> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "Qitch" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "Qitch" > import Sound.SC3 > import System.FilePath Load required data file (edit path as required) > let {d = "/home/rohan/opt/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SC3plugins" > ;qf = d "PitchDetection/extraqitchfiles/QspeckernN2048SR48000.wav"} > in withSC3 (async (b_allocRead 10 qf 0 0)) Comparison of input frequency (x) and tracked oscillator frequency (f). Output is printed to the console by scsynth. > let {x = mouseX KR 440 880 Exponential 0.1 > ;o = sinOsc AR x 0 * 0.1 > ;[f,e] = mceChannels (qitch KR o 10 1e-2 1 0 0 2500) > ;r = sinOsc AR f 0 * 0.1 > ;t = impulse KR 4 0 > ;pf = poll t f (label "f") 0 > ;px = poll t x (label "x") 0} > in audition (mrg [out 0 (mce2 o r),pf,px])