hsc3-0.13: Haskell SuperCollider

Safe HaskellNone



The unit-generator graph structure implemented by the SuperCollider synthesis server.



synth :: UGen -> GraphSource

Transform a unit generator into a graph.

 import Sound.SC3.UGen
 synth (out 0 (pan2 (sinOsc AR 440 0) 0.5 0.1))

graphdef :: Graph -> GraphdefSource

Transform a unit generator graph into bytecode.

synthdefData :: Synthdef -> GraphdefSource

Encode Synthdef as a binary data stream.

synthdef :: String -> UGen -> SynthdefSource

Transform a unit generator synth definition into bytecode.

synthdefWrite :: Synthdef -> FilePath -> IO ()Source

Write Synthdef to indicated directory. The filename is the synthdefName with the appropriate extension (scsyndef).

synthstat :: UGen -> StringSource

Simple statistical analysis of a unit generator graph.