-- | /Monad/ variant of interaction with the scsynth server. module Sound.SC3.Server.Transport.Monad where import Control.Monad {- base -} import Data.List {- base -} import Data.Maybe {- base -} import System.Directory {- directory -} import System.FilePath {- filepath -} import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L {- bytestring -} import qualified Data.List.Split as Split {- split -} import qualified Data.Tree as Tree {- containers -} import qualified Safe {- safe -} import Sound.OSC {- hosc -} import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Command as Command import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Command.Generic as Generic import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Enum as Enum import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Graphdef as Graphdef import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.NRT as NRT import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Options as Options import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Status as Status import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Synthdef as Synthdef import qualified Sound.SC3.UGen.Bindings.Composite as Composite import qualified Sound.SC3.UGen.Type as UGen {- import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as M {- transformers -} import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R {- transformers -} import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Transport.FD as FD -} -- * hosc variants -- | 'sendMessage' and 'waitReply' for a @\/done@ reply. async :: DuplexOSC m => Message -> m Message async m = sendMessage m >> waitReply "/done" -- | 'void' of 'async'. async_ :: DuplexOSC m => Message -> m () async_ = void . async -- | If 'isAsync' then 'async_' else 'sendMessage'. maybe_async :: DuplexOSC m => Message -> m () maybe_async m = if Command.isAsync m then async_ m else sendMessage m -- | Variant that timestamps synchronous messages. maybe_async_at :: DuplexOSC m => Time -> Message -> m () maybe_async_at t m = if Command.isAsync m then async_ m else sendBundle (bundle t [m]) -- | Local host (ie. @ at port 'sc3_port_def' sc3_default_udp :: (String,Int) sc3_default_udp = (Options.sc3_addr_def,Options.sc3_port_def) -- | Maximum packet size, in bytes, that can be sent over UDP. -- However, see also sc3_udp_limit :: Num n => n sc3_udp_limit = 65507 -- | Bracket @SC3@ communication at indicated host and port. withSC3At :: (String,Int) -> Connection UDP a -> IO a withSC3At (h,p) = withTransport (openUDP h p) -- | Bracket @SC3@ communication, ie. 'withSC3At' 'sc3_default_udp'. -- -- > import Sound.SC3.Server.Command -- -- > withSC3 (sendMessage status >> waitReply "/status.reply") withSC3 :: Connection UDP a -> IO a withSC3 = withSC3At sc3_default_udp -- | 'void' of 'withSC3'. withSC3_ :: Connection UDP a -> IO () withSC3_ = void . withSC3 -- | 'timeout_r' of 'withSC3' withSC3_tm :: Double -> Connection UDP a -> IO (Maybe a) withSC3_tm tm = timeout_r tm . withSC3 -- | Run /f/ at /k/ scsynth servers with sequential port numbers starting at 'Options.sc3_port_def'. -- -- > withSC3At_seq sc3_default_udp 2 (sendMessage status >> waitReply "/status.reply") withSC3At_seq :: (String,Int) -> Int -> Connection UDP a -> IO [a] withSC3At_seq (h,p) k f = do let mk_udp i = openUDP h (p + i) mapM (\i -> withTransport (mk_udp i) f) [0 .. k - 1] -- | 'void' of 'withSC3_seq'. withSC3At_seq_ :: (String,Int) -> Int -> Connection UDP a -> IO () withSC3At_seq_ loc k = void . withSC3At_seq loc k -- * Server control -- | Free all nodes ('g_freeAll') at group @1@. stop :: SendOSC m => m () stop = sendMessage (Command.g_freeAll [1]) -- * Composite -- | Runs 'clearSched' and then frees and re-creates groups @1@ and @2@. reset :: SendOSC m => m () reset = let m = [Command.clearSched ,Command.n_free [1,2] ,Command.g_new [(1,Enum.AddToHead,0),(2,Enum.AddToTail,0)]] in sendBundle (bundle immediately m) -- | (node-id,add-action,group-id,parameters) type Play_Opt = (Command.Node_Id,Enum.AddAction,Command.Group_Id,[(String,Double)]) -- | Make 's_new' message to play 'Graphdef.Graphdef'. play_graphdef_msg :: Play_Opt -> Graphdef.Graphdef -> Message play_graphdef_msg (nid,act,gid,param) g = let nm = ascii_to_string (Graphdef.graphdef_name g) in Command.s_new nm nid act gid param -- | If the graph size is less than 'sc3_udp_limit' encode and send -- using 'd_recv_bytes', else write to temporary directory and read -- using 'd_load'. recv_or_load_graphdef :: Transport m => Graphdef.Graphdef -> m Message recv_or_load_graphdef g = do tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory let nm = ascii_to_string (Graphdef.graphdef_name g) fn = tmp nm <.> "scsyndef" by = Graphdef.encode_graphdef g sz = L.length by if sz < sc3_udp_limit then async (Command.d_recv_bytes by) else liftIO (Graphdef.graphdefWrite fn g) >> async (Command.d_load fn) -- | Send 'd_recv' and 's_new' messages to scsynth. playGraphdef :: Transport m => Play_Opt -> Graphdef.Graphdef -> m () playGraphdef opt g = recv_or_load_graphdef g >> sendMessage (play_graphdef_msg opt g) -- | Send 'd_recv' and 's_new' messages to scsynth. playSynthdef :: Transport m => Play_Opt -> Synthdef.Synthdef -> m () playSynthdef opt = playGraphdef opt . Synthdef.synthdef_to_graphdef -- | Send an /anonymous/ instrument definition using 'playSynthdef'. playUGen :: Transport m => Play_Opt -> UGen.UGen -> m () playUGen loc = playSynthdef loc . Synthdef.synthdef "Anonymous" . Composite.wrapOut Nothing -- * NRT -- | Wait ('pauseThreadUntil') until bundle is due to be sent relative -- to the initial 'Time', then send each message, asynchronously if -- required. run_bundle :: Transport m => Time -> Bundle -> m () run_bundle t0 b = do let t = t0 + bundleTime b latency = 0.1 liftIO (pauseThreadUntil (t - latency)) mapM_ (maybe_async_at t) (bundleMessages b) {- | Play an 'NRT' score (as would be rendered by 'writeNRT'). > let sc = NRT [bundle 1 [s_new0 "default" (-1) AddToHead 1] > ,bundle 2 [n_set1 (-1) "gate" 0]] > in withSC3 (nrt_play sc) -} nrt_play :: Transport m => NRT.NRT -> m () nrt_play sc = do t0 <- liftIO time mapM_ (run_bundle t0) (NRT.nrt_bundles sc) -- | Variant where asynchronous commands at time @0@ are separated out and run before -- the initial time-stamp is taken. This re-orders synchronous -- commands in relation to asynchronous at time @0@. nrt_play_reorder :: Transport m => NRT.NRT -> m () nrt_play_reorder s = do let (i,r) = NRT.nrt_span (<= 0) s i' = concatMap bundleMessages i (a,b) = Command.partition_async i' mapM_ async a t <- liftIO time mapM_ (run_bundle t) (Bundle 0 b : r) -- | 'withSC3' of 'nrt_play'. nrt_audition :: NRT.NRT -> IO () nrt_audition = withSC3 . nrt_play -- * Audible -- | Class for values that can be encoded and send to @scsynth@ for audition. class Audible e where play_at :: Transport m => Play_Opt -> e -> m () -- | Variant where /id/ is @-1@. play :: Transport m => e -> m () play = play_at (-1,Enum.AddToHead,1,[]) instance Audible Graphdef.Graphdef where play_at = playGraphdef instance Audible Synthdef.Synthdef where play_at = playSynthdef instance Audible UGen.UGen where play_at = playUGen -- | 'withSC3At' of 'play_at'. audition_at :: Audible e => (String,Int) -> Play_Opt -> e -> IO () audition_at loc opt = withSC3At loc . play_at opt -- | 'withSC3_seq' of 'play_at'. audition_at_seq :: Audible e => (String,Int) -> Play_Opt -> Int -> e -> IO () audition_at_seq loc opt k = withSC3At_seq_ loc k . play_at opt -- | Default 'Play_Opt', ie. (-1,addToHead,1,[]) def_play_opt :: Play_Opt def_play_opt = (-1,Enum.AddToHead,1,[]) -- | 'audition_at' 'def_play_opt' audition :: Audible e => e -> IO () audition = audition_at sc3_default_udp def_play_opt -- | 'audition_at_seq' 'def_play_opt' audition_seq :: Audible e => Int -> e -> IO () audition_seq = audition_at_seq sc3_default_udp def_play_opt -- * Notifications -- | Turn on notifications, run /f/, turn off notifications, return result. withNotifications :: DuplexOSC m => m a -> m a withNotifications f = do async_ (Command.notify True) r <- f async_ (Command.notify False) return r -- * Buffer & control & node variants. -- | Variant of 'b_getn1' that waits for return message and unpacks it. -- -- > withSC3_tm 1.0 (b_getn1_data 0 (0,5)) b_getn1_data :: DuplexOSC m => Int -> (Int,Int) -> m [Double] b_getn1_data b s = do let f m = let (_,_,_,r) = Command.unpack_b_setn_err m in r sendMessage (Command.b_getn1 b s) fmap f (waitReply "/b_setn") -- | Variant of 'b_getn1_data' that segments individual 'b_getn' -- messages to /n/ elements. -- -- > withSC3_tm 1.0 (b_getn1_data_segment 1 0 (0,5)) b_getn1_data_segment :: DuplexOSC m => Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> m [Double] b_getn1_data_segment n b (i,j) = do let ix = Command.b_indices n j i d <- mapM (b_getn1_data b) ix return (concat d) -- | Variant of 'b_getn1_data_segment' that gets the entire buffer. b_fetch :: DuplexOSC m => Int -> Int -> m [[Double]] b_fetch n b = do let f m = let (_,nf,nc,_) = Command.unpack_b_info_err m ix = (0,nf * nc) deinterleave = transpose . Split.chunksOf nc in fmap deinterleave (b_getn1_data_segment n b ix) sendMessage (Command.b_query1 b) waitReply "/b_info" >>= f -- | First channel of 'b_fetch', errors if there is no data. -- -- > withSC3 (b_fetch1 512 123456789) b_fetch1 :: DuplexOSC m => Int -> Int -> m [Double] b_fetch1 n b = fmap (Safe.headNote "b_fetch1: no data") (b_fetch n b) -- | Combination of 'b_query1_unpack' and 'b_fetch'. b_fetch_hdr :: Transport m => Int -> Int -> m ((Int,Int,Int,Double),[[Double]]) b_fetch_hdr k b = do q <- b_query1_unpack b d <- b_fetch k b return (q,d) -- | 'b_info_unpack_err' of 'b_query1'. b_query1_unpack_generic :: (DuplexOSC m,Num n,Fractional r) => Int -> m (n,n,n,r) b_query1_unpack_generic n = do sendMessage (Command.b_query1 n) q <- waitReply "/b_info" return (Generic.unpack_b_info_err q) -- | Type specialised 'b_query1_unpack_generic'. -- -- > withSC3 (b_query1_unpack 0) b_query1_unpack :: DuplexOSC m => Command.Buffer_Id -> m (Int,Int,Int,Double) b_query1_unpack = b_query1_unpack_generic -- | Variant of 'c_getn1' that waits for the reply and unpacks the data. c_getn1_data :: (DuplexOSC m,Floating t) => (Int,Int) -> m [t] c_getn1_data s = do let f d = case d of Int32 _:Int32 _:x -> mapMaybe datum_floating x _ -> error "c_getn1_data" sendMessage (Command.c_getn1 s) fmap f (waitDatum "/c_setn") -- | Apply /f/ to result of 'n_query'. n_query1_unpack_f :: DuplexOSC m => (Message -> t) -> Command.Node_Id -> m t n_query1_unpack_f f n = do sendMessage (Command.n_query [n]) r <- waitReply "/n_info" return (f r) -- | Variant of 'n_query' that waits for and unpacks the reply. n_query1_unpack :: DuplexOSC m => Command.Node_Id -> m (Maybe (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Maybe (Int,Int))) n_query1_unpack = n_query1_unpack_f Command.unpack_n_info -- | Variant of 'n_query1_unpack' that returns plain (un-lifted) result. n_query1_unpack_plain :: DuplexOSC m => Command.Node_Id -> m [Int] n_query1_unpack_plain = n_query1_unpack_f Command.unpack_n_info_plain -- | Variant of 'g_queryTree' that waits for and unpacks the reply. g_queryTree1_unpack :: DuplexOSC m => Command.Group_Id -> m Status.Query_Node g_queryTree1_unpack n = do sendMessage (Command.g_queryTree [(n,True)]) r <- waitReply "/g_queryTree.reply" return (Status.queryTree (messageDatum r)) -- * Status -- | Collect server status information. -- -- > withSC3 serverStatus >>= mapM putStrLn serverStatus :: DuplexOSC m => m [String] serverStatus = fmap Status.statusFormat serverStatusData -- | Collect server status information. -- -- > withSC3 server_status_concise >>= putStrLn server_status_concise :: DuplexOSC m => m String server_status_concise = fmap Status.status_format_concise serverStatusData -- | Read nominal sample rate of server. -- -- > withSC3 serverSampleRateNominal serverSampleRateNominal :: DuplexOSC m => m Double serverSampleRateNominal = fmap (Status.extractStatusField 7) serverStatusData -- | Read actual sample rate of server. -- -- > withSC3 serverSampleRateActual serverSampleRateActual :: DuplexOSC m => m Double serverSampleRateActual = fmap (Status.extractStatusField 8) serverStatusData -- | Retrieve status data from server. serverStatusData :: DuplexOSC m => m [Datum] serverStatusData = do sendMessage Command.status waitDatum "/status.reply" -- * Tree -- | Collect server node tree information. -- -- > withSC3 serverTree >>= mapM_ putStrLn serverTree :: DuplexOSC m => m [String] serverTree = do qt <- g_queryTree1_unpack 0 let tr = Status.queryTree_rt qt return ["***** SuperCollider Server Tree *****",Tree.drawTree (fmap Status.query_node_pp tr)]