%Y%m%d_%s"
  when e $ do
    renameFile resultsFile (resultsFile ++"."++date++".bak")
  e2   <- doesFileExist logFile
  when e2 $ do
    renameFile logFile     (logFile     ++"."++date++".bak")