hsc3-0.2: Haskell SuperCollider




Multiple Channel Expansion

mceDegree :: UGen -> IntSource

Number of channels to expand to.

mceExtend :: Int -> UGen -> [UGen]Source

Extend UGen to specified degree.

mceTransform :: UGen -> UGenSource

Apply MCE transformation.

mceExpand :: UGen -> UGenSource

Apply MCE transformation if required.

mceEdit :: ([UGen] -> [UGen]) -> UGen -> UGenSource

Apply UGen list operation on MCE contents.

mceReverse :: UGen -> UGenSource

Reverse order of channels at MCE.

mceChannel :: Int -> UGen -> UGenSource

Obtain indexed channel at MCE.

mceChannels :: UGen -> [UGen]Source

Output channels of UGen as a list.

mceTranspose :: UGen -> UGenSource

Transpose rows and columns, ie. {{a,b},{c,d}} to {{a,c},{b,d}}.