> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "Operator.atan2" > :t atan2 > import Sound.SC3 Add a pan to the hypot doppler examples by using atan2 to find the azimuth, or direction angle, of the sound source. Assume speakers at +/- 45 degrees and clip the direction to between those. > let { x = 10 > ; y = lfSaw KR (1 / 6) 0 * 100 > ; d = hypot x y > ; a = 40 / (squared d) > ; s = rlpf (fSinOsc AR 200 0 * lfPulse AR 31.3 0 0.4) 400 0.3 > ; z = atan2E y x > ; l = clip2 (z / (pi / 2)) 1 } > in audition (out 0 (pan2 (delayL s (110 / 344) (d / 344)) l a))